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Strengthening Myanmar’s Resistance: The Role Of International Support And Diaspora – OpEd

Strengthening Myanmar’s Resistance: The Role Of International Support And Diaspora – OpEd

A young boy in Myanmar. Photo Credit: DMG

Three years after the military coup in Myanmar, the country's war of resistance shows no signs of abating. This protracted conflict is fueled by the unwavering determination of Myanmar's people to free themselves from decades of military hegemony that has permeated every aspect of their lives. While the majority rallies behind the banner of democracy, ethnic minorities are also driven by aspirations for greater autonomy. This nuanced landscape of motivations presents both challenges and opportunities for the resistance movement.

Geopolitical Constraints on International Support

The international community's response to this crisis has been complicated by geopolitical concerns. The United States, wary of antagonizing China, has been cautious in its support for the resistance. Similarly, some ASEAN countries appear hesitant to wholeheartedly back Myanmar's pro-democracy movement, fearing the potential ripple effects within their own borders. Despite these obstacles, there are concrete steps the international community can take to support Myanmar's struggle:

  1. Increase Non-Military Engagement: The US can increase non-military engagement with resistance groups and local organizations, focusing on humanitarian aid and support for parallel state-building efforts.
  2. Facilitate Dialogue: ASEAN countries can play a more active role in mediating the crisis and helping dialogue between all stakeholders.
  3. Maintain Diplomatic Pressure: The international community can keep diplomatic pressure on the military junta while increasing support for civil society organizations.

Differences Between US Policy and Burmese Aspirations

There are some key differences between US policy on Burma/Myanmar and the wishes of the Burmese people:

  1. Level of Support: While the US has expressed support for pro-democracy forces, the Burmese people and resistance groups have called for more direct and substantial aid. The US has been cautious about providing anything beyond non-lethal aid to resistance forces, due to geopolitical considerations.
  2. Sanctions Implementation: Although the US has imposed sanctions on military officials and entities, there are calls from Burmese pro-democracy groups for more comprehensive sanctions and stricter enforcement.
  3. Diplomatic Engagement: Some Burmese activists and resistance groups want stronger diplomatic isolation of the military junta, while the US has kept some level of diplomatic presence and engagement.
  4. Military Intervention: While not universally supported, some Burmese resistance groups have called for more direct international intervention. The US has shown no appetite for military involvement.
  5. Funding Allocation: There are likely differences in how Burmese resistance groups would prefer US aid and support to be given compared to current US policy priorities.
  6. Engagement with EAOs: The US policy mentions support for the NUG but is less explicit about engagement with various ethnic armed organizations (EAOs), which play a significant role in the resistance.
  7. Approach to China and Russia: While many in the Burmese resistance want to see stronger US pushback against Chinese and Russian support for the junta, the US must balance this with broader geopolitical considerations.
  8. Speed and Urgency of Action: There is likely a gap between the urgency felt by Burmese people living under junta rule and the pace at which US policy moves.

Harnessing the Power of the Diaspora

The Myanmar diaspora has appeared as a crucial pillar of support for the resistance. In the United States, diaspora groups have been instrumental in lobbying for legislation like the BURMA Act, organizing awareness campaigns, and providing financial support to the National Unity Government (NUG) and other resistance organizations. However, there is a growing sense that the NUG could more effectively use the diaspora's resources and ability. The government-in-exile should consider setting up formal channels for diaspora input on policy decisions and creating structured opportunities for skilled professionals to contribute their ability.

Balancing External Influences

While using external sources of advocacy such as professional lobbyists and activists can amplify the resistance’s voice on the international stage, it is crucial to balance these influences to ensure the movement's integrity and alignment with its core goals. The NUG and diaspora groups should:

  1. Establish Transparent Decision-Making Processes: Create clear communication channels and decision-making processes to ensure all actions align with the movement's goals.
  2. Regularly Assess External Partners' Goals: Continuously evaluate the alignment of external partners’ goals with the core goals of the resistance movement.
  3. Empower Grassroots Organizations: Enable grassroots diaspora organizations to function as watchdogs and provide feedback on NUG policies and partnerships.

