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DEMENTIA-GATE: Massive cover-up of Biden health in works for YEARS

Joe Biden speaks at a meeting on a Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment (PGII) event at the 2024 G7 Summit, Thursday, June 13, 2024, at Borgo Egnazia in Apulia, Italy. (Official White House Photo by Oliver Contreras)

Joe Biden speaks at a meeting on a Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment (PGII) event at the 2024 G7 Summit, Thursday, June 13, 2024, at Borgo Egnazia in Apulia, Italy. (Official White House Photo by Oliver Contreras)

That Joe Biden has been exhibiting signs of some loss of mental and physical abilities isn't a question any longer. He is, after all, 81 years old going at full throttle to 82 in just a few months.

Already, it was a federal special counsel, Robert Hur, who concluded Biden did, in fact, keep government secrets to which was not entitled in violation of federal law. But Hur recommended against filing charges, which would be felonies, because a jury would see Biden as an old man with diminished memory.

Biden's gaffes and verbal blunders likely didn't create a real clear picture about the severity of his situation for one thing because he's been making those gaffes for years – starting long before a serious decline apparently started. It was just part of him being Joe Biden.

Mike Towle's book, "Biden Time," notes back in 2006 he demanded, "You cannot go to a 7-11 or a Dunkin' Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent … I'm not kidding!"

In 2009 he said, "Now, people when I say that look at me and say, 'What are you talking about, Joe? You're telling me we have to go spend money to keep from going bankrupt?' The answer is yes, that's what I'm telling you."

Further, he called out a "friend" as a "butt buddy." And he bragged about knowing three presidents "intimately."

His penchant for sniffing girls' hair came out verbally, too. He said, to a 15-year-old, "How old are you? Fifteen? I hope mom has a big fence" and "You've got some eyes, Isabel, I tell you."

And he's made himself an expert on weapons: "So you want to keep people away in an earthquake? Buy some shotgun shells."

But there were indicators of issues, despite the best efforts by his circle of family and friends to hide them.

A nonscientific polling in 2020 revealed that 98%, 362 votes, to 2%, 9 votes) said he has "lost his mind."

After all, he said he "got to the Senate" "180 years ago."

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He's sometimes interrupted his own teleprompter speeches with, "What am I doing here?"

He's warned about an "invasion of Hispanics."

Mishmash numbers

He complained of "one trillion, 640 billion" loopholes in the tax code.

He was talking about the costs of a program: "740 million billion dollars."

That would actually be 740 sextillion, a word that fortunately has not made it into the federal budget. Yet.

He called someone who didn't give him the answered he liked a "Lying, dog-faced pony soldier," whatever that means in his octogenarian mind.

Confronted with the irrefutable fact of Biden's' decline, the White House suddenly started claiming all such videos were "cheap fakes," a takeoff on the "deep fakes" that are manipulated with tech devices.

But these were not manipulated, only presented to Americans.

At a G7 summit, he turned his back on other leaders and started walking away. He's wandered across the White House lawn. He's tried to shake hands with people who weren't there.

Heritage Foundation tech researcher Jake Denton said what's going on is clear.

"They're trying to push a new term underneath the school of misinformation to try and pressure social media companies to take action on videos of this nature."

A full election cycle back in the 2020 presidential campaign, advertisements openly questioned his mental stability.

Questions begin

"Does Joe Biden have the mental capacity to keep America safe?" asked a narrator in one spot, titled "Lost His Mind."

He continues, "In a world losing its mind, we don’t need a president who’s already lost his."

At one point he called the Jan. 6, 2021, protesters who viewed his presidential election as fraudulent as "erectionists."

And he sometimes is barely able to move about, getting on and off stages and in and out of vehicles.

Besides putting Americans in the natural fear for their lives should their president lose control of his words during a confrontation with an enemy, Biden's mental failings already were creating a threat,

It was because his White House made a "social media misstep that exposed special operators" and could put the lives of those servicemen at risk.

Biden did that by posting an image, shortly later deleted, that showed him in a meeting with special forces in Israel that exposed their faces, and identities.

A spokesman explained, "The risk is high. These guys that got pictured, it could ruin their careers. They could put their families in danger. It could put them in danger."

Calling on the dead

Then his reputation further was skewered when he called on a member of Congress who had died a month before.

During a news briefing he called on Rep. Jackie Walorski, who was killed in a car crash weeks before.

Then Biden's spokeswoman, Karine Jean Pierre, claimed Biden didn't forget Walorski was dead,

He's also claimed to have had discussions with several world leaders during time periods that came after those leaders died.

He once claimed to have cancer.

Gaffe? Or not? Biden claims to have 'cancer'

And he once left more than one reporter with pencil suspended when he said, "I'll lead an effective strategy to mobilize truinnerashuvaduprezure, isolate and punish China."

Jill Biden demanded at one point that the media simply quit mentioning her husband's blunders.

"You can not even go there," the first lady demanded.

The protection racket

Why, or how, did someone with failing faculties get to be president? His circle worked desperately to conceal the truth, and Jill Biden pushed him into a scenario from which he could not mentally emerge successful.

