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MI AG Dana Nessel Appears To Have LIED About Who Owned the Semi-Automatic Rifles With Suppressors Found In Raid of Dem-Funded GBI Strategies Voter Registration Headquarters


MI AG Dana Nessel appears to have lied about the owner of 4 semi-automatic rifles with suppressors and modified pistols that were found stored in a Pelican case during a raid of the Democrat-funded GBI Strategies headquarters in Southfield, MI.

The post MI AG Dana Nessel Appears To Have LIED About Who Owned the Semi-Automatic Rifles With Suppressors Found In Raid of Dem-Funded GBI Strategies Voter Registration Headquarters appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

MI AG Dana Nessel appears to have lied about the owner of 4 semi-automatic rifles with suppressors and modified pistols that were found stored in a Pelican case during a raid of the Democrat-funded GBI Strategies headquarters in Southfield, MI.

On October 16, 2020, the Muskegon Police Department was called to the Muskegon City Clerk’s office to investigate what appeared to be a mass voter registration fraud effort targeting urban communities across the state of Michigan. Packages of fake registrations being mailed from a hotel in Auburn Hills, MI. and from the GBI Strategies/Empower Michigan headquarters in Southfield, MI

NOW WE HAVE PROOF! TGP EXCLUSIVE: Massive 2020 Voter Fraud Uncovered in Michigan – Including Estimated “800,000 Ballot Applications Sent to Non-Qualified Voters” – Bags of Pre-Paid Gift Cards, Guns with Silencers, Burner Phones, and a Democrat-Funded Organization with Multiple Temporary Facilities in Several States

The MSP (Michigan State Police Department) began investigating the crime scene shortly after the hero Muskegon City Clerk Ann Meisch alerted the Muskegon Police Department that she discovered between 8,000 and 10,000 voter registrations that were sent via mail in a package with The Staybridge Hotel in Auburn Hills (on the other side of the state from Muskegon) and the initials "EM" (which was later determined to an abbreviation for Empower Michigan). The image below is a screenshot of a post by Ann Meisch on a private MI Clerks Facebook page that we were given access to by a whistleblower.

The MSP report, which election integrity expert Phil O'Halloran gave to Patty McMurray of the Gateway Pundit, revealed that "EM" is actually Empower Michigan, a name used by GBI Strategies while operating in the state of Michigan.

The MSP report also identified two political candidates who paid GBI Strategies for their work in Michigan. Curiously, Democrat Senator Gary Peters and then-presidential candidate Joe Biden each paid GBI Strategies exactly $242,133 for their work.

The MSP report reveals law enforcement was focused on GBI Strategies, its employees, and its founder, Gary Bell. Additionally, the report lays out the potential charges of the crime of "Election Fraud Forgery" (remember, according to the GBI Strategies supervisor, she admitted to turning in over 1,000 fraudulent voter registrations herself). According to the MSP report, investigators are also trying to examine "who may be criminally liable" and who, exactly, "profited from the fraud"?

Brianna Hawkins, a compliance officer for GBI Strategies, was identified in the MSP as the individual who dropped off over 2500 voter registrations in person at the Muskegon Clerks office.

Hawkins was working out of the GBI Strategies headquarters in Southfield, MI, before she was called up to the Muskegon office after the Democrat-funded organization discovered that the clerk had reported their massive dump of false registrations to law enforcement.

Watch Ms. Hawkins tell MI AG investigator Stephen Morse that over 1,000 false registrations were turned in to the Muskegon clerk by GBI Strategies:

In one of the video clips, MI AG Investigator Morse told Ms. Hawkins that she had broken the law when she turned in fraudulent voter registrations, yet MI AG Dana Nessel never charged her with any crimes---why?

In yet another clip from her interview with the MI AG investigator, Ms. Hawkins explains how canvassers are given 20 voter registration forms each and are tasked with getting them filled out. If the registrations come back with missing information, they are scanned into the GBI Strategies computers and set aside in a different pile.

