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Kachelman: This Historic DEI vs. The New DEI


During the singing of the national anthem at the opening of "Monday Night Football," a live image of the Statue of Liberty and the World Trade Center memorial was shown, as fans sang then erupted into cheers of "USA."

During the singing of the national anthem at the opening of "Monday Night Football," a live image of the Statue of Liberty and the World Trade Center memorial was shown, as fans sang then erupted into cheers of "USA."

Guest post by John L.

The post Kachelman: This Historic DEI vs. The New DEI appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

During the singing of the national anthem at the opening of "Monday Night Football," a live image of the Statue of Liberty and the World Trade Center memorial was shown, as fans sang then erupted into cheers of "USA."
During the singing of the national anthem at the opening of "Monday Night Football," a live image of the Statue of Liberty and the World Trade Center memorial was shown, as fans sang then erupted into cheers of "USA."
During the singing of the national anthem at the opening of “Monday Night Football” in 2023, a live image of the Statue of Liberty and the World Trade Center memorial was shown, as fans sang then erupted into cheers of “USA.” (ESPN / Youtube screen shot)

Guest post by John L. Kachelman, Jr.

Words are critical to civility. Parsing the words of communication is necessary for critical thinking, understanding and actions. Job, the epitome of suffering, refused to be indifferent to his words even when devastated, “My lips certainly will not speak unjustly, nor will my tongue mutter deceit (The Bible, Job 27:4). Wisdom stresses the critical use of words so justice is sought, “A lying tongue hates those it crushes, and a flattering mouth works ruin” (The Bible, Proverbs 26:28).

Perhaps the greatest tragedy in today’s civilization is the abuse of verbal communication. A manipulative tool in communication is called “doublespeak.” This is deceptive language used by concealing the revised concept with words that mislead those hearing. I especially like the note that this term can refer to “gobbledygook.” A fitting description of the POLs communication today.

Doublespeak deliberately obscures, disguises, distorts, or reverses the meaning of words. The primary intent is to make the new concepts sound acceptable. It is a devilish intentional ambiguity in language to reverse the common meaning. In history, such is described as bringing a “woe” upon those guilty of this deliberate deception: “Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness; who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!” (The Bible, Isaiah 5:20).

The DEI DOUBLESPEAK—America the Melting Pot

The metaphor melting pot describes the United States of America in the 1800’s. During this period our nation received large groups from foreign nations. Our nation was changing from a heterogeneous society to a more homogeneous society as the different elements “melted together.” Consequently, our nation became a harmonious whole bound together by a common culture. This describes the assimilation of immigrants to the United States. Each came from various locations but each sought to become a proud “American.” The metaphor was in use by the 1780s describing a fusion of nationalities, cultures and ethnicities. The emphasis is in the word “fusion.”

This melting pot model has been reconsidered by proponents of multiculturalism. These suggest alternative metaphors to describe the current American society so that different cultures are told they can mix into the USA, but they must remain distinct in some aspects and thus NOT become “Americans.” They thus bitterly assert that any cultural assimilation, that is critical to national unity, should NOT be promoted. In actuality they oppose the historic concept.

The DEI DOUBLESPEAK—Lady Liberty and the Melting Pot

“The New Colossus” was a sonnet written by Emma Lazarus on November 2, 1883. You are familiar with her prose that concludes: “Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!” cries she with silent lips. “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

The DEI doublespeak attempts to convince us that this invitation is without regulations. We are being told that no one should be prevented. We are told that refusals to admit others into the nation is an evil mindset.

The poem is pluralistic in its roots. It is an Italian sonnet composed by a Jewish-American woman, contrasting an ancient Greek statue with a statue built in modern France. In 1883 Italians, Greeks, and Russian-Jewish refugees—were arriving en masse in America. Lazarus stressed a critical aspect of freedom: the willingness to accept the stranger who acknowledges the governing Rule of Law.

The DEI DOUBLESPEAK—The Historic vs the NEW

The historic DEI brought greatness, unity, strength, common values, shared humanity, altruistic ideals, because it sought a biblical foundation. The NEW DEI stresses division, inequities, the ethic of sloth, weakness, selfishness, and a nausea of secular pagan worship of mortality. One brought the revolutionary change that exalted humanity’s greatness and urged the exceptionalism that melded a nation of many into a mighty strength by a reliance upon the sovereign God Almighty of Holy Scriptures. The other brought a rabid tribalism that worshipped the god of power and mortal intellectualism; it vehemently rejected the biblical ethical code and replaced it with the governing Elite’s asinine “secular reasoning.” Illustrative of this is the condemnation of President Trump’s use of “God” in his speech!

