Are you a Downeaster? How about a Cheesehead? Maybe you're a Toner or an Okie or a Pennamite?If you're moving from one state to another, you might be on the verge of a major shift in identity and not even realize it! Each state has a unique nickname for its residents, and some of them are a bit more eclectic than others! Before you make the big move, it's a good idea to brush up on the nicknames that each state uses to refer to the locals from coast to coast.We've created this simple guide to answer the question "What are people from each state called?" Some nicknames are simple, some are silly, but all will help you feel more at home when you settle in.What is the nickname for all 50 states? Keep reading to find out!What Are People From Each State Called?All of the names for states are below, with state names in alphabetical order. We have included the most popular nicknames for residents of those states, plus brief explanations of our favorites!Alabama (AL)The residents of the great...