Commentator Megyn Kelly explained:

And an example of Jill Biden's pushing was on video after his disastrous debate, when she told him, like a small child, that he "knew the answers!!!"

It was Jill Biden's first husband, Bill Stevenson, who ripped Jill Biden, to whom he was married 1970-1975, for insisting that Joe Biden stay in the election.

Stevenson, of Delaware, is an ardent Trump supporter who married the first lady when she was still a college student. He supported Biden when he ran for the U.S. Senate in 1972 and when Biden ran as vice president with Barack Obama. He has since been vocal with his contempt for what he has at times called "the Biden crime family."

"I just don't understand why she is so adamant about defending him and keeping him in the race since it appears that he's struggling," Stevenson said.

He added, "She's always been very driven. People say she's the one who wants to be president now."

Joe Biden and Jill Biden prepare to greet President William Samoei Ruto of Kenya, Mrs. Rachel Ruto and their daughters at the North Portico of the White House, Thursday, May 23, 2024, before a State Dinner. (Official White House photo by Cameron Smith)

Earlier, when Joe Biden was named the Democratic nominee in 2020, Stevenson charged Jill and Joe Biden's relationship began as an affair.

"It makes me cringe every time he calls Trump a liar because I'm telling you right now, there is no better liar than President Biden," Stevenson said. "He's just a bad person. I'm probably one of the few people outside his family who has known him for 50 years."

The Daily Mail described how members of the Biden "inner circle" "have been working for years to conceal the aging commander-in-chief's cognitive decline from the public."

Those "gatekeepers" were listed as senior advisers Anita Dunn, Steve Ricchetti, Mike Donilon, Annie Tomasini and Anthony Bernal.

"The group uses a range of tactics, including scheduling only early meetings, not taking unvetted questions in public forums and declining high profile interviews with respected journalists," the report said. "The group's worries are not just over Biden's mental abilities but also physical. A mooted plan to make a cross country journey to promote an infrastructure bill was nixed over concerns regarding his physical stamina."

Biden's circle also limits media interviews, scripts meetings with donors, put up physical barriers to stop journalists from being close enough to ask Biden questions, and fitted him with sneakers that have a better grip, following his infamous fall on stage at the Air Force Academy.

Biden also has insisted:

  • "Those kids in Parkland came up to see me when I was vice president." – Biden, Aug. 10, 2019. The Parkland shooting was a year after Biden left office.
  • "We choose unity over division. We choose science over fiction. We choose truth over facts." – Biden, Aug. 8, 2019.
  • "Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids." – Biden, Aug. 8, 2019.
  • "(Mitt) Romney wants to let the – he said in the first hundred days he's going to let the big banks once again write their own rules, unchain Wall Street. They're gonna put y'all back in chains." – Biden, Aug. 14, 2012, before a largely black Virginia audience.
  • "Margaret Thatcher, um, excuse me, Margaret Thatcher – Freudian slip. ... But I knew her, too. ... The prime minister of Great Britain, Theresa May." – Biden, May 4, 2019, at a fundraiser. Thatcher left office in 1990.
  • "You had people like Margaret Tha – excuse me. You had people like the former chairman and the leader of the party in Germany ... Angela Merkel." – Biden, Aug. 8, 2019, campaigning in Iowa.
  • "If (President Obama and I) do everything right, if we do it with absolute certainty, we stand up there and we make really tough decisions, there's still a 30 percent chance we're going to get it wrong." – Biden, Feb. 6, 2009.
  • "Look, (John McCain's) last-minute economic plan does nothing to tackle the No. 1 job facing the middle class, and it happens to be, as Barack (Obama) says, a three-letter word: jobs. J-O-B-S." – Biden, Oct. 15, 2008.
  • "Stand up, Chuck, let 'em see you." When Chuck did not stand up, Biden said, "Oh, God love ya. What am I talking about? I tell you what, you're making everybody else stand up though, pal. Thank you very, very much. I tell you what, stand up for Chuck! ... You can tell I'm new." – Biden, Sept. 9, 2008, at campaign rally, referring to Missouri State Sen. Chuck Graham, a paraplegic confined to a wheelchair following a car accident.
  • "When the stock market crashed, Franklin D. Roosevelt got on the television and didn't just talk about the, you know, the princes of greed." – Biden, 2008, in a CBS interview. Television had not yet been invented in 1929, and Roosevelt was not yet president.
  • "This election year, the choice is clear. One man stands ready to deliver change we desperately need. A man I'm proud to call my friend. A man who will be the next president of the United States, Barack America!" – Biden, Aug. 23, 2008, at an Illinois campaign rally.
  • "I mean, you've got the first sort of mainstream African American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that's a storybook, man." – Biden, Jan. 31, 2007, in a conference call with reporters.

Such a collection does not include Biden's near expulsion from Syracuse University's College of Law over a plagiarism scandal. In a letter to the faculty, Biden pleaded, "If I had intended to cheat, would I have been so stupid?" Nor does it include Biden's plagiarism, during the 1988 presidential campaign, of a speech by British politician Neil Kinnock, a scandal that helped torpedo that campaign.

