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Chat log from R20 of 2024: North Melbourne vs Geelong


Chat log for North Melbourne vs Geelong, R20 of 2024

Noxious: Gday gents, going the Sheez VC
piesfan420: afternoon all tossing up between sheez and xerri for vc
Noxious: I reckon both will go big
Hazza09: Gday lads, Terri or Neale VC
Hazza09: *Xerri
Apachecats: I have VC on Xerri ,just warning.
circle52: I am putting VC on Neale Hazza – Too much at stake for Lions
original: Delisted Jez Cameron in draft so expect him to score 200
Creed1: Ive also got the VC on Xerri
Wends: Afternoon all… me too apache
Noxious: A sheez goal would be a great start
piesfan420: big start for all vc owners of xerii
sfenda1: also went sheez vc
Wends: who did you choose Hazza?
beerent11: Xerri vc here
beerent11: Thought it?d be unique.
ausgooner: Hi, from another Xerri vc here
original: Don?t be a spud today please Tom Stewart. Ghost of yourself from prev years
beerent11: We?ll be ok as long as pcaman didn?t vc him too.
Apachecats: beer it would be unique if you didn’t have him by the looks.
pcaman2003: beer. Hi friend! Went Sheez for VC ,so you’re safe. Lol!
Wends: classic reverse mozz from original ????
piesfan420: need mannagh to go big for me
pcaman2003: Have Sheez, Xerri and Humphries. Go boys!
Cottees: As a Hawks supporter. Go North lol
naicosfan: gday all, vc xerri into C neale
beerent11: Yes pcaman. Good luck.
beerent11: You know I love you pca. My brother from another mother.
original: Get on field Stewart. LOVES hiding on bench this yr
Noxious: Longsleeve Zurhaar comparable to Helmet Xerri
Kangagang: C’mon North!
pcaman2003: C’mon North and win this.
Cam123: Love to see the Roos win this
Kangagang: Shades of Carey in that Comben mark
pcaman2003: beer. I feel better this week getting the Gov back in my backline.
piesfan420: go roos
Noxious: Players are too scared to rush it and have it called deliberate
TheWarlord: Pca, isnt Gov out?
TimT14: That’s probably the worst defending in history by corr
pcaman2003: TheWarload. He was named in the side this week.
beerent11: Yeah sorry mate gov didn?t get up
Pokerface: Gov aint playing this week
Manowar: Gov out..lol
Pokerface: why the lol?
pcaman2003: Damn! He was named on Thurs too,so must have failed yesterday to get up.
pcaman2003: I’ll just have to put Ambrosia on for him.
Wends: Cant reverse trade pca?
J_Herer: Cats have a lot to play for today, Nth been super competitive last few weeks
pcaman2003: Wends. Will take Ambrosia off the bench
Apachecats: Mannagh getting very well cared for by the SC gods.
Noxious: Wends I don’t think he just brought him in
pcaman2003: Wends.I held onto Gov when injured.
sfenda1: stewarts gone bang
original: Stewart wow had a good 5 mins
Ninty: Sheezel VC going ok. Stewart winding back the clock
Wends: Humphries already passed f/t score from last wk when I played him on field ????
FlaggersXD: Lol 61 last week
pcaman2003: Great start from Sheez, Xerri,Humphries and Mannagh on my bench.
Noxious: Good start Sheez
Wends: meant 1/2 way, not FT
Birdman18: Rowell getting benched for Humpfries again
Kidult: Dunkley does a job on Rowell
naicosfan: xerri not getting the tackles, blicavs doing a role
J_Herer: Get involved manna!!!
lock98: These are some elite handballs from Sheezel
pcaman2003: Sheez owning the ball, will probably cop a tag soon.
piesfan420: tossed and turned between xerri and sheez vc, went xerri ffs
soup: Hopefully Neale makes me feel better about taking the VC off Sheez
Wends: Same Piesfan; X’s VC not ideal! Quietly happy with new pick up LDU tho
Kidult: Haven’t seen a big score from a handball game in awhile
Cascadian: Great start Simpkin don?t drift out of the game like you usually do
original: Stewart not really going to waste that first qtr are ya??
piesfan420: there we go xerri
Ninty: Dempsey wants that rising star
banta: wtf danger useless. so overrated
Ninty: Xerri 4 points behind Sheez. 3 mins a long time in footy
Ninty: shit banter, banta
Baldfrog: Banta FIGJAM(Danger) has turned to marmalade
Ninty: Xerri now on top, can?t believe I picked Sheez over him ????
naicosfan: ldu, your kicking efficiency is shower
Ninty: Still salty baldflog
Noxious: Sheez been on the bench a while
Baldfrog: Hows the unbeaten cats having no competition going for ya Ninty?
Wends: stewart too noxious
original: -5 for the qtr so far premo stewart
Ninty: Pretty good; top 4 still on. #yawn
naicosfan: lots of down scaling in this game, not looking too good
thommoae: Roos butchering inside 50 opportunites
