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Chat log from R19 of 2024: Hawthorn vs Collingwood


Chat log for Hawthorn vs Collingwood, R19 of 2024

naicosfan: defending will help us win games, hopefully we have realised after 3 weeks.
Creed1: Anyone know if Caldwell failed his HIA yesterday?
a1trader: todays loser won’t play finals
m0nty: he passed his HIA, was rib damage in the end
Ash777: Caldwell passed his HIA but who knows
Creed1: Thanks monty
naicosfan: i hope hes good
Creed1: Hopefully thats good news
Ash777: Surely they wont play caldwell next week if he has bruised ribs
Creed1: Shouldnt need him against the saints so proabbly not, hoping hes back in time for draft finals though
soup: finn sub is very questionable
superpies: How do you get full stats? not showing Clearance, clangers,hit outs
soup: I don’t think you can on mobile super
naicosfan: have to be on a laptop/computer/mac superpies
soup: Can’t believe im saying this, but go hoks
frenzy: Horfawn to win
Creed1: Dont even know who to go for here… a good game I guess
pcaman2003: Arvo all! Hopefully a good game in ordinary conditions.Go Hawks!
superpies: I’m on computer
Pokerface: why pick maginness if you arent starting him.?!
Pokerface: disagree pca. hopefully its a percentage booster for the hawks.
Raspel31: Fascinating game – my least favourite teams. Arvo pcaman.
Creed1: Superpies do you have it loaded up accross the whole screen? If you minimise it it cuts some off
Jackx: @superpies hold CTRL and scroll out, probably need a bigger screen
pcaman2003: Arvo Rasp! Your team a bit stiff last night. Commiserations!
naicosfan: zoom out super pies
pcaman2003: Poker. Would be great, but trying not to be cocky about it
soup: any reason why IQ has bulked up so much? feel like it’s been detrimental to his performance
Pokerface: its not being cocky to hope for a big win!
Raspel31: Qwll at least England won The Euros pcaman- cheers.
Pokerface: they morally won them
naicosfan: they will use the sub before qtr time
Pokerface: they really missed this from McStay
pcaman2003: Not really into soccer much Rasp, but didn’t Spain win?
navy_blues: stupid sub call i think
Pavs: England won “The spirit of the game” award pcaman
pcaman2003: navy. Who would you sub instead?
pcaman2003: Thanks Pavs!
navy_blues: prob breust pca cant bring maginness on after horse has bolted
Amare: Remember when Pies fans were outraged with Ginnivan being booed..
navy_blues: as he kicks a goal lol
pcaman2003: Breust can be an impact player. Oh wait! He just goaled. Lol!
Social: Think I’ll stick with Tingles for C… not confident but there’ll plenty of ball ups tonight
Pokerface: Maginness is in the team to tag Daicos.. doesn’t make sense to do that for one quarter pca
original: Get involved Richards
soup: hahaha thats why we got rid of you kreuger ya gimp
Ash777: how did they miss that
Creed1: Im torn between tingles and bont for C, surely bont tears up the cats mids
naicosfan: he ran way too close to the man on the mark
Ash777: Idk why Kreuger insists he is a forward
clay007: I thought Cox was selected
soup: wet weather not ideal for tingles tonight, bont better but if you have butters that might be better creed
Pokerface: who is tingles?
Creed1: I dont have butters unfortunately, wasted my VC on Merrett instead of Flanders too
TheLegend6: Graham will tag Butters I think
Pavs: English Poker
Creed1: Tim English poker
soup: english pokerface
Hazza09: who the hell is tingles?
Raspel31: Don’t we all have Ingles?
Creed1: isnt Graham injured?
soup: graham not playing legend
RockyRoid: no graham tonight, hes injured
Pokerface: thanks guys
TheLegend6: Oh missed that, Butters will go crazy then hahah
Pokerface: all these geelong fans here watching the hawks play collingwood
Pokerface: Rozee is the one, he’s a bit of a flat track bully
Creed1: What can I say, keep your enemies close Poker
Pokerface: lol Creed
Pavs: We are a helpful bunch Poker
Ash777: ginnivan is ripping them apart
navy_blues: ginni on fire wants to prove a point id say
