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Google election manipulation returns with censorship of Trump-shooting searches


A Harvard-trained researcher has concluded that Google’s decision to manipulate search results on its platform could have shifted at least six million votes – to Joe Biden’s totals – during the 2020 election.

That, of course, was the election also influenced by Mark Zuckerberg’s $400 million handed out to elections officials who often used it to recruit Democrat voters, as well as the interference by the FBI and CIA whose officials colluded to claim, falsely, that the Biden family scandals documented in Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop were Russian disinformation.

WND reported that it was Dr. Robert Epstein, a Democrat voter, who informed Fox News’ Tucker Carlson show at the time he had 733 field agents in swing states Arizona, North Carolina and Florida.

He said Google’s search results were “strongly biased” to Democrats, unlike other search engines Bing or Yahoo.

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He reported, at the time, “We found a period of days when the vote reminder on Google’s homepage was being sent only to liberals — not one of our conservative field agents received a vote reminder during those days.”

Exposed, the megacorporation then\ “backed off,” he reported.

It appears that song, out of tune though it may be, is playing again for the 2024 election.

The Daily Caller said Google right now is being criticized for blatantly censoring information to conceal details about the recent assassination attempt on President Donald Trump, the GOP nominee this year.

The report explained it involves the “autocomplete” feature that has been edited into the software.

The report said, “Typing the phrase ‘assassination attempt on Tru…’ into Google’s search engine does not automatically recommend the relevant phrase ‘assassination attempt on Trump,’ instead ranking ‘assassination attempt on Truman’ as the highest result, video posted on X by Libs Of TikTok shows. Other results below the search conducted by Libs Of TikTok included ‘… Trump’s case,’ ‘… Trump’s administration’ and ‘How many presidents have had assassination attempts.”

A congressional investigation would be appropriate, charged Libs of TikTok.

And Sen. Roger Marshall, R-Kan., said it was “Orwellian.”

“Why is Google suppressing the search about the Trump assassination attempt? These are all screenshots from this morning. Has there been a dramatic increase in Truman biographers in the last two weeks?” Marshall asked. “I’ll be making an official inquiry into Google this week – I look forward to their response.”

Republican Rep. Chip Roy, of Texas, said he verified the problem.

“Big Tech is trying to interfere in the election AGAIN to help Kamala Harris. We all know this is intentional election interference from Google. Truly despicable,” Trump’s son wrote with a screenshot of his search results.

A Google official claimed no “manual action” had been done skew those search results.

“Our systems have protections against Autocomplete predictions associated with political violence, which were working as intended prior to this horrific event occurring,” that official claimed.

The Daily Mail confirmed conservatives were given the impression the web giant was involved in “election tampering.”

The report noted a recent Media Research Center study “not only cited 16 incidents of Google election interference but also claimed that Google’s new AI tool Gemini “won’t answer negative questions” about Joe Biden.”

“‘MRC researchers have found 41 times where Google interfered in elections over the last 16 years,’ MRC Free Speech America vice president Dan Schneider and editor Gabriela Pariseau wrote in the report’s summary,” the report said.

They explained, “From the mouths of Google executives, the tech giant let slip what was never meant to be made public: That Google uses its ‘great strength and resources and reach’ to advance its leftist values.”

Google repeatedly has denied the charges.

But WND reported that Google, the “gorilla in the room regarding internet searches,” has indeed interfered in elections at least 41 times in recent years.

Dan Schneider, MRC’s Free Speech America vide president, and Gabriela Pariseau, editor, said in a summary, “MRC researchers have found 41 times where Google interfered in elections over the last 16 years, and its impact has surged dramatically, making it evermore harmful to democracy. In every case, Google harmed the candidates – regardless of party – who threatened its left-wing candidate of choice.”

There are solutions, the MRC work suggested, including that House Speaker Mike Johnson should “direct relevant committees” to investigate the likely violation of constitutional rights involved in the censorship.

Also possible would be to declare Google a common carrier.

Complaints that Google routinely censors any information based on no more than its own ideologies have become common. One situation involved the I&I website, which is the Issues & Insights home.

The site officials said they noticed the problem because Google’s AdSense ad network had been withdrawn from an article.

“What was the violation? According to Google, the article contained ‘unreliable and harmful information.’ What does that mean?” the site asked, citing the online giant’s demands that forbid content that “makes claims that are demonstrably false and could significantly undermine participation or trust in an electoral or democratic process.”

Two other disqualifiers are content that promotes harmful health claims or contradicts an “authoritative scientific consensus on climate change.”

“But this new article wasn’t about climate change. It wasn’t about COVID. It also wasn’t about election fraud. It wasn’t about the Jan. 6 riots. It wasn’t about anything controversial,” I&I reported.

“It was an article about the results of our own monthly I&I/TIPP poll, which asked registered voters ‘who do you want to see run for president in 2024.’ We broke out the findings by party affiliation, and reported on the results. Which were that while 60% of Republicans wanted Donald Trump to run in 2024, a mere 37% of Democrats wanted President Joe Biden to be on the ticket,” the site said.

Google’s intolerance level rose to the occasion, censoring it.

Another report by WND also confirmed that Google has interfered in elections around the world.

So said Peter Schweizer, president of the Government Accountability Institute, author of “Clinton Cash” and producer of the new film “The Creepy Line.”

One of the scientists featured said one-quarter of the world’s elections are impacted.

“You don’t see it, it’s not visible – you are not seeing police coming into your house,” explained Schweizer. “But they are, in a real way, like Big Brother, sifting and determining what you should see and what you shouldn’t see. The problem is you can see storm troopers – you can see the fist of government trying to infringe on your rights – you can’t see what Google is doing because its hidden and we don’t know what we don’t know.”

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