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Chat log from R17 of 2024: St Kilda vs Sydney


Chat log for St Kilda vs Sydney, R17 of 2024

pcaman2003: Hoping with C on Gulden, no one tags him. Could go big here if left alone.
DaMeatloaf: Please turn it around Chad
Noxious: would be nice pca, C on grundy myself
pcaman2003: Noxious. Oppo has Grundy so can’t barrack for him.. Good luck anyway.
piesfan420: oppo with grundy and i got gulden myself
Wends: Afternoon all… and me too pca… fingers crossed
slydon: marshall, NWM and heeney for me
slydon: need a big game from rowan and NWM
pcaman2003: Wends. Rasp has him C too. Heaven help us all ????
Stu7: Sinhair & Gulden
Wends: nooo! critical mass; we’re doomed ????
piesfan420: that bounce pfhhh
nbartos: has ross the boss parked the bus b4 the game even started?
Noxious: What game are you watching bartos lol
Wends: What in the sweet jaysus is happening with the scoring?
Noxious: Great, gawn subbed off injured now too
clay007: Worst sydney jumper ever
nbartos: u obv dont understand the reference nox
Wends: Is horse making a passive agressive statement to Gulden about his ToG
pcaman2003: Wasn’t Errol called an elite kick?
pcaman2003: Wends. Yes! So much for the 100%TOG quip he made recently.
nbartos: 2 Ls in a row would rock the Swan jugganaut
Stu7: Gulden you Gun
shancrows: Stay low Sinclair and Steele
soup: Another week of watching Errol play without an opponent. Painful watching
pcaman2003: Stu7. Poor return on 12 possies. Should be close to 50,not 28. Poor DE and clangers.
Raspel31: Unless you capped him soup.
Stu7: Cheers pca
Stu7: I?m loving soup
TimT14: Kick 4 Marshal
Stu7: I?m loving it soup
Stu7: *is Windhager on Heeney?
Wends: Yeah pca… wondering if that has something to do with it… Hope it’s not too much of an issue arrghh!!
piesfan420: NWM 7 touches for 15
FreeHughsy: gulden clanger to wm intercept, idk how to feel
piesfan420: nvm mine just updated haha
TimT14: 2 to go Marshall
OffaStep: Just started watching, Stu7, but before the game, Lyon said he was going to take on the Swans midfield – no tag planned.
Noxious: Cmon Grundy get in it
Stu7: Cheers OffaStep
bhg26: Chad
Raspel31: If big Maxxy gorn interesting trade next week.
Stu7: Come on Sinclair
OffaStep: 3 trades left. Been cruising with no injury issues until now – potentially Big Max and Touk. Would kill my season.
Roarix: So Warner isnt getting tagged.. wonderful
DrSeuss: BT – Grundy arrove, arrived actually lol – idiot
FreeHughsy: I reckon maxy will be fine to play next week, melbourne need the wins and will take the risk
Raspel31: I’ve kept 5 trades- learned from bitter experience. Think Max out.
original: Schoenmaker tog suggests he gunna get dropped
Stu7: Not helpful OffaStep
Wends: Maxy to Marshall Rasp if he is indeed, gorn? I feel like I’ve had 7 rucks already this year
Pokerface: it is ok to take a donut for 1 week injuries
OffaStep: Good policy, Rasp. With 40 trades I got a little loose. The only donuts I like are hot and jammy, Poker.
nbartos: Heeney disappointing
clay007: If you must trade max, I’d go Xerri or De Koning. They are killing it. Marshall is either up or down. Today…up
Raspel31: My point exactly Wends.
Stu7: Off the bench Gulden & Sinhair
Pokerface: if you are trading one week injuries, i can’t really help you Offa
Pokerface: De Koning.. you’ll have to be more specific clay ????
Wends: You may be right clay… feels dirty going back to Marshall after trading him out for his “injury” earlier.
LachieMcL: gawn is fine he was always going to be subbed. Rolled ankle and a 6 day break
OffaStep: No one can, Poker. I don’t plan on trading 1 week injuries and have cover but I hate watching my OA rank slip away.
Raspel31: Rather like it Poker and frees cash for all primos
pcaman2003: If Gawn out, at least I have backup in Jackson till Gawn back
Pokerface: unless you are in the top 100, OA rank is meaningless, its your league you want to win, and trades are critical
J_Herer: Grundy getting owned?