original: Wish Carlton had a sniff for ginnivan. Love him
frenzy: vaGinni on fire
navy_blues: omg original what are u smokin
Ash777: I have hawks making finals on the ladder predictor
Raspel31: Baicos okay? Guess only matters if you capped hom.
pcaman2003: Wasting opportunities Hawks. Forget the overuse of HB’s.
bhg26: How?s naicos on 23, on phone so can?t see
naicosfan: this is atrocious, nothing has changed except darcy moore defending
Ash777: too much time on the bench bhg
Pavs: kicks 2 hb’s 3 cp 3 cl 1 going at 60% bhg
frenzy: Maynard needs to be dropped, useless
Ash777: Hawks should be up by another couple of goals if not for their wastefulness
naicosfan: lol ash we wasted 2 goals aswell
Manowar: McStay needs to McGo
naicosfan: mcstay is playing his first mcgame in 11 months calm it manowar
pcaman2003: I agree totally Ash. We’ve dominated, but not on the score board.
Pavs: Will Day going to be a very good footballer.
Manowar: so Day is not good yet?
pcaman2003: Pavs. One day! Lol!
Pavs: SuperCoach relevant I mean only 3% of teams. Not recognised by many yet
naicosfan: nothing lippa can do there
bhg26: He was last year pavs
Ash777: the duck wizard
pcaman2003: Ginni serving up some pies.
Manowar: comment, rookie error
Manowar: Ginnivan making Fly look stupid
Pavs: Only 23 bhg looks a bit Bontepelli ish
PigeonPies: idk where ginni is even playing hes everywhere
navy_blues: maynard holiday time lmao
PigeonPies: thats not a holiday lol jus a high fend off
Ash777: what is that role in soccer that plays all over the ground
pcaman2003: That will get looked at for sure.
bhg26: Just needs to add the goal scoring pavs
Ash777: that’s ginni’s role
PigeonPies: box to box?
Kangagang: Trequartista
Ash777: kreuger subbed
navy_blues: go hawkers
PigeonPies: trequartista is the opposite
Ash777: box to box
pcaman2003: The wizard! Finally living up to his name.
runners47: More needed from Moore; and a mo(u)ntain needed from Amon
PigeonPies: the wiz
Number 8: Hats off to the Pies if they can salvage this. Not looking like a finals contender right now.
pcaman2003: This foul weather will test out the skills now..Hard contest!
Wriggs365: good sic
PigeonPies: ginni is in our heads i wont lie
naicosfan: this game is just over already
pcaman2003: Pigeon. I think last weeks rest did him some good.
pcaman2003: Naicos. It ain’t over until it’s over.
navy_blues: wow wow wow
TheLegend6: go hawkas
PigeonPies: this is crazy. every week teams just walk through us
Hepatitis: pies cooked. great to see
PigeonPies: juust a pathetic effort
Pokerface: its not cocky to hope for a percentage booster pcaman.
Kidult: Mitchell got the hawks humming
JaiDay12: PCA Hawks are back!
Ash777: elliot cooked
PigeonPies: we had our turn, hawks are on the up
naicosfan: we are cooked
TheLegend6: Mitchell best coach in the league atm
Toobstars: the “interceptor” just isnt a good defender
All Reds: collywobbles lol
Pokerface: theyll turn it around when McStay is back in the team though
pcaman2003: Poker. I always hope for a good win.
pluggerpig: pies struggling kicking goals. like Darcy Moore at home.
PigeonPies: mcstay will be back soon… we’ll turn it around
Amare: Lollingwood
naicosfan: darcy moore has been our only good player
navy_blues: he had to play well today naicos otherwise form would warrant some time in 2s
Pokerface: theyve really missed mcstay
lana2146: No chance mags make finals after loss today
Ash777: lol 2 behinds in a row
PigeonPies: hahaha wtf are we doing
Ash777: give the team the buchters
navy_blues: ginni 21 touches at half time lol
navy_blues: witches hats m0nty
Pokerface: fair call navy
navy_blues: all our teams play crap at times
Pavs: Game not over yet only 33 points. Not that i would back Collingwood at this point in time ????
Pokerface: wet weather game now Pavs, 33 points is a chasm
navy_blues: hawks just look like they are outrunning pies all over ground
Pavs: hahaha nice word Poker “chasm”
bhg26: Anyone see Kynan brown with 27 disposals and 24 tackles. Can?t wait for him to be sub next week
