SCHENECTADY, N.Y. (NEWS10) -- Schenectady County's SummerNight celebration kicks off at 5 p.m. on Friday. County officials have issued a traffic advisory ahead of the annual block party.
State Street will be closed between Broadway and Lafayette Street, and Jay Street will be closed in front of City Hall. Eastbound traffic on State Street will be diverted onto Broadway, and westbound traffic will be diverted to Lafayette Street.
The traffic advisory was put in place Friday morning and will be in effect through midnight. No parking will be permitted in the following areas:
State Street between Broadway and Nott Terrace
Clinton and Barrett Streets between State Street and Franklin Street
Jay Street and Franklin Street near City Hall
Vehicles parked in restricted areas will be ticketed and possibly towed. Officials say some CDTA bus routes will also be altered in anticipation of the event.
SummerNight will feature performances by Arrested Development, Powerhouse Funk, NolaNauts and Kale. The evening will conclude with a fireworks show. The event is free to attend and open to the public.
Check out NEWS10's traffic tracker. You can plan your route and see traffic delays in real-time!
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