This article is about the Jedi Councilor.You may be looking for the officer.Sorry about the mess.This article or section needs to be cleaned up to conform to a higher standard of article quality.Please follow the article standards laid out in the Layout Guide and the Manual of Style and complete this article to the highest level of quality. Remove this message when finished."The knowledge of the Sith… and the Jedi, is what I am. It is my attempt to hold on to the past… to try and protect the future. […] I tied my life, my decisions to the Jedi. Perhaps only in separating myself from the Jedi can I become myself again, learn who I am."―Atris[2]Atris was a Human female who served as a Jedi historian, and later as a Jedi Master and Jedi Council member during the Mandalorian Wars and the Jedi Civil War. She was deeply committed to the Order and was a fierce adherent of the Jedi Code. But Atris' faith in the righteousness of the Jedi wavered when her personal hero, Meetra Surik, turned her...
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