banta: Holmes is such a jet. One of my fav players and I don’t even support cats
Wends: Keep going X <3
Apachecats: Think I’ll do my Xerri loop now.
piesfan420: dont jinx it apache
Apachecats: true pies ,I’ll wait.
naicosfan: 4 or 5 tackles this quarter for xerri, keep going you gun
pcaman2003: Very happy with that qtr from my players. Makes a nice change.
Wends: X wears the cape well
piesfan420: same here pcaman
pcaman2003: piesfan, Hopefully it all continues 2nd half when it really counts.
Ninty: Just saw the deliberate trip by Wardlaw. That?s the rising star done, well done Ollie!
TheWarlord: Yeah Ninty, Ollie deserved it anyway
Apachecats: Gov out so which out of Clohesy orGraham to fill in.
TheWarlord: Would go graham if he?s not the sub Apache
Noxious: Surely wont get suspended, theres a cats player with 2 trips this year and no suspension
Hazza09: Had to go Gawn to Xerri 2 weeks ago, would curse if Max goes 170 tonight
Apachecats: Thanks Warlord will wait for subs ,out soon anyway.
pcaman2003: Apache. I think Graham if he’s a starter and not sub.
thommoae: Roos had a nice warm hot chocolate each at the break?
Noxious: Hasnt been an immediate suspension for trip since 1995
BusyChild: Going Nank over Xerri when I traded Gawn has been a massive blunder. I’m copping a zero
Georgeous: I missed the trip, is Georgie in trouble?
piesfan420: xerri projected 160 after his first half score
TheWarlord: Maybe he won?tNoxious, I still think Dempsey will win
pcaman2003: BusyChild. That’s a real downer. Bit stiff!
Cascadian: Keep it up Simpkin
soup: Rohan off the field. Thank God
original: Good boy Stewart
soup: Keep going laws I need that Dawson cover
J_Herer: Dempsey playing better footy now, he will win it
soup: He’s such a goat
soup: Sheez that is
pcaman2003: So, I finally pick a decent VC in Sheez.
Stu7: Sheezel in psycho mode
Noxious: Same pca I’m very happy with it, had a terrible run of C scores lately
Birdman18: Sheezel needs to settle down a bit
Noxious: Only problem is both myself and my opponent have VC sheez so means nothing
Stu7: Sheezel 150+
Noxious: What are the chances Serong goes bigger?
pcaman2003: Noxious. I know the feeling all too well.. I feel relieved.
Stu7: Great Miers & Powell on the wood
sfenda1: sheez 40 points in like 5 mins
Apachecats: Tagger target Noxious.
Noxious: Who is west coasts tagger?
Stu7: They don?t have one Nox
Noxious: Thats what I thought
naicosfan: ginbey has had the role nox
soup: We are so bad holy
Noxious: Surely Ginbey cant keep up with Serong, bros built like a brick shithouse
m0nty: Zurhaar to Duursma, that was a triple A and triple U play
slydon: harry sheezel is genuinely the afl version of a young michael jordan
Stu7: Don?t stress Nox C him up
Birdman18: I wouldn’t try and risk it Noxious. Sheez is on target for 140 plus
Wends: Lol m0nty. And back on the ground LDU
Stu7: Miers and Ka-Powell the off the pine
Noxious: Nah I’ll have to stay Sheez and hope my opponent collapses haha cant give this score up
Ninty: Stengle AA #gun
naicosfan: what a shallow throw in
soup: So glad he’s bounced back after last year ninty
Stu7: Sorry – I agree with Birdman – stick with Sheezel otherwise you will most definaltey lose heaps of points
Noxious: Stengle definitely AA
Noxious: Assuming all forward spots dont go to mids like normal
pcaman2003: Lift Humphries in the last qtr. Gone very quiet lad.
naicosfan: rankine in contention for that spot too
Stu7: Miers you spud
Noxious: Geez he’s good
Ninty: had his injury issues and a well earned hangover last year
Social: my man
naicosfan: sheezel possible AA too imo, hes been ultra consistent
Noxious: Henry knock it out of his hands and still paid haha
cobrakai00: great mark / goal
piesfan420: finally hit a good vc, first one in ages, go xerri
Swoop35: C sheezel looking good!
Wends: Indeed pca. Relieved he’s on the bench for me this week
Social: wish they’d let us wear this kit more often, we only seem to wear it Hobart
youthuck: Geelong cheat and get lucky literally every week hahah
Ninty: Hardly a knock out of his hands. Great mark by the skipper
Cascadian: I think I should just VC Flanders and expect a 110-120, considering how shit my captaining has been this year
Noxious: How are Geelong cheating youthuck?
Ninty: cheat and get lucky lmao salty much
youthuck: You aren’t winning a final mate, you’re struggling against 17th placed North. The cliff looms.
Wends: Nearly moved the C to Bennett… then thought better of it
Ninty: Yawn
Noxious: Which team do you support youthuck out of curiosity
Ninty: Coen Livingstone C
