THE SELMA TIMES-JOURNAL, WEDNESDAY, MAY 8, 1935 PAGE EIGHT HOUSING CHIEF HERE FOR MEET DOG SHOW DRAWS GOOD ENTRY LIST ACT TO SECURE COUNTY HIWAYS WILL BE ASKED Sites For Hatcheries Sought Near Shoals MONTGOMERY, May 8. IP) Charles R. Wiant, superintendent of the federal fish hatchery at Marion, has spent the past few weeks in the Tennessee Valley assisting the TVA in a survey of the basin for possible hatchery sites. You wili no doubt be interested to know that inspections are being made in the Tennessee Valley for possible hatchery sites, Mr. Wiant advised the state game and fisheries department.These hatcheries will be under TVA jurisdiction and operated, to stock newly impounded waters. CHICAGO GRAIN CHICAGO, May 8 (AP) Rallies that in some quarters were ascribed to renewed Inflation talk made wheat prices turn upward in late trading today. Reported moves to delay submitting the Patman bonus bill to Presldvnt Roosevelt attracted special notice on the part ol friends of higher prices...