All Console Commands and Best Cheats | Fallout 4 (FO4)|Game8
Console commands are only available on the PC version and allow you to do almost anything you want in Fallout 4 (FO4). Here you can find out about all the console commands and the best cheats in terms of usefulness! Console Command Function tgm Toggle God ModeToggles God Mode on/off, basically making you invulnerable, have unlimited ammo, and unlimited materials when building. tcl Toggle CollisionToggles collision on/off letting you pass through everything when it's off. tfc Free Camera ModeToggles Free Camera Mode which lets the camera leave the character and fly around. tfc 1 Free Camera (Freeze)Free Camera Mode but with everything frozen/locked animation. tm Toggle UIToggles the UI on/off. csb Reset Screen EffectsResets blood splatter/explosion marks/etc from surroundings. fov (first-person FOV) (third-person FOV) Change Field of ViewChange the camera field-of-view for both first-person and third-person mode. Set it to 0 for default settings. set timescale to (value) Speed Up/Slow D...