The historic DEI was successful because there was a governing Law (the Constitution) guaranteeing the acceptance and assimilation of those seeking to live in a country and enjoy a culture founded upon the Holy Scriptures. No one doubted that governing norm. All respected the boundaries set forth that urged honest labor and that protected the community from violence and disease. The individual willingly became a part of the whole and the original vision of the nation was the focus by politicians, educational institutes and justice officials. There was no allowance for “personal rights” that violated the established governing laws or pampered selfishness. Historically there was an enviable diversity, equity and inclusion that all pointed toward national unity. There was not perfection in the practice because some refused to submit and obey the governing principles. The failure of these misfits does not justify the trashing of the governing.

The liberal CNN has embraced the “NEW DEI.”  CNN as a propaganda tool, parrots the language of those seeking to change the greatness of the USA. Here is a statement from the MSM, POLS, RINOS, and all others seeking to destroy the greatness of the USA. Carefully notice how the “doublespeak” has cunningly morphed the concept so that the “old” is devilishly replaced with the “new.” Here is “a shared vision for what constitutes DEI: Diversity is embracing the differences everyone brings to the table whether it’s someone’s race, age, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, physical ability or other aspects of social identity. Equity is treating everyone fairly and providing equal opportunities. And inclusion is respecting everyone’s voice and creating a culture where people from all backgrounds feel encouraged to express their ideas and perspectives.”

The applauded historic DEI, which enabled the United States to be congratulated as the “melting pot” of the world, has been redefined and undermined. The exceptionalism of the American individual has been replaced with the vague “equal opportunities” erasing personal excellence. The historic meaning has been revised and doublespeak has redefined the term. “Multicutralism” has become the accepted norm. Cultural mores have been erased and replaced with the “new” DEI terms.

The Historic DEI—Exceptionalism

The true, historic DEI is found in Scripture. “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus” (The Bible, Galatians 3:27). Notice that all discriminations due to “multiculturalism” are discounted—regardless of human pride, they are of no consequence.  The Almighty seeks to foster peace on earth and goodwill to mankind ONLY by an attitude and action that honors and obeys the Holy Scripture. Those seeking “DEI” by any other method will fail. Civility will be sacrificed. Personal rights will be seized. Justice will be jaundiced. And, inevitably the nation will fail and be erased from the present and confined to the past.

The historic DEI is in danger of being forever erased as a “new” divisiveness accepted. The NEW DEI seeks further division, to allow jaundiced judgments to tyrannize the common citizen, and embrace a new form of governing that throws away the United States Constitution’s boundaries.

No longer is the national goal for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Now the political agenda is to divide, excite violence, and prosecute displays of national pride. Today no longer are the “tired, poor, huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore” welcomed to legally enter our nation and work hard to further American exceptionalism.

Today the borders are breeched by those with criminal records, murderous habits and a vile morality. These are not going to assimilate into the civility governed by our Constitution. These come seeking selfishness and look only to burn, loot, and murder. The political doublespeak of the DEMS, RINOS and DEEP STATERS attempt to put the invasion of our borders on the same level of the 1800’s. It is a lie!

The past greatness of the United States of America resulted because it was a “melting pot” that produced a never-before-seen national exceptionalism. That past history is being erased because the historic DEI has been redefined by doublespeak and our national greatness is being erased!

And the American public sits silently, hands folded, and gullibly accepts the idiotic DEI doublespeak!

The national decay, deterioration and inevitable dissolution of failed world powers results because the citizens sit silently, hands folded, and allows the idiots to govern with doublespeak. “The prophets prophesy falsely, And the priests rule on their own authority; And My people love it this way! But what will you do when the end comes?” (The Bible, Jeremiah 5:31).

Where are you America?

Will you awaken from your apathy? Will you arise and seek the governing that first made our nation great? Do not be manipulated! The King has no clothes—wake up! Remember Wisdom’s truth: “A lying tongue hates those it crushes, and a flattering mouth works ruin” (The Bible, Proverbs 26:28).

The post Kachelman: This Historic DEI vs. The New DEI appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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