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John L. Kachelman, Jr: The Hypocritical Oath of the Political Class


Guest post by John Kachelman, Jr.

The post John L. Kachelman, Jr: The Hypocritical Oath of the Political Class appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Guest post by John Kachelman, Jr.

The Hippocratic oath is well-known. It is an ethic code dictating the medical profession. It is named after the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates. It is respected as a guide for the healing professional’s conduct.

It is still used in the graduation ceremonies of many medical schools. Its code of principles dictates the obligatory ethical behavior of those practicing the medical arts.

There is another oath

But this article introduces another oath governing those elected to political office. It is the Hypocritical Oath. This is disconcerting. It is incensing. It is inexcusable.

But it is casually accepted and cunningly justified. It is the old “bait and switch” con on the political level—the citizen is told the POL will do one thing only to see the exact opposite is being practiced once the POL is safely ensconced within the beltway!

The term “hypocrite” is never commendable. Etymologically it refers to one who is playing a part. In the theatrical use it describes one who would change personalities by removing one mask and putting on another.

Thus the “hypocrite” is wearing a mask that convincingly presents himself one way but will quickly change masks to be a totally different character and is equally convincing in the opposite role.

Our term communicates that one is “acting on the stage; pretense; playing a part, pretending.”  “A hypocrite, one who tries to make himself appear to be what he is not, especially to seem better than he is.” [Century Dictionary]

An interesting observation regarding political hypocrisy. It is “the conscious use of a mask to fool the public and gain political benefit”.

In any given year political hypocrisy is rampant. In an election year political hypocrisy is “pandemic.” It does not matter if one is red or blue or purple. There are myriads of examples where the POLS don a mask and play the part.

Then the POL adroitly changes the mask and does the opposite of what was promised. How often have politicians promised…

  • Justice for the J6ers who have suffered greatly because of the Marxist Gulag officers but that promise is NEVER realized
  • A full and transparent release of documents and videos that expose the corrupt criminality of POLS
  • They clamor for strict justice for a Cabinet member’s refusal to honor a Congressional constitutional request and is held in contempt while not doing a thing, but then give limp lip-service when Patriots are jailed for a fabricated “contempt” that is Constitutionally guarded?
  • A justified impeachment for criminals but all the talk vanishes as others continue to unleash a flood of impeachment on those devoted to the literalist Constitutional boundaries.
  • The list is nauseatingly long as the POLs embrace their “Hypocritical Oath.” And the silence is deafening!

The POL is sworn into office with this oath: “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.”

But it is all “smoke and mirrors” as the POL’s “hypocritical oath” is quickly embraced and supersedes the Constitutional oath.

The obeisance of the POLS to their Oath of Hypocrisy, and this is especially true in the Democratic Party, is well illustrated by the “SAVE Act.”

Even though Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) has sworn to upon the Constitution, his two-faced politics is exposed by this amazing comment: Requiring that only American citizens vote “is designed to jam people up and prevent Americans from voting.” What double-speak!

And…the American electorate seems quite content for the POLS to be two-faced and speak out of both sides of their mouths with a forked tongue!

The principle is historically validated

The hypocritical oath of political leaders is historically validated by a prophet speaking to national leaders. The flagrant hypocrisy of the POLS then polluted the entire nation and led to ruin as its national erasure was guaranteed.

Listen carefully, “Oh, sinful nation, people weighed down with guilt, evildoers, who act corruptly! They have abandoned the Lord…The entire head is sick and the entire heart is faint. From the sole of the foot even to the head. There is nothing healthy in it…Your cities are burned with fire; aliens are devouring your land in front of you; it is desolation, as overthrown by aliens.” (The Bible, Isaiah 1:4-7).

The condemnation of national disaster was justified, “For the nation and the kingdom which will not serve you will perish, And the nations will be utterly ruined” (Isaiah 60:12). The wanton hypocrisy of national leaders was highlighted by this voice, “Do not believe them, though they say nice things to you” (The Bible, Jeremiah 12:6).

The persistence of the Oath Takers

Those who have bowed to serve the Hypocritical Oath have become bolder in the current election year. The deceiving “double-speak” in the MSM journalism, the speeches on the Floors of Congress, even the White House has ramped up bitter hypocritical attacks with never-before-seen intensity.

The Boston Globe presents a good illustration of how the hypocrisy of POLS has devolved to a new low. This propaganda tool has accused President Trump, and any Constitutional literalist, of actions that the Democratic tyrants have perfected. Here are the bullet points of their sleight-of-hand journalism.

Be careful to note that every accusation is out of the Democratic playbook and the DEMS are practicing each without any restraint from the REPUBS! Every charge is a lie. Every insinuation is designed to instill fear. Every point is a calculated misdirection away from the truth.

Every position is used by the DEMS/RINOS and Bureaucrats (Deep Staters) to assure their ensconced Elitist position continues! Here is the DEM/RINO/DEEP STATE hypocrisy in full view…

  • Trump will threaten the rule of law
  • Trump will politicize the Department of Justice
  • Trump will erode abortion rights
  • Trump will abandon America’s traditional role as leader of the Western world and perhaps exit NATO altogether
  • Trump will impose Draconian remedies as part of his border crackdown
  • Trump will end any US effort to battle climate change
  • Trump will spike inflation with a broad tariff regime
  • Trump promises to prosecute his political enemies

The silence of POLS, who should be angrily confronting and boldly challenging these lies, is deafening! The voices that do object are quickly reigned it by the reigning powers in Congress. And these narcissists applaud themselves as the defenders of the United States Constitution! Jeremiah was point-on when he said, “Do not believe them, though they say nice things to you.”

The inevitable end

The Hypocritical Oath has compromised the Oath of allegiance to the Constitution. That compromise portends tragedy to the nation.

A favorite and oft used quote is from Emerson’s essay “Self-Reliance.” It observes, “A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little politicians and philosophers and divines.” Be assured of this fact, that the POLS today wish to ignore, their hypocrisy will haunt their history! They will not escape their allegiance to the Hypocritical Oath!

The post John L. Kachelman, Jr: The Hypocritical Oath of the Political Class appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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