Ms. Hawkins, who was charged with combing through the new voter registrations, was never asked to make sure the registrants were legitimate; she was only asked to make sure the form was completed and signed. When asked about cities in Michigan where GBI Strategies/Empower MI was operating, Ms. Hawkins said she was "pretty sure" fake registrations were being turned into clerks in other cities where GBI/Empower MI was operating.


In our original article on the GBI Strategies investigation dated August 8, 2023, we reported about a Pelican case filled with 4 semi-automatic rifles with suppressors and modified pistols that were found inside the GBI Strategies/Empower Michigan headquarters.

Unfortunately, because the portion of the Michigan State Police report that named the owner of the guns was redacted, we were unable to determine who was responsible for leaving the guns in the GBI Strategies headquarters with the employees and a whiteboard above the guns with a note under "Hot Topics" that read, "weapons in the field, prepared for shifts."

Shortly after we released our report, we discovered a response to the media by MI AG Dana Nessel that addressed the Gateway Pundit's bombshell reporting on GBI Strategies that was not surprisingly taken over by the FBI where the investigation appears to have gone to die.

Here's a close-up screenshot of the paragraph where Dana Nessel falsely claims, "The guns were legally owned and incidentally stored by the landlord irrelevant to the business."

Thanks to independent investigator Yehuda Miller, Patty McMurray was given another MSP report filled with additional information on the GBI Strategies investigation, including the name of the person who owned the guns that were found during the MSP raid of the Southfield, MI headquarters.

The police report states that GBI Strategies owner Gary Bell was in Iowa when the raid of the GBI headquarters took place. He was on a Zoom call with his office manager, Menotte, when the raid was taking place.

The police report states that the officer on the scene overheard Gary Bell telling Menotte that "she needed to make sure she declared the personal items he left behind before leaving the state. It should be noted it was later found that he was referring to multiple firearms and ammunition within one of their suites."

Craig Mauger, the political "reporter" for one of Michigan's top propaganda publications, The Detroit News, ignored the bombshell investigation The Gateway Pundit shared with the public.

Instead of doing his job and investigating what appears to be the best evidence of mass voter fraud in America during the 2020 election cycle, he instead built a response to our story around a press release by MI AG Dana Nessel to the media, which attempted to discredit our reporting.

Here is an expert from the Detroit News article written by Craig Mauger in response to our GBI Strategies/Empower Michigan investigative piece that outlines how the Democrats funded an organization that used burner phones to communicate with their workers, untraceable pre-paid cards to pay their workers and of course, the semi-automatic rifles with suppressors and modified pistols that were left behind in the GBI Strategies headquarters by the owner, Gary Bell:

In October 2020, the Michigan State Police first publicly revealed it was examining "irregularities in voter registration forms" in Muskegon.

The investigation of potential election fraud forgery included a search warrant being executed at a Southfield location of GBI Strategies in October 2020, Wimmer said.

Gateway Pundit and other conservative websites have highlighted that "bags of pre-paid gift cards, guns with silencers (and) burner phones" were found during the search.

But substantiating evidence of a crime wasn't found during the search, Wimmer said.

"Detected in this search were pay cards, pre-pay style cell phones and voter registration forms, all determined to be normal operational devices in GBI Strategies’ line of work," Wimmer said. "Also found during the search were several firearms, which prompted a response from federal agents of the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms.

"All detected firearms were determined by federal authorities to be legally owned and incidentally stored in the location by an employee irrelevant to the business purposes of GBI Strategies. None of the materials seized resulted in furthering evidence of voter fraud."

"by an employee irrelevant to the business purposes of GBI Strategies?" Since when is an owner of business referred to as "an employee irrelevant to the business"? Is Craig Mauger saying that the alleged owner of the Democrat-funded "canvassing" operation, who is under investigation after police discovered his employees had turned in at least an admitted thousand false voter registration applications to at least one MI city clerk, is irrelevant? Or is he just parroting what he was told by Michigan's dishonest attorney general Dana Nessel?

