With Slayer, it's recommended to mainly melee your tasks, while you use a cannon, and burst on the burstable tasks. Melee is the most popular main style, due to its low cost, although ranged is another fairly popular option. Magic is not recommended as your main combat style, and it should only be used when bursting. Now let's talk about melee combat. The best in slot for melee is the Fang, which is only 30mil right now. The Rapier, Inquisitor's Mace and Blade of Seldor are all second best in slot, and a cheaper option to use is a regular whip, which costs 1.7mil right now. As with melee armour, it's important to have the Dragon Defender unlocked. A Black Mask or a Slayer Helmet is also essential for Slayer training. The best in slot melee gear is Torva, although you can get away with a Fighter Torso and Obsidian Plate Legs as a far cheaper option. On some Slayer tasks, you'll want to wear magic defensive gear. Masori is the best in slot, but Dragonhide does the trick. Don't use Armady...