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Ertl Company

Main pageGalleryThe Ertl Company is an American toy company which formerly produced several Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends toys from 1984 to 2004. The most notable of these toy ranges made was a line of 1/64 scale die-cast models and playsets of characters from The Railway Series and Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends.Contents1 Overview2 1/64 Scale Die-cast range2.1 History2.1.1 1984 - 19932.1.2 1993 - 19992.1.3 2000 - 20042.2 Models2.2.1 Engines2.2.2 Rolling Stock2.2.3 Vehicles2.2.4 Humans2.2.5 Shining Time Releases2.2.6 Special Editions2.2.7 Multi-Packs2.3 Playsets and Accessories3 Gold Rail3.1 Engines3.2 Playsets4 Miniatures4.1 Vehicles4.2 Multi-Packs4.3 Playsets5 Miscellaneous5.1 Wind up5.2 Remote and Radio Control5.3 Money Box5.4 Motorised/Pull Back vehicles5.5 Pre-school toys5.6 Collector Cards5.7 Ertl Collectables5.8 Books6 Trivia7 ReferencesOverviewThe first Thomas products released by Ertl in 1984 were a die-cast Thomas with a sticker sheet of different facial expressions and...

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