Luck EnchantmentEnchanted BookLuck IIncreases the chance forMonsters to drop their armor by5%.Use this on an item in an Anvilto apply it!COMMONEnchanted BookLuck IIIncreases the chance forMonsters to drop their armor by10%.Use this on an item in an Anvilto apply it!COMMONEnchanted BookLuck IIIIncreases the chance forMonsters to drop their armor by15%.Use this on an item in an Anvilto apply it!COMMONEnchanted BookLuck IVIncreases the chance forMonsters to drop their armor by20%.Apply Cost: 36 Exp LevelsUse this on an item in an Anvilto apply it!COMMONEnchanted BookLuck VIncreases the chance forMonsters to drop their armor by25%.Apply Cost: 45 Exp LevelsUse this on an item in an Anvilto apply it!UNCOMMONEnchanted BookLuck VIIncreases the chance forMonsters to drop their armor by30%.Apply Cost: 58 Exp LevelsUse this on an item in an Anvilto apply it!RAREEnchanted BookLuck VIIIncreases the chance forMonsters to drop their armor by35%.Apply Cost: 179 Exp LevelsUse this on an item in an Anvi...