As time went on, his stumbles more and more became … silence.

Or "Uhm, Uh, Uh, Anyway."

Of late, sometimes he has simply stood, with a vacant stare in his eyes, without moving.

Why hasn't there been more of an outcry over a president who likely is unable to comprehend the complexities of America's modern world challenges?

Well, for one thing, there's that concerted coverup. A coverup that includes his family, his White House, his associates, the Democrats, even news reporters.

The coverup

One published report confirmed press members at the White House, mostly diehard liberals and leftists, admitted they were "turned off" from exposing his mental failings because those "right-wing media" WERE reporting on it.

The debate performance, described as catastrophic and shocking, prompted questions about why reports, often seeing the president daily, did nothing to expose the dramatic change.

Some revealed they "didn't want to feed into the 'right-wing talking point' about 81-year-old Biden," the report said. "Biden’s age was also a right-wing talking point for years, something the White House was quick to point out to reporters, which may have inadvertently turned off any serious investigation."

The New York Post confirmed "the media" have seen Biden's decline for years.

Carl Bernstein, of Watergate fame, confirmed "he knew of 15 or 20 occasions in the past 18 months when Joe Biden’s brain has malfunctioned as it did during last week’s debate."

But no mentions.

"Several people “who are very close to President Biden ... are adamant that what we saw the other night, the Joe Biden we saw, is not a one-off ... In the last six months particularly there has been a marked incidence of cognitive decline," he confirmed.

The White House has claimed Biden does not have dementia or Alzheimer's. And reporters who ask about that issue are questioned about whether they've asked the "other guy" the same questions.

Extremists in the Democrat party, like ex-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who orchestrated two failed impeach-and-remove campaigns against Trump and then created an off-the-rules House committee to blame the protest turned riot on Jan. 6, 2021, on Trump, have wildly claimed that it is Trump who has dementia.

She cited unidentified experts for her opinion.

Bill Ackman, Pershing Square CEO, explained that he no longer blamed Biden for not stepping away.

"He no longer as the mental acuity to make important judgments about himself. It is becoming increasingly clear however that the fault lies with @FLOTUS."

That would be Jill Biden, who has faced complaints of "elder abuse" for pushing her husband into situations he clearly is unable to handle.

"Jill Biden becomes irrelevant the moment her husband is no longer president. No more Air Force One. No more glamorous life. No more White House dinners for dignitaries. No more being treated like a queen when traveling the world. I am sorry to be harsh, but what has become entirely clear is that the first lady values what is best for herself over her husband’s health and the safety and security of the country at large," he wrote.

He added, "Her power has clearly grown as he gets weaker. And she likes the feeling of power. She speaks for the president when he can’t or when he is napping. She tells his team and staff when he is available, and when he is not. She likes being in control. We all do. Which begs the question, how many decisions of the president are actually made by the FL? "

It was a columnist from the Washington Examiner that wrote Jill Biden "should be held responsible for 'elder abuse.'"

First Lady Jill Biden hosts Ciara and Dr. Hina Talib Wednesday, Nov. 17, 2021, at the White House in Washington. (Official White House Photo by Erin Scott)

Trump's former campaign press secretary said, "The majority of the American public agree with that. Jill Biden doesn’t because, I guess, she doesn’t want to be a loving wife and go take care of her husband in Delaware, which is what she should be doing,"

The statement continued, "And I think the media, it’s time for them to finally step up after they’ve been complicit in this cover-up by the Democrat Party over the last four years and ask really tough questions of Jill Biden and of the Biden family about what they know about our president’s state. Clearly, Jill Biden obviously knows her husband better than anyone else in this country, in this world, and she too continues to lie to the American people. It really is shameful. She’s been engaging in elder abuse, and she should be held accountable for that."

At Newsweek, Laura Rosen Cohen wrote, "Elder Abuse Is a Crime. We're All Watching It Happen to Joe Biden."

"Recent reports confirm what's obvious to everyone on the planet: President Joe Biden is a frail 81-year old who requires physiotherapy daily for his increasingly stiff gait and must wear slip proof sneakers to prevent frequent falls. Staff reportedly can only schedule important meetings for him from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM, because that is when he is most lucid," she said.

"This is a pattern in keeping with many dementia patients, as are other symptoms: Rarely does a day go by without video of Biden looking completely confused. He also frequently shouts angrily at reporters and confuses things, like Mexico and Egypt, or the names of dead leaders with current ones.

"It's increasingly alarming, and the general consensus in America and around the world is that Biden is both too old for the job and not well."

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Журналисты раскрыли значение цветов наряда онкобольной Миддлтон на Уимблдоне

В Подмосковье проведут фестиваль "Царская уха"

Мастер спорта по шахматам из Пензы рассказал, как стать гроссмейстером

Касается каждого павшего воина СВО: "Мощные слова" Минеева после боя, которые постеснялись показать на федеральном ТВ

В России ищут пропавший вертолёт