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As power in Europe teeters further to the far right, the UK has done the opposite


Despite Farage's Reform UK gaining steam, it wasn't nearly enough to translate into victories, splitting the Tory vote and handing Labour victory.

Independent candidate Niko Omilana holds an "L" as British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak speaks after winning the count for the Richmond and Northallerton constituency during the UK general election on July 5, 2024 in Northallerton, England.
British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak.
  • The UK has voted the Labour Party back in power, smashing the Tories' 14-year majority.
  • Meanwhile, the rest of Europe has seen the far-right gaining legitimate power.
  • Germany and France are on the brink of seeing the far-right gain critical mass. It's already won in countries like Italy.

As the dust settles from the UK's general election, it's clear the Tories have lost big.

The results from July 4 were a dramatic rebuke of an incumbent Conservative Party leadership that has governed for 14 years, with Prime Minister Rishi Sunak's faction losing more than 240 seats as the count wrapped up.

Sunak, who conceded defeat on Friday morning UK time, will likely be replaced by Labour Party leader Keir Starmer.

Starmer has spent over a decade trying to reshape his leftist party into a more centrist movement, ejecting its socialist elements, including stalwart Jeremy Corbyn.

Often seen as a straight-laced, methodical politician, he's pledged to shore up vulnerabilities in the healthcare system and to re-negotiate the UK's Brexit deal with the European Union — which he said had been "botched."

To be sure, the defeat of the Tories was partly due to smaller parties — including Nigel Farage's populist Reform UK — siphoning the vote share in scores of conservative constituencies. Farage's party came in second for over 100 seats, while The Guardian estimates that it may have cost the Tories 180 seats.

Despite winning a stunning number of seats, Labour has not enjoyed a meteoric rise in vote share that matches the Tories' spectacular fall.

Still, the result has been that power in the UK parliament has shifted emphatically away from conservatives, making it a clear outlier in Europe's political shifts this year.

Among the continent's other most prominent nations, the European Parliamentary elections in June have seen far-right factions gain critical mass, and the results are cascading into an unraveling of power long-held by leftist governments there.

Germany's Scholz denies a snap election

Germany's Alternative for Germany (AfD), led by Alice Weidel and Tino Chrupalla, overtook Chancellor Olaf Scholz's Social Democratic Party in the EU polls despite losing key candidates and fighting a series of scandals.

Tino Chrupalla and Alice Weidel, co-leaders of the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) political party, celebrate at the AfD election evening gathering following the release of initial election results in European parliamentary elections on June 9, 2024 in Berlin, Germany.
Tino Chrupalla and Alice Weidel, co-leaders of the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) political party, celebrate on June 9, 2024, in Berlin.

Now in second place with 16% of the German vote, the far-right party has taken the result as a sign of national support shifting in its favor and called for a snap election at home. Scholz, however, has rejected the idea.

France's Macron in peril

It's a different story for France and President Emmanuel Macron, whose Renaissance party won only 14.6% of the vote in the European election.

With the National Rally — a far-right faction led by Marine Le Pen — taking first place with 31.3% of the French vote, Macron called for a snap election of his country's national parliament.

Head of French far-right Rassemblement National (RN) parliamentary group at the National Assembly Marine Le Pen casts her vote in the first round of parliamentary elections in Henin-Beaumont, North of France, on June 30, 2024.
Marine Le Pen on June 30, 2024.

As the first round of the French election closed on Sunday, results showed Le Pen's faction pulling far ahead of its leftist and centrist opponents.

A second round is to come on July 7, and the lead-up has evolved into a chaotic effort to keep the far right from power.

Hundreds of candidates have withdrawn, trying to avoid splitting the vote between those in the center and left.

Meanwhile, Macron, whose approval ratings have plummeted to their lowest in his seven-year tenure as president, is keeping a low profile.

The Brothers of Italy win a show of support

In Italy, the far right has already cemented its power in the form of Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni's ultra-conservative Brothers of Italy, which became the ruling party in 2022.

Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni with the Minister for European Affairs, Cohesion Policies and the PNRR, Raffaele Fitto during the Communications of the President of the Council in view of the meeting of the European Council of 27 and 28 June 2024 at the Senate Chamber.
Giorgia Meloni in June 2024.

In a sign of sustaining support for her party, it won nearly 29% of the national vote in June's European Parliament elections, up from 6% in 2019.

The runner-up was the Democratic Party, with 24.1% of the Italian vote.

Elsewhere, much of Europe is leaning right. Spain's People's Party, a center-right faction, gained 34% of the country's vote in the European Parliament, beating the incumbent Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez's socialist government.

Still, the far-right faction there, Vox, struggled to gain a foothold, with only 9.6% of the vote, down from 12.4% in 2019.

The Netherlands has also just formed a right-wing government, with its largest component being the anti-immigration and populist Party for Freedom led by Geert Wilders.

Meanwhile, the far right is seeing clearer beginnings with Reform UK. While coming in second for many constituencies, it's taken 4 seats after winning nothing in 2019.

Farage, who led the Brexit movement, is now finally elected a member of the country's parliament with 46% of the vote in Clacton.

Reform UK party leader Nigel Farage speaks to the crowd as he arrives in a land rover to deliver a stump speech to supporters on July 3, 2024 in Clacton-on-Sea, England.
Reform UK party leader Nigel Farage on July 3, 2024.

The dramatic changes in the polls come amid growing disdain toward the economic challenges faced in many parts of the continent, with a rising cost of living and inflation.

Some observers think the shifts are a sign of pure anti-establishment sentiment, with voters blaming whoever is in power regardless of whether they're on the left or right.

"There's a lot of dissatisfaction with the way democracy is working," Richard Wike, the director of global attitudes research at the Pew Research Center, said on an episode of FiveThirtyEight's politics podcast in June.

July 5, 2023: This story was updated to reflect further information on the impact of Reform UK's campaigns on the Conservative Party's loss in vote share.

Read the original article on Business Insider

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