Pokerface: if you wanna trade him because clarry can no longer receive his taps, thats a different matter ????
Pokerface: probably top 10 by this stage actually
pcaman2003: Gulden stii needs a lot of work on delivery to team mates. DE is terrible
OffaStep: Nonsense. OA is a PB challenge each year for me.
Pokerface: ok, well if you ditch your league for OA i still can’t help you
FreeHughsy: Im getting sick of jack steele
Raspel31: All my players ton up-yep even my bench. Subscribe to the Aspel website now.
OffaStep: Who said anything about ditching league? It’s a balancing act. I am happily beyond help, Poker.
Wends: Keep going Errol
Stu7: Sinclair wtf
Pokerface: trading one week injuries is definitely ditching league aspirations
clay007: Steele needs to lead by example. He is no longer a beast in the guts. He used to be a tackling machine
Pokerface: out of first gear Sinclair
bhg26: Chad
Apachecats: Nearest the Pin on Gulden .Apache goes 134.
OffaStep: Inflexible thinking is dangerous, Poker. But, I won’t be trading one-weekers.
Noxious: Geez warner can kick a good goal
piesfan420: 109 apache
pcaman2003: Gulden for 122
FreeHughsy: hughsy predicts 131
Pokerface: its not inflexible, its always situation dependent. but OA rank chasers dont care if they run out of trades i guess
naicosfan: ah yes after being on an incredible hot streak of form and success, lets move sinclair from HB to the mids. ross the bos
Noxious: 115 apache
Pokerface: Gulden 97
frenzy: guld 126
Raspel31: Errol- the ladds are lining up. Take the leap.
FreeHughsy: oh wait he is being tagged now, oops…. hughsy predicts 111
nbartos: cant get over Heeneys score atm
Stu7: Gulden 125
Apachecats: no changing FreeH you are on 131.
TimT14: 119 for Gulden
Hazza09: piss off seriously, never again
colin wood: heeneys score is laughable
Wends: Agreed nbartos
FreeHughsy: wow thats a bit stiff apache
Gotigres: Gulden 136
Pokerface: stu wedged between pca and frenzy
Apachecats: NTP closes end of half time.
original: purple name game is back
Wends: Gulden 121
Raspel31: 278 for Gulden- I’m an optimist.. 113
bhg26: 131 Gulden
FreeHughsy: just me or scores stopped moving?
OffaStep: Running out of trades is death either way, Poker. I prioritise league over OA but play a generally immoderate game.
lana2146: Scores jammed
colin wood: yeah has to be heeney will be atleast 30-35ish surely
Pokerface: you see a lot of those near the top running out in the next week or two. then those with no injuries are OA winners
TimT14: NTP used to be purple name game
OffaStep: I’ll have Gulden for 58 then.
Pokerface: league is a different game. you looking at matchups in the last couple of weeks and target those teams with trades
Pokerface: lol, subbed out at half time Offa?
OffaStep: Scores jammed… ????
PAFC4eva: 141 apache
Apachecats: Hope you are right PAFC
Apachecats: McGovern in hospital -ch 7.
Apachecats: NTP closing soon.Winner in next game chat.
Apachecats: NTP closed 15 entries.
pcaman2003: Which McGovern Apache?
original: WCE mcgov
naicosfan: whats wrong?
Apachecats: J I think -not sure though PCA
pcaman2003: Crap! I just brought him in this week.Hope he’s okay.
Apachecats: Lung and ribs. naicos
OffaStep: “Internal injuries”
naicosfan: ah shower, oh well down to 1 trade
Wends: These score changes giving vertigo
pcaman2003: Guldens clangers and shower disposal giving me vertigo.
Noxious: Dooo something grundy pls, at least get 100
Apachecats: 23 touches -you’re allowed a few clangers
beerent11: Cheers for that pca.
pcaman2003: Apach. I agree on that to a point, but most have ben unforced.
original: Cmon schoenmaker we need your value to rise
pcaman2003: beer. Was wondering when you’d show up.Haha! Put the moz on the Gov now.
beerent11: He played a gf with a broken rib. He?ll probably just shake it off.
