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The important back-to-school tasks parents are most likely to forget about – including the job 3 in 4 skip


THE average parent only reckons they’ll get three quarters of their ‘back to school’ list done in time for term to start.

A poll, of 1,000 parents of school-aged children, found buying new uniforms, getting fitted for school shoes and organising transportation are just a handful of tasks on the seemingly ‘never ending’ list.

Many parents think they’ll only get through three quarters of their ‘back to school’ list[/caption]

As a result, one in 10 mums and dads reckon they will miss out on some of the pre-school essentials because of a lack of time, with 11 per cent claiming it’s ‘very’ stressful.

Also on the list of back to school tasks are buying new pencil cases and pencils, purchasing books and stitching on name labels.

However, just 20 per cent will add booking eye appointments to the list before the return to school.

The research was commissioned by Specsavers, which has created an Eye Screen Van, to prompt parents into thinking about their children’s eye health – popping up in London’s South Bank and The Royal Botanical Garden in Edinburgh.

Clinical services director Giles Edmonds explained why getting eyes tested before the new term is so important.

He said: “A lot of parents assume that because their child doesn’t display any signs of a vision problem, there’s no need to have their eyes tested.

‘However, this couldn’t be further from the truth.

“Ensuring your child has regular eye examinations from an early age is incredibly important for several reasons.

“Given more than 80 per cent of our learning, cognitive and social abilities are facilitated through our sight, it’s extremely important to your child’s overall development.

“Poor eyesight can cause learning and behavioural problems.

“Conditions such as squinting and amblyopia – lazy eye – can be treated more effectively if they are picked up earlier, which could make a huge difference to your child.

“An eye test doesn’t just check vision. It can also detect other underlying health conditions.”

The study went on to find 28 per cent will spend time planning out future meals and snacks for the new term than those booking dental or optical appointments.

Just over a quarter (26 per cent) of parents polled have spoken with children about sight problems they experienced while at school.

James Linsell-Clark/PinPep
Specsavers helps to put eye tests on parents’ radars this summer with its Eye Screen Van equipped with visual screeners and free ice lollies for kids[/caption]
Robert Perry/PinPep
Kids enjoying free ice lollies at Specsavers first-ever Eye Screen Van to highlight the importance of children’s eye health[/caption]
James Linsell-Clark/PinPep
1 in 4 children have never had an eye test.  Specsavers launch first-ever Eye Screen Van to get parents thinking about kids’ eye health this summer[/caption]
James Linsell-Clark/PinPep
Specsavers optometrist providing kids eye tests at the first-ever Eye Screen Van in London and Edinburgh[/caption]

Of these, 37 per cent of kids have struggled to see the white board, and 33 per cent have requested to be moved closer to the front of the class.

More than a fifth (22 per cent) have had difficulties during PE lessons, because they weren’t able to see a ball properly.

And 24 per cent of kids have expressed reluctance to have their eyes tested, according to the OnePoll.com figures.

In also emerged that one in four kids aged four and 16 have never had an eye test, and a further 17 per cent haven’t had one in two years or longer.

Top 20 back-to-school tasks

1.    Buying new uniforms

2.    Getting my child fitted for new shoes

3.    Buying new PE/ sports kit (includes swimming)

4.    Stationery shopping

5.    Labeling personal items

6.    Reviewing school schedules and calendars

7.    Planning meals and snacks

8.    Buying new books

9.    Reviewing what textbooks are needed

10.   Dental check-up

11.   Discussing goals and expectations

12.   Getting my child’s eyes tested

13.   Organising before or after school clubs/ extracurricular activities

14.   Arranging childcare for before/ after school

15.   Updating household chores and responsibilities

16.   Organising school transportation

17.   Reviewing school policies

18.   Updating emergency contact information

19.   Scheduling other medical appointments

20.   Organising study areas at home

Concerningly, little progress has been in the last 15 years as 2009 figures show just under a quarter (23 per cent) of children, aged between three and 12, had never had an eye test.

Children, under the age of 16, are entitled to an NHS-funded eye test and free glasses at high street opticians, however, 22 per cent of parents are not aware of this.

Worryingly, awareness of this has diminished with only one in 10 parents not being aware of this in 2009.

Giles Edmonds, from Specsavers, which will be offering free vision screeners, colour blindness tests, and ice lollies from its Eye Screen Van, added: “We understand how many things parents have to think about, especially during the summer holidays and before the new school year starts.  

“By showing up with our eye screen van, we hope we’ve put eye tests on parents’ radars as they play a significant role in setting children up for a happy and fulfilling school life.”

How to survive six weeks of school summer holidays

IF you are struggling with the six week summer holidays, you've come to the right place...

BATTLING BOREDOM: Despite hours of activities and playdates, if your kids are already complaining there’s nothing to do, parenting expert Liat Hughes Joshi says: “Don’t feel you have to organise every second of the holidays. Kids benefit from boredom and learn to make their own fun.

“Boredom can trigger creative and imaginative play but you need to encourage kids to get used to not being told how to spend their time.

“Ride out the pleas of boredom. Counter it with comments such as, ‘What do you think you could do?’ and maybe have a list of ‘I’m bored’ activity ideas on the fridge.”

SCREEN OVERLOAD: It’s tempting during the holidays to rely on a digital babysitter but don’t let them gawp their whole summer away in front of a screen.

Liat says: “It’s unfair to expect older kids to power down but it’s important to set some ground rules.

“Set family tech rules together. If you’re often distracted by your phone, follow the rules too. Maybe tell the kids they aren’t allowed any screen time until they’ve done set chores, some exercise, or a board game.

“Are there times when you’d like to ban screens completely? Perhaps during dinner or when they have friends over to visit.

“Tech is a battleground for parents, but you have to set boundaries. Stand firm and be prepared to be unpopular.”

TOO MUCH TOGETHERNESS: You love your kids, but being with them 24/7 can be exhausting. Do not feel guilty if you need a bit of downtime.

Liat says: “If you’re juggling work and household tasks as well as occupying the kids, it’s normal to start feeling overwhelmed or jaded and in need of some peace.

“If you can’t afford or don’t want to send your kids to all-day camps, look for free kids’ workshops so you can get on with jobs or have a break for a couple of hours.

“Seeking a spell of quiet every now and then doesn’t make you a bad parent — in fact it will probably make you more positive and enthusiastic when you are with the kids.”

SCHEDULING CONFLICT: Schedules can go out the window during holidays, but late nights and early mornings can mean tired and unhappy children.

Dr Tamara Bugembe, paediatrician and founder of Helperbees.co.uk says: “Children get grumpy, test boundaries and become challenging when routines are broken.

“Sticking to some kind of routine during the holidays is a good idea.

“We release hormones at different times of the day and when regular meal times and bed times are broken, it causes dips and peaks in mood.

“Holidays are about having fun but an early night once or twice a week will make everyone happier.”

EXCESS ENERGY: Make sure kids get out in the fresh air to tire them out — and make them healthier and happier.

Dr Bugembe says: “Sunshine also tops up vital vitamin D levels which helps improve bone strength and energy levels in children. Our levels run low in winter so let the kids stock up in warmer weather.

“Letting them run around in shorts and a T-shirt is the best way to top up. Make sure they’re wearing sun cream, get outside and have fun.

“Encourage them to try healthy habits such as cycling and walking. They’ll hopefully get hooked and want to carry them on when the weather gets colder.”

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