James Renner, a MI GOP elector who, along with 15 other electors, cast an alternate slate of electoral votes for President Trump in 2020, admitted in court that he still believes the 2020 election was stolen.

During his testimony, Mr. Renner cited the Muskegon mass voter registration fraud as an example of proven fraud. Mr. Renner, who was part of a plot by Michigan's Democrat attorney general to charge each of the electors with 8 felonies, agreed to share his testimony in return for immunity from prosecution in the Dana Nessel witch hunt case against them.

The Detroit News "reporter" Craig Mauger, who was seated in the courtroom at the time of his testimony, mocked Mr. Renner's concerns about the outcome of the election due in part to the mass voter registration investigation prior to the 2020 election in a tweet.

Ironically, the so-called "reporter," who wrote an article devoid of facts from the MSP report and instead was based almost solely on a statement he received from MI AG Dana Nessel's office on "the truth" about GBI Strategies, accused Mr. Renner of not providing any facts related to the Muskegon mass voter registration scandal.

Washington Post reporter Sarah Ellison also used Dana Nessel's response to our investigative piece to discredit our findings. Instead of reporting the facts as they are presented in the MSP report, Ellison chose to write a hit piece on The Gateway Pundit. The Gateway Pundit plans to demand a retraction from them.

Here is a small snippet of her FALSE hit (opinion) piece on The Gateway Pundit:

WaPo reporter: According to police reports, the Michigan attorney general’s office and an interview with Meisch, an employee of a voter registration drive company had submitted to the Muskegon city clerk thousands of voter registration applications weeks before the 2020 election, some with faked signatures and faulty addresses.

"Some" voter registrations "with faked signatures and faulty addresses?"

In the video above, GBI Strategies Compliance Officer Brianna Hawkins admits to turning in at least over 1,000 fraudulent voter registration applications to the Muskegon city clerk.

WaPo reporter: Meisch’s staff spent hundreds of hours weeding out the bad applications. The guns the police found were legally registered to a landlord who had nothing to do with the registration drive. The prepaid phones and cash cards were given to temporary employees to contact new voter prospects.

We now know the portion about "the guns the police found" being registered "to a landlord who had nothing to do with the registration drive" is a LIE!

With the exception of upper management, it appears that ALL employees who were given "prepaid phones and cash cards," were "temporary." Macy's and Best Buy hire temporary workers during the Christmas season, but they certainly don't pay them with non-traceable pre-paid cash cards or tell them to use burner phones while they're on the clock.

In the video below, GBI Strategies Compliance Officer Brianna Hawkins tells MI AG Investigator Stephen Morse that Gary Bell, the alleged owner of GBI Strategies, didn't seem to care that his company was caught turning in a mass number of false voter registrations.

Why didn't he care? Did he know there would never be any charges against him or his employees? What kind of special protection did Gary Bell have that other Americans don't?

Why would Gary Bell not care if he or his employees got "caught" turning in thousands of fraudulent voter registrations in Michigan? Could it be that Gary Bell felt insulated by the top Democrats like MI SOS Jocelyn Benson, who's in charge of administering Michigan's elections, and Michigan's top law enforcement officer Dana Nessel?

Here is the most likely reason fraudulent voter registration schemes exist:

We all know what happens when fake voters are added to our voter rolls. Thanks to fake voter registrations, fake ballot applications can be sent to the names and addresses of fake voters who were illegally added to our voter rolls.

Finally, fake ballots are sent to illegitimate voters, where they are collected and filled for unpopular candidates whom the media has just spent months lying about. And boom---voters are asked to accept shocking wins by unpopular candidates in races they had no chance of winning on their own!

The post MI AG Dana Nessel Appears To Have LIED About Who Owned the Semi-Automatic Rifles With Suppressors Found In Raid of Dem-Funded GBI Strategies Voter Registration Headquarters appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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