Noxious: North have been playing pretty well since the bye, every team but swans have struggled
pcaman2003: Sheez is amazing to watch.
TheWarlord: Izak Rankine C this week
piesfan420: duursma 2 goals as the sub
Apachecats: Sheezel 22 CP ,30 disp @83% ,all class Rolls Royce.
piesfan420: xerri surely hit 140-150
naicosfan: need a 140
naicosfan: xerri
J_Herer: Sheezel is a goat
StuL: Go Sheezel. You’re a unique v Xerri
Stu7: Miers wake the fvck up,
Social: not so much against us StuL, we haven’t got a ruckman
Wends: wakey wakey Lukey
StuL: How did I trade out Dempsey?
Noxious: The red T button on the player name I think StuL
Stu7: Miers one touch and back on the bench
Apachecats: Stul thats just Sg ,we make the same mistakes every year,
Stu7: Go back to sleep Mannagh
Ninty: How did I trade in Cameron instead of Xerri? I was looking at saving cash to make a 2nd trade. didn?t end up doing lol
naicosfan: ldu been disappointing this half
soup: He’s been pathetic naicos
Noxious: Geez just give it to him now
Swoop35: Thankyou for not burning me sheezel
Wends: TBF, he went off for a blood nose.. must’ve been quite a whack
piesfan420: take mannaghs score or loophole dowling in?
Stu7: Sheezel 165
Noxious: I’d take the 70+
soup: I’d take it piesfan, unless you need to do something extreme for a matchup
beerent11: Sheez=naicos
naicosfan: im looping rowell with dowling and if rowell doesnt go 80+ im playing dowling
J_Herer: good little vulture!
circle52: Same issue piesfan would like another 5/10 points from Mannagh though
Apachecats: mOnty BOG to Sheez
Swoop35: Id take mannagh piesfan
Stu7: Mannagh I reckon piesfan
Birdman18: Still points in this
piesfan420: nah soup xerri has saved me with the 145 vc
pcaman2003: .piesfan. What’s the hurry? Game not finished yet.
Noxious: Okay enough rest time Sheezel back on
piesfan420: pcaman only way i can loop is before next game starts
Swoop35: Lol noxious
J_Herer: Sheez > Vaicos
pcaman2003: You have plenty of time piesfan. Don’t rush it.
sheezel420: Sheez > every other player in the comp
Noxious: No free for Stephenson getting hit after the kick?
soup: Surprised Xerri didn’t get 20 points for yelling at the ump
lock98: Gun for Xerri
soup: Star for Sheez surely
Raspel31: Who to cap after Sheezel?
Noxious: Xerri sneaky AA
pcaman2003: Rasp. I’ll be your C, just trust me ????
Wends: Watching Stewart as a very late dumper is a distopian nightmare
Swoop35: Luv ya sheez, one of my best C decisions after Failed rozee VC
Stu7: Looking for a C Rasp?
EvilMonk: Sheez my VC today ???? yay
piesfan420: 3 premos go massive today
naicosfan: incredible stat sheet for sheez
Swoop35: My proj will be around 2600 after this, wont happen tho lol
Wends: *dystopian ????
piesfan420: same here swoop hopefully it will happen tho
Swoop35: Fingers crossed piesfan
pcaman2003: My best game for SC this year I’d reckon. Very stoked!
Manowar: Stewrat good today
naicosfan: projected around 2660 with ldu
Swoop35: Thats massive naicos
pcaman2003: Teams with taggers will target Sheez for sure now.
J_Herer: gg cats
naicosfan: just waiting for the carnage to start );
Noxious: Pca is this your first time watching him? This is like a very regular occurance for him haha
soup: ‘putting the competition on notice’ what rubbish haha
beerent11: Cheers cheez and vc xman
Manowar: projected then reality! lol
naicosfan: thank you xerri and sheez, ldu, not the best
pcaman2003: Noxious. He was simply exceptional today,especially left unchecked.
Noxious: Yeah he’s great to watch

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Торговый центр в Симферополе горит на площади 500 кв. м

В Симферополе частично обрушилась кровля при пожаре в торговом центре

В торговом центре в Симферополе произошел крупный пожар

Крупный пожар произошел в торговом центре в Симферополе, обрушилась кровля

Спасатели локализовали пожар в детской игровой комнате в Москве

Reuters: готовится большой обмен заключенными между Россией и Западом

Фестиваль «Москва 2030»: какой будет столица в скором будущем?

Константин и Валерия Владимировы: «Благодарим земляков за поддержку на конкурсе «Семья года»!

Спорт в России и мире

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Новости тенниса

Россиянка Мирра Андреева завоевала первый титул WTA в карьере

Суд огласит приговор сыну экс-судьи и прокурора по делу об убийстве

Reuters: готовится большой обмен заключенными между Россией и Западом

Госархив опубликовал письмо вице-президента США Ричарда Никсона жителям Новосибирска

Президент США Джо Байден подтвердил, что приедет на саммит G20 в Рио-де-Жанейро