FLARE Fusion Neutron System Unveiled by SHINE Technologies
Previously, assessing the radiation endurance of defense systems was a slow and labor-intensive process. The Department of Defense plays a crucial role in protecting the homeland and supporting deployed forces, allies, and partners. However, sensitive microelectronics in defense systems are susceptible to high radiation levels, which can arise from long-term cumulative effects or single-event disturbances. These defense and satellite systems require thorough radiation effects testing to ensure reliability before mission deployment.
FLARE can complete tests in hours that would traditionally take weeks at other facilities, enabling shorter development cycles. This facilitates faster iteration in creating radiation-hardened components, allowing the US to meet stringent timelines and respond swiftly to challenges or threats.
FLARE offers the highest steady-state 14 MeV neutron source available for testing radiation-hardened microelectronics and fusion components. It is the most intense steady-state DT fusion neutron source globally for radiation effects testing. The system generates high-energy fusion neutrons by fusing deuterium with tritium, producing an unprecedented 50 trillion neutrons per second.
"FLARE will be critical to protecting national security and promoting the safety of our country," said Greg Piefer, CEO and founder of SHINE. "We're proud to be at the forefront of advanced radiation effects testing, which will help ensure next-generation defense systems are prepared to operate in challenging environments. At the same time, we're proving the practical value of our fusion program, and further advancing fusion technology for even bigger roles in defense, healthcare, and clean energy generation."
Since August 2023, SHINE has been providing services to the Department of Defense, Department of Energy, and Defense Industrial Base customers. FLARE is now available for continued deployment to government customers, private industry, and multinational companies in the aerospace, defense, infrastructure, and energy sectors.