Japan Art and Buddhism Throughout the Ages
Japan Art and Buddhism Throughout the Ages
Lee Jay Walker
Modern Tokyo Times
The art above with a philosophical angle is by Hakuin Ekaku (1686-1769). He was a revered Zen Buddhist monk who utilized art, calligraphy, and other cultural angles to promote Buddhism. Rinzai Buddhism was stagnating because many ordinary people felt isolated. Therefore, Hakuin – and Sengai Gibon (1750-1837), a fellow Rinzai Buddhist – promoted the Buddhist faith to ordinary people through the prism of art and culture.
Hakuin said, “Meditation in the midst of activity is a thousand times superior to meditation in stillness.”
Going further back in Japanese history – the passing of time never dampens the beauty of the thirteenth-century Japanese calligrapher Sugawara Mitsushige. Indeed, just like the words of Buddha remain timeless, the images of chapter 25 of the “Universal Gate” representing Bodhisattva Kannon equally remain timeless in the sphere of art, culture, and presentations.
In Japan, the Bodhisattva (Bosatsu in Japan) Kannon and Bodhisattva Jizo are extremely popular deities throughout this nation. Kannon seeks to deliver all humans from the world of ignorance and to end suffering. In the representations of Kannon and other aspects of the Universal Gate, you can feel the passion of Sugawara Mitsushige.
The final art piece is by Sawako Utsumi. She is a contemporary artist who hails from northern Japan. Her art often focuses on various aspects of culture, religion, and nature – along with other themes related to Japan and Europe.
Jizo and the Buddhist Lantern of Life is the title of the art piece above.
https://fineartamerica.com/featured/the-blossoming-of-life-before-the-leaves-fall-sawako-utsumi.html – The Blossoming of Life before the Leaves Fall
https://fineartamerica.com/featured/jizo-in-contemplation-buddhism-sawako-utsumi.html Jizo in Contemplation (Buddhism)
https://fineartamerica.com/featured/the-blossoming-of-life-before-the-shadow-sawako-utsumi.html – The Blossoming of Life before the Shadow by Sawako Utsumi
https://fineartamerica.com/featured/jizo-and-the-buddhist-lantern-of-life-sawako-utsumi.html Jizo and the Buddhist Lantern of Life
http://fineartamerica.com/profiles/sawako-utsumi.html – Sawako Utsumi and where you can buy her art, postcards, bags, and other products. Also, individuals can contact her for individual requests.
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http://sawakoart.com – Sawako Utsumi’s website and Modern Tokyo Times artist
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