Top 10 Anti-Inflammatory Fighting Foods - Parentis Health
Purpose of this article:To provide nutrition knowledge and food sources to help prevent the exacerbation of chronic disease as well as enhance overall wellness through evidence-based guidance on anti-inflammatory foods.What is inflammation?Simply put, inflammation is the body’s protective response to injury or infection.So isn’t inflammation a good thing? Well, yes…and no.When we incur an acute injury like a cut, our body sends immune helper cells to the site of the injury where it inducesacute inflammation. Consequently, this helps begin the healing process of that wound. This process is completely normal and is often termed “innate immunity.” In other words, this is the normal acute inflammatory response which ISwhat we want!However, when it comes to chronic inflammation, thatIS NOTwhat we want.Chronic inflammation is triggered by an ongoing stimulus in which the immune helper cells try to do their job of healing. However, this constant stimulation creates MORE cell recruitment, infl...