November 16, 2023 Without feedback, we would never be able to improve. And even though it's hard, feedback is a great way to measure success.With a post event survey, you'll learn what attendees thought about the event, how they heard about it, and what they enjoyed most. Measuring attendee satisfaction will help you improve your event marketing and figure out what's working and what isn't.In fact,90% of virtual event organizersuse surveys to measure attendee satisfaction. And80%report that attendee engagement and satisfaction were KPIs used for measuring event success.To design a post event survey, you'll want to ask several types of questions -- from Yes/No, rating, to open-ended questions.Below, let's review the best post event survey questions to ask.Without feedback, we would never be able to improve. And even though it's hard, feedback is a great way to measure success. With a post event survey, you'll learn what attendees thought about the event, how they heard about it, and wha...