Trail Clean-Up Days
Get ready for our Summer Trail Clean-Up Days! The sun has dried out the trails, making them perfect for us to step in and clean up. Over the winter season, accidental littering has occurred during our adventures, leaving our beloved trails in need of a bit of sprucing up. We invite you to spend a wonderful evening on the trails, not just for a clean-up, but to reinforce our shared responsibility towards our community. Cleaning up doesn’t only make our trails look better, it helps protect the local wildlife and ensures a safer, cleaner environment for all future explorations. Join us as we take a step towards safeguarding our community’s natural treasures.
Trail Day #1: Thursday, July 25th from 5 pm – 7 pm
Trail Day #2: Thursday, August 1st from 5 pm -7 pm
Trail Day #3: Friday, August 16th from 5 pm – 7 pm
-Cold beverages and snacks will be provided.
-Clean-up supplies will be provided.
-Bring work gloves if you have them.
-Backpack with safety essentials.
Check out Adventure Smart for more information
Please RSVP Wendy
*More volunteer opportunities for building repairs in the fall. Dates in September.