bhg26: Oh and a goal
Wriggs365: sic is a gun
Ash777: keays & caddy free to play
Pavs: Dawson out though Ash
pcaman2003: Let’s keep the pressure up this half Hawks.
Kidult: Laurie had 20 in rd3
navy_blues: can see u smiling from here pca
pcaman2003: Where was this team in the first 5 rounds? Totally different side.
pcaman2003: navy. I have a wry smile, but game still not over yet.
naicosfan: hawks fans booing a duck is very hypocritical
Ash777: it was a very soft free
nbartos: yeh tht the same naic LOL
navy_blues: its over pca
soup: Through the big sticks you nuffies
Gotigres: What’s going on?
Ash777: this is the weirdest game ever
exatekk: 1 goal 12. hooley dooley
Pavs: A chasm pcaman. Sit comfortably
Gotigres: Hawks by 50?
Manowar: one goal in 3 quarters lol, well done Loserwood!
Kidult: Give me more..Moore!
TheLegend6: Ginni just needs a goal
pcaman2003: We’ve almost won, but pies still a chance:)
Manowar: Bye Fly! you have been exposed
J_Herer: Collingwood was holding back Ginnivan
pluggerpig: why did i go hawks 1-39
Getup: Hawks by plenty go tiges we look slow very Disappointing 😞
FreeHughsy: Flaghok
Ash777: umps gave them that goal
Ash777: here come the naicos tag
Getup: Haha hughsy coming from a bomber’s supporter classic
navy_blues: ginni 3 votes on brownlow night lol
TheLegend6: ginnniii
Kidult: Nash 8 clangers without one being a fa
Ash777: lol they did a soccer celebration
Noxious: Hawks are so fun to watch
original: Naicos doing his best to try get a few coaches votes from fly
runners47: I’m with you re Moore, Kidult. Would also appreciate Noble playing in the manner of his name…
Getup: I feel a comeback maybe 🤔 haha not
beerent11: Fly loves his puffer jacket. Is that gortex?
Catdawg1: No chance for a comeback with the way they are playing
beerent11: Ginnivan is good for the game. Love him or hate him.
frenzy: Jmac subbed ROFL, thanks Bevo
pcaman2003: Hawks may still win this. C’mon Ginni and do something.
beerent11: What?s rofl?
Pavs: Rolling on floor laughing Beer
beerent11: Oh
beerent11: Laugh out loud.
TheLegend6: Ginni star macdonald X Day gun
beerent11: Legend is after your job m0nty
Stu7: Gulden, English or Bont for Captain?
Stu7: Appreciate your advice I?m a bit stuck
navy_blues: think gulden will be tagged Stu
beerent11: I?ve got Bont as of now but might switch to butters in the last 5 minutes before the game only to regret it at half time
Stu7: Thanks navy
Hazza09: Trade Gawn to Nank or Xerri? Or take Kruegers 24?
Stu7: Cheers beer
Catdawg1: That is it for the pies luckily
Pokerface: depends if you are going to win your matchup Hazza.. or if you even need to
Stu7: Xerri Hazza
beerent11: Can?t believe you still have trades haz.
Hazza09: Need to win Poker, could miss on the 8 if I lose
Pokerface: will you win if you dont trade
pcaman2003: Stu. I have Butters VC and Gulden C.. Don’t know if that helps much.
Stu7: Any other suggestions on C?s?
Hazza09: hahaha beer I only have 3, but have fisher to deal with too if hes the sub
Pokerface: Butters or Rozee stu
beerent11: You?re flying mate.
Hazza09: all depends what Butters does tonight Poker, if he goes 180, might not need to trade
navy_blues: think Berry will tag gulden pca but im prob wrong lol
Stu7: Poker Rozee I reckon Butters wil get the tag
beerent11: Very good group of young hawks at the minute.
Ash777: chol the dont argue on naicos lol
pcaman2003: beer. I have 5 trades left and saving for finals. Surprising my SC enemies ????
bhg26: He’ll go Heeney or Warner navy, surely cant keep up with errol
Hazza09: Who will tag Butters Stu?
Pavs: Butters to Gulden for me as well 7 trades left
original: Cmon Richards get a goal. Get the BE
beerent11: I?m down to one. Holding ranking and looping around him. My worst year for injuries since I started.
twinpeaks: Finally got a VC right with Sinclair and then couldn’t loop. My Sc captain choices this year in a nutshell
pcaman2003: Good choice Pavs. Gr8 minds think alike:)
Stu7: Thoughts on English as C?
beerent11: Rankine, not ranking. Auto correct always does that to izak