To harness the full potential of diaspora engagement and ensure long-term sustainability, the NUG should focus on several key strategies:

  1. Develop a Comprehensive Diaspora Engagement Strategy: Create a dedicated office to coordinate diaspora efforts, ensuring their energy and resources are channeled effectively. This strategy should prioritize inclusivity and transparency, moving beyond reliance on familiar networks which typically practice gatekeeping.
  2. Foster Unity and Healthy Collaboration: Implement mechanisms to keep harmony among diverse diaspora groups while creating an atmosphere that encourages constructive cooperation. This could include rotating leadership roles, collaborative projects, and regular forums for open dialogue.
  3. Promote Democratic Values: Actively work to develop mindsets that embrace democratic principles within the movement. This involves creating inclusive decision-making processes, encouraging diverse viewpoints, and modeling the governance structures the resistance aims to set up in Myanmar.
  4. Enhance Coordination and Representation: Improve unity among all resistance groups, including diaspora organizations. Consider setting up a diaspora advisory council with representation from various communities to ensure diverse perspectives are heard and incorporated into strategic planning.
  5. Invest in Professional Capacity: While grassroots advocacy has been impactful, the movement could benefit from more sophisticated engagement with foreign governments and international organizations. Invest in developing these skills within the diaspora community to build sustainable, in-house ability.
  6. Leverage Diaspora Expertise: Many diaspora members have valuable skills in areas such as governance, finance, healthcare, and technology. Create mechanisms to find and use this expertise in building governance capacity in resistance-controlled areas and planning for Myanmar's future.
  7. Maintain Dual Focus on Armed and Non-Violent Resistance: While armed struggle has become necessary, non-violent tactics still are crucial for long-term success. Diaspora groups can play a significant role in organizing and supporting these efforts internationally.
  8. Invest in Strategic Communications: Develop a cohesive communications strategy that amplifies diaspora voices and effectively counters misinformation. This should include training diaspora members in media engagement and digital advocacy.
  9. Circulate Strategic Information and Gather Feedback: Set up a robust system for sharing strategic information with both in-country and diaspora populations. Before making crucial decisions, actively look for and incorporate feedback from these groups. This participatory approach ensures better-informed decisions and fosters a sense of ownership among all stakeholders.
  10. Utilize Diaspora as Unifying Force: Use the unique position of the diaspora to bridge divides between various ethnic and political factions within Myanmar. Diaspora members can serve as mediators and facilitators in bringing diverse groups together under a common cause.
  11. Prepare for Long-Term Engagement: Recognize that the struggle may be protracted and develop sustainable systems for diaspora involvement. This includes creating pathways for the next generation of diaspora youth to engage with the movement.
  12. Ensure Transparency and Accountability: Implement clear reporting mechanisms for how diaspora contributions—financial and otherwise—are used. This builds trust and encourages continued support, essential for long-term sustainability.

Enhancing Strategic Coordination Among Ethnic Armed Groups

Uniting all ethnic resistance organizations against the military junta in Myanmar requires strategic coordination and a shared vision for the country's future. Here are some key approaches:

