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I love gardening nude in 32C UK even if passers-by say ‘cover up’, bugs bite boobs & I flash the Amazon driver


WALKING out her back door, Carron Burley, 58, pops on a hat and a pair of sunglasses before picking a bucket of seedlings, gardening gloves and a planting trowel.

Slowly she makes her way past 100 carefully tended pot plants and multiple garden beds overflowing with tidal waves of red, pink and yellow blooms.  

Carron is a proud naked gardener
Carron Burley

When Carron reaches her water fountain, she bends down and starts carefully planting geraniums and primroses.

It’s a scene being played out in millions of backyards across Britain this week – but what makes mum-of-two and nan-of-two Carron different is she’s gardening in the nude and wouldn’t have it any other way – even if bugs bite her boobs and couriers catch an eyeful. 

“I am a naked gardener and this week will be great,” she says. “I am planting my petunias in the buff. I’m weeding and raking in the nude. I’m using my hose topless. It might shock the neighbours, but I look fabulous and so does my garden.”

Carron loves it when the mercury heats up as she can rip off her clothes and get down and dirty in her birthday suit, although she’ll work in colder weather too. 

If gardening is my obsession, then wandering around naked is my passion. 

Carron Burley

“The weather is perfect for digging up beds, replanting, and trimming bushes without a stitch on.”

Part-time hospital staffer and film extra Carron, 58, lives outside Sheffield, South Yorks., with her husband, plasterer Ray Clough 67, in a four-bedroom converted barn which features a stunning 1,000ft garden.

She first realised gardening was more fun naked in 2018 after a pal introduced her to it as part of Naked Gardening Day.

Now, as soon as the sun peaks its head out, she rips her clothes off. 

It might shock the neighbours, but I look fabulous and so does my garden

Carron Burley

“I love the feel of soil in my hands,” she says. “I love nurturing my plants and I love the sun on every part of my body. It’s my secret to looking young,”

Carron, who says she’s often mistaken for a 40-something, and Ray’s garden features seven terraces which include the fountain, a pond with a bridge and waterfall, a kitchen garden and terrace with 10 22ft high trees.

“It’s our pride and joy,” she says. “I spend at least 16 hours a week planting, digging and pruning. Most of the time I am starkers.

“We have more than 100 pot plants and hanging pots. There are red robin hedges, conifers, water plants and this year pink, red and yellow flowers are everywhere.”

“If gardening is my obsession, then wandering around naked is my passion. 

“I know people will say an almost OAP granny has no right wandering around her back garden in the buff. I don’t care what they think. 

I spend at least 16 hours a week planting, digging and pruning. Most of the time I am starkers

Carron Burley

“Naked gardening is the secret to keeping an all-round tan and being body confident.”

Carron wasn’t always so willing to strip off outdoors.

“I have always loved gardening but was always nervous and worried about what people might think – I didn’t feel confident enough,” she says. “It wasn’t until 2018 when a friend suggested I take part in International Naked Gardening Day did I find the guts to take the first step towards making bare-bottomed gardening almost a daily part of my life.

“Ray loves photography and took some pictures of me naked gardening. I realised then how much fun being buff outdoors could be.

Gardening mistakes that could get you fined

Gardening experts over at Toolstation have revealed the garden laws you need to be aware of not breaking.

While some of these laws could land you with a fine of up to £20,000 in extreme cases, a friendly chat with your neighbours can usually resolve any issues.

Tree removal and pruning: If you have a tree in your garden you want to get rid of you better think twice and do your research.

The gardening experts reveal: “If one neighbour wishes to remove or heavily prune a tree that the other neighbour values, disputes can arise over the impact on the view, shade, or privacy. “

While it might cause a row, if it is in your property boundary it is ultimately your choice, unless it has a Tree Protection Order on it.

“But, some trees may be protected by a Tree Protection Order which makes it an offence to uproot, top or destroy them, the experts warn.

The maximum fine for breaking this law is £20,000, so make sure you double check if it does have a TPO.

You can find out by contacting your local council for a map that shows this information. Alternatively, you can ask to speak with your local tree officer.

Property boundaries and fences: One of the main causes of neighbours falling out is through arguing over property boundaries and fencing.

To avoid this situation, the gardening pros recommend checking the deeds of your property to determine the correct boundaries

“Most of the time, it’s easy to determine who owns the fence as the fence posts will usually be on the owners side,” they add.