Pavs: We do this quite abit pca. It does concern me ????
beerent11: Couldn?t go wrong with butters/bont??,shirly.
Pokerface: v risky Stu, especially out there
Pavs: Can’t burn a trade twinpeaks?
pcaman2003: Pavs. I know! Crazy world Pavs.
Stu7: Cheers poker
Pokerface: how on early can you not have anyone to use a loop twinpeaks! i’ve got a wide choice of them!
soup: Wouldn’t do it stu, at the game right now and still pissing down
pcaman2003: Poker. As you can see, there was no need to tag Naics. Breusty did well.
Manowar: Centrelink opens at 10am Monday McRae
twinpeaks: Nah Pavs, all out. Any word on whether Colby plays? He’s my Gov cover
Pokerface: ha, yes.. but it makes the fact he was selected at all odd.
Stu7: Thanks soup
beerent11: Neale, Dunkley,heeney, crippa, Walsh. And north don?t have anyone to stop curnow.
Pokerface: twinpeaks why cant you use Gov as captain?
beerent11: Have the cats been tagging?
PigeonPies: ginni owns us i cant lie
pcaman2003: Okay! I think the Hawks have now won this game. Very tight!
Pokerface: oh wait.. ignore me ????
Stu7: 20 more Daicos
Pokerface: Ginni Ginni Ginni Ginni
Pavs: Poker haha ????
puckeey: How has kreuger still outscored Elliot he only played one qtr
beerent11: Gotta love the little fucker.
PigeonPies: ginni going at the fans that cheered him him a grand final is a bit much, might be sour grapres from me though
PigeonPies: he owns us though
Vultures: Bruise free footy at its best..
Pokerface: pretty sure he didn’t start that one Pigeon
Stu7: Yes O?Connor
pcaman2003: Definitely 3 Brownlow votes for Ginni.. The Pies couldn’t stop him.
J_Herer: Naicos getting nice and cheap to bring him in soon
puckeey: Shouldn’t of said anything
Stu7: That was for you beer
Hepatitis: love see daicos play bruise free footy. enjoy the decline buddy
beerent11: Any chance of going to Bont? Asking for a friend
beerent11: Gday virus. Don?t ever change brother.
don key: hawks finals wowee
PigeonPies: hawks will be a headache in finals
clay007: Another negative comment aimed at the man by the flog… I mean Hepatitis. Contribute something man.
Ash777: Atkins is a late out for bont owners
Hepatitis: shock me, on kick outs late in the last
beerent11: Think I?ll go Bont because I don?t want to watch the port Richmond game.
don key: gone rozee over bont for c
FlaggersXD: nuffies on afl pages
pcaman2003: If Hawks can paly like this in finals, who knows what could be.
Kidult: If someone tries to tag Bont it’ll be Blicavs
Pavs: Only thing that worries me about Rozee is if they play him forward to much don key
Pokerface: There’s that percentage booster pcaman ????
frenzy: they’re a happy team at Horfawn
Ash777: Neale also out Blicavs might have to ruck
pcaman2003: Poker. Very nice indeed.Lets hope we keep this up until finals time. Cheers!
Pokerface: lol Ginni can’t keep his tongue in check
pcaman2003: frrenzy. We are! Make sure you guys do the right thing and beat the Blues.
frenzy: Lol
navy_blues: hey pca i just supported your team return the favour plz lol
pcaman2003: Had Ambrosia on for the injured Gov, so more than happy:)
pcaman2003: Sorry navy! I like going for the underdog. Can’t help myself.
TheFilth: Well played Hawks -too good. Cold Pies…
JaiDay12: PCA what a win! We?re back

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Собянин сообщил о создании новых пешеходных зон на набережной

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Бренд экологичной одежды первым в мире сообщил о нападении анти-эко-активисток

Москва. Народная приемная КПРФ в ВАО. Кто ответит за гибель лошадей при пожаре в Лосином острове?

Депутаты проверили организацию детского лагеря при школе № 3 в Мытищах

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Спортсмен из сборной Архангельской области стал победителем масс-старте в Малиновке

Собянин объявил о начале строительства станции метро "Рублево-Архангельское"

Краеведческое посвящение «Здесь артековская слава начинала свой поход»

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