  1. Improve Strategic Coordination: While tactical coordination has improved, strategic coordination for synchronized nationwide offensives still is elusive. Facilitating strategic coordination among the various groups will be decisive in deciding the conflict's outcome.
  2. Build on Shared Goals: The resistance groups have a strong shared commitment to defeating the military junta, which provides a solid foundation for unity. Most ethnic armed organizations oppose the junta, and many have collaborated with the NUG.
  3. Support Inclusive Governance Structures: The NUG and ethnic resistance groups are setting up governing bodies in areas under their control, such as People's Administration Teams, the Chin-land Council, and the Interim Executive Council. Supporting these efforts to be inclusive and transparent, recognizing that each ethnic state has its own multiple minority populations, can help combine gains and build unity.
  4. Address Ethnic Grievances: Acknowledging and addressing the systemic discrimination and lack of representation faced by ethnic minorities is crucial for long-term unity. A more inclusive system of governance that respects ethnic autonomy will be key to stability.
  5. Leverage Public Support: The pro-democracy resistance movement enjoys widespread public support. Harnessing this popular will can help unite diverse groups against the common enemy of military rule.
  6. Develop a Shared Vision: Continuing discussions among resistance forces to develop a vision for Myanmar without military rule is essential. This may involve debates on federalism or other forms of decentralized governance that accommodate ethnic diversity. 
  7. The economic advantages of a united entity: A unified Myanmar under a federal system would offer significant economic advantages compared to a fragmented country. It would present a larger, more attractive market of 54 million people for both domestic and foreign investors, enabling economies of scale and more efficient resource allocation. A unified country could implement consistent regulations and investment policies, streamline infrastructure development, and coordinate economic planning at the national level. This would lead to reduced transaction costs, improved bargaining power in international trade negotiations, and the ability to develop a more robust financial system. Additionally, a unified Myanmar could better pool its human capital and natural resources, potentially leading to more balanced development across regions and increased competitiveness in the global market.
  8. International Support: The international community can play a role by supporting the pro-democracy movement and ceasing engagement with the illegitimate junta. This can reinforce unity among resistance groups.
  9. Focus on the Military as the Common Threat: Emphasizing that the Myanmar military is still the primary agent of instability can help keep diverse groups united against this shared adversary.

Sustainable Resistance Strategies

The best strategy for the Burmese resistance with limited international aid involves the following key elements:

  1. Focus on Phase One - Unified Resistance: All ethnic minority groups and resistance forces should prioritize putting aside differences to concentrate on defeating the military junta through coordinated kinetic and non-kinetic efforts. This unity is crucial before expecting substantial international support.
  2. Enhance Military Cooperation: Improve coordination between the NUG, PDFs, and EAOs. This includes strengthening centralized command structures like the Central Command and Coordination Committee (C3C) and Joint Command and Coordination (J2C) and developing the NUG's war office to coordinate across different command structures.
  3. Leverage Local Support: Use the strong public backing and resilience of the Burmese people, which has been a key strength of the revolution.
  4. Adapt and Evolve: The resistance has shown adaptability and resilience, which should be maintained and enhanced.
  5. Strengthen Leadership: While current leadership is respected, there may be a need for a more unifying, charismatic figure to emerge from among the NUG's trusted armed partners.
  6. Focus on Local Aid Networks: Given the limitations on international aid, support local aid groups that are better positioned to help within affected communities.
  7. Build Towards a Shared Vision: While focusing on immediate military goals, also develop a common strategic vision for post-junta Myanmar to maintain unity among diverse groups.
  8. Maintain International Engagement: Despite limited assistance, continue efforts to gain international recognition and support, as seen with the NUG's engagement with some Western governments.
  9. Exploit Tactical Successes: Capitalize on recent gains to build momentum and potentially attract more international support.
  10. Prepare for Long-Term Struggle: Recognize that without significant international intervention, the conflict may be prolonged, requiring sustainable resistance strategies.

The Path Forward

By focusing on these strategies, the NUG can more effectively harness the power of its global diaspora while building a sustainable foundation for the resistance movement. This approach not only strengthens the immediate effort but also lays the groundwork for a more inclusive, democratic Myanmar.

The road ahead is undoubtedly challenging, but by leveraging the full potential of its diaspora—their resources, skills, and international networks—the Myanmar resistance movement can position itself for long-term success. The people of Myanmar, both within the country and abroad, have demonstrated remarkable courage and resilience. With a strategic approach to diaspora engagement that emphasizes inclusivity, transparency, and long-term thinking, they can turn this into lasting change for their nation.

References for more information

US Policy and International Support

Nonviolent Resistance and Strategy

Military Coordination and Ethnic Armed Groups

Diaspora Engagement

Conflict Analysis and International Dynamics

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