Stu7: Sinclair you spud get a move on
Gotigres: I can see why Heeney is one of the favourites for the Brownlow
naicosfan: stay low grundy
TheOnyas: onya hilly
Lodgy: Grundy will come home strong, gun of the game the ruck pig
Noxious: bhg, any chance of giving them a rev up? wtf
naicosfan: keep going sinclair
Legix: Heeney nothing to worry about it I reckon
Social: Reckless, high contact, medium.impact… I reckon he should worry
Gotigres: Is there another round of DPP coming up
Pokerface: woo hoo gulden 91.. did I win Apache?
Apachecats: end of game score pokerface , calm down.
original: Dpp announced tonight or tomorrow
Pokerface: oh
pcaman2003: Who won the last Closest to pin Apache
lana2146: lol minuses all round
Apachecats: HepsHeroes ,the newbie. went 101 PCA
pcaman2003: Thanks! Go HepsHeroes the new kid on the block.
Stu7: Hey going Gulden 38 more to go
Gotigres: Will any good players get fwd status? Any ideas anyone?
clay007: I want to retract my comment about Jack Steele. He has been fantastic.
Wends: Wakey wakey Errol
lana2146: Nope none Gotigres
BRAZZERS: of course you do, u have a habit of throwing your toys out the cot early
Gotigres: Thanks Lana
sheezel420: Heendog has just gone bang
naicosfan: where has heeney come from?
original: ZWilliams (best small fwd in comp) will get fwd status
clay007: I don’t think so Brazzers. I rarely berate players or call them flogs
lana2146: Dont think I could bring Zwill back again
Noxious: Off the pine Grundy, need more points pls
FlaggersXD: Wasn’t someone complaining about Heeney earlier?
Stu7: Gulden you spud
Lodgy: Cmon Flaggers, call them out
Ninty: Gulden only 86% tog? Bloke is cooked
pcaman2003: Well, Gulden gone into early retirement and score going backwards.. Not again Errol,please!
lana2146: Thought Grundy would go huge today nope
Lodgy: I did txt my mate saying Heeney mightve forgotten he is a chance for a brownlow. Since then he has been brilliant
Lodgy: ANd Heeney could get suspended. Epic Drama
Pokerface: slow down Errol. Offastep will take my NTP with much more
Stu7: Gulden lucky to ton up
Noxious: Thats it Grundy keep going
clay007: I am so happy. The Saints are having a crack. This is a great game.
naicosfan: stop grundy
nbartos: i was flagger ????
jlitza: heeney comeback king
clay007: I hope the umpires don’t ruin the game with a 50-50 shower free kick
Noxious: Waiting for it Clay
clay007: Suck flower florent
Noxious: Just get rid of it florent
Noxious: Gulden whats this 85% tog business
clay007: Terrible kick by Phillipou
Lodgy: papley what?
pcaman2003: Gulden has come down 10 pts last 15 mins. WTH! Has he given up?
Noxious: 2 weeks in a row swans cant kick a goal under pressure
BRAZZERS: swannies will gt smacked by victorian teams in the GF anyway.
nbartos: shut up BT
sheezel420: norf to beat swom next week
Noxious: wow what a game this has turned into
BRAZZERS: commentators are begging for the saints to win, unbearable
Noxious: Mcdonald 2 weeks in a row….
Stu7: Saints will choke
nbartos: bad kicking loses games
BRAZZERS: wilkie – rock, phillipou – blue moon
Stu7: Is McDonald related to Max King
pcaman2003: Gulden sucks big time once again.
bhg26: We are so pretenders
Ninty: ERROR Gulden; lol swans frauds
Apachecats: Pokerface well done NTP went 97.Gulden
Wends: good recovery Heeney, but pca… we mozzed capt gulden ????
nbartos: 2 ls in a row as predicted earlier
Stu7: Not wrong pca
Noxious: Cant wait for the scoops post about this one, well played saints
soup: Errol entering the conversation with nic martin as most overrated field kick in the comp
Stu7: Sinclair lifter well done mate
Stu7: Lifted
Pokerface: Gulden always has lower 2nd halves.
nbartos: tru soup
Pokerface: Sinclair should get gun
Wends: It’s my dud coaching poker… took the C off Dunks
Wends: And well played Saints, deserved the w
Pokerface: your fault again Wends. thanks a lot
Manowar: bye bye Horse, you had another mare today
Wends: lol
original: Wow gulden dropped

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