“Additionally, the height of fences or hedges can cause disputes between neighbours if one party feels the height has exceeded the two metre guidance.

“Hedges and fences should be no more than two metres high, and you could be asked by the council to take them down if a neighbour complains about the height.

“Luckily, standard fence sizes are less than two metres tall so you shouldn’t have a problem.”

Garden structures and additions: A pergola is the perfect addition to a garden if you want somewhere to relax in the shade.

But if it obstructs your neighbour’s view or violates local building regulations it could cause a dispute, as can sheds and other garden structures.

“If you’re not sure, have a chat with your neighbours to let them know what you’re planning and, if there’s an issue, get in touch with your local council who can give you more guidance,” advise the gardening experts.

Overhanging branches and plants: “When branches, vines, or roots from one neighbour’s tree or plant extend into the neighbouring property, it can lead to disagreements over potential damage to structures, blocked views, or the burden of maintenance,” reveal the pros.

However, it’s important to note you can only trim overhanging branches up to the boundary of your property otherwise, it could be seen as trespassing.

You can climb into the tree to carry out the work if needed, but only on your property and make sure to stay on your side of the fence if you don’t have permission to enter your neighbours garden.

“My body confidence shot up. I felt freer and more liberated than I ever had.  

“I now garden and work on my tan at the same time. I also realised you only live once and stopped worrying about wearing clothes.”

But sadly she’s been trolled for her gardening.

“The odd time strangers have spotted me naked pruning or digging I get told to cover up,” she says. “They have to really stretch and crane their necks to see me. I just don’t listen.”

Ray’s even created a massive garden board game corner. 

“It features two-foot-high chess pieces,” she says. “I love playing ‘giant garden chess’ in the buff and enjoying a drink while watching the sunset.

Carron and her second husband Ray literally met ‘over the garden fence’.

Bugs bites your breasts so I keep sting cream nearby.

Carron Burley

“I moved next door to Ray in 2007,” she says. “But for two years we never actually ran into each other.

In 2009 Carron sent Ray a message on the dating app, they started dating and married in 2019.

But naked gardening isn’t problem-free. I get so focussed on the task I forget I’m naked,” says Carron.

 “Bugs bite your breasts so I keep sting cream nearby,” she says. 

“There have been times when a courier will walk around the back of the house, and I’ll be cutting roses or trimming a hedge completely starkers.

“A few have scarpered. Others just wave, drop the parcel at the back door and leave.”

Carron says there are times she’s ended up with a burnt bottom after forgetting sunscreen.

Is it illegal to be naked in your garden?

It is not an offence to be naked in public which means it is not against the law to be naked in your own garden in the UK.

However, all that changes if your actions alarm or distress those around you.

The law states: “In the absence of any sexual context and in relation to nudity where the person has no intention to cause alarm or distress it will normally be appropriate to take no action unless members of the public were actually caused harassment, alarm or distress (as opposed to considering the likelihood of this).”

Barrister Lynette Calder told The Sun that it’s fine to be naked in your own garden – as long as your intent is not to harass or distress whoever lives next door.

She said: “Unless you are in contravention of section 66 of the Sexual Offences Act 2003 – ie ‘intentionally exposing your genitals with the intention that someone will see them and be caused alarm or distress – then there is no specific rule against nudity in the UK.”

The best way to ensure you don’t end up in hot water with the police while enjoying the UK sunshine is to exercise some caution.

It’s also worth considering that somebody may ring your doorbell during your nude sunbathing sessions.

It is not illegal to answer the door to your home in your underwear or walk around the house without clothes on but if the nudity becomes a regularity, and if your neighbours complain to the police enough, then they may take action against you.

“I have suffered for my garden,” she says. “Now I keep suncream at the back door and in my garden bag. A big sun hat is important.

“This week’s sunshine can be vicious so make sure you have SPF on.

“I know many people get weird about going nude in their garden. People worry about the neighbours. They worry about being ‘caught’.

“That’s crazy. Find a part of your garden that’s secluded and start by doing some to topless sunbathing or pruning.

This week’s sunshine can be vicious so make sure you have SPF on.

Carron Burley

“The most important thing is you find the confidence to give yourself some ‘me time’ and to start enjoying yourself.

“It is about body confidence. Try it. Not only will your garden bloom but so will your confidence.”

Carron Burley
Sometimes she flashes the Amazon delivery driver[/caption]
She is a proud gardener
Carron Burley
Carron Burley
She’s mistaken for a 40-year-old[/caption]

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