Multiple game modes are available to play in both games of The Evil Within series and their DLCs, The Assignment and The Consequence.Contents1 Overview1.1 New Game+1.2 Difficulty settings2 Additional settings3 Notes3.1 AKUMU3.2 Classic4 Achievements4.1 The Evil Within4.2 The Evil Within 25 Trivia5.1 General5.2 New Game+5.3 ClassicOverview[]Gameplay modes in The Evil Within and its sequel are divided into two primary categories: Difficulty settings and New Game+.New Game+[]New Game+ is unlocked as soon as the story is completed, and allows the player to start the game again with any progress to upgrades and collectible retained, along with additional unlockable items. A cleared save can then be used to start a New Game+ at any time regardless of completion, and progress will be copied over from that point. A New Game+ can only be started on the highest difficulty setting it was completed on and below.Enemies slain during a New Game+ drop more items than usual, to aid with unlocking Seba...