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‘White Dudes For Harris’ Is Being Called Racist By Racist Conservatives. Shut Up.


Source: Mason Trinca / Getty

“White Dudes For Harris,” which launched after Black women led the way in supporting Vice President Kamala Harris in her run for president (followed by Black men and “White Women for Harris”)  is weirdly being called racist–by a bunch of Trump-supporting white racists.

Yes. The same white people who are apparently cool with—and a part of–the freely, persistently and obvious racism of the GOP / MAGAs who are willfully and wrongfully scapegoating Black people and people of color in order to create misdirected white rage as the singular tactic to galvanize white voters, are now trying to get Black voters down with them in the most superficial, transparent and stereotypical ways imaginable.

Let’s start with the conservative white tears-o-thon that ensued after news of these groups broke.

White dudes bad. N*ggas good.

Here is just one of the conservative crazies, Fox News host Dana Perino, who reported, “When I hear, like, this racial segregation of the idea of ‘you just need this demographic,’ and then people proudly doing that — it makes me cringe. I don’t like it, I want to reject all of it.”


We’ll focus on just one of the many problems with Perino’s looney statement. There seem to be zeros times where she expressed similar sentiments over the emergence of groups like “Blacks for Trump.” There’s also the more offensively named collective, “N*ggas for Trump.” It won’t shock you that about even that name, Perino’s silence translates to basically Good to Go with The Blacks!

In fact, you would be hard-pressed to find any Republican conservative outrage over racially labeled groups that support Donald Trump or the GOP, because, while these people pretend to be against identity politics, they’re really actually defined by it. Opposition to identity politics only becomes one of their many dishonest talking points when it works against them and their delusional post-racial America narrative.

There they go again

Here’s another white woman, USA Today columnist Ingrid Jacques, expressing her discomfort with the white Harris-supporting groups in her op-ed titled, ‘”White women’ and ‘white dudes’ pledge their allegiance to Kamala Harris. Talk about weird“:

Imagine for a minute that supporters of former President Donald Trump advertised fundraising calls that would be only for “white women” and “white men.”

The uproar among the left – and the news media – would be immediate, and accusations of racism and sexism would surely follow.

Yet, if Democrats do it, apparently it’s A-OK.

In recent days, that’s exactly what has happened. On Thursday, nearly 200,000 white women hopped on a two-hour Zoom call and reportedly raised at least $11 million for newly anointed presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris.

And then, not to be outdone, a bunch of self-proclaimed “white dudes” joined a call Monday to do the same (although they couldn’t raise as much as the women did).

Other groups have held similar calls, including Win With Black WomenLatinas for HarrisWin With Black Men, and Black Gay and Queer Men for Harris.

Harris, who is in the honeymoon period of her newfound candidacy now that President Joe Biden’s been booted, has taken to calling Trump and his running mate JD Vance “weird.”

I would counter that these segregated fundraisers are just plain weird, but they also speak to the Democratic Party’s obsession with race and gender.

So, according to Jacques, the Democratic party is the only party that has an “obsession with race and gender.” Well, that depends on how you look at it, and white people like Jacques view everything regarding race through a privileged lens of whiteness.

Like Perino, not once does Jacques mention the “Blacks for Trump,” “Latinos for Trump,” or “Women for Trump” groups that have been prominent and celebrated by the GOP and in right-wing media. She ignored “N*ggas for Trump!”  But somehow she sees racial hypocrisy in the existence of white groups supporting Harris simply because a “Whites for Trump” group couldn’t exist without allegations of racism?

First of all, “Whites for Trump” would be redundant.

But where’s the race-based outrage from Jacques when white conservatives, including myriad Republican legislators, promote the white nationalist great replacement theory— the belief that brown migrants are systematically replacing white people? What does she think the deadly “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville was ultimately about?

The great black GOP hopes

In fact, Trump and his campaign have pledged specifically to fight anti-white oppression in America, a country that is more than 60% white and where white people dominate every single institution and all of Western society — from the corporate world to state and federal governments to all aspects of the justice, media, educational and health system.

But Jacques didn’t mention any of that. She did, however, mention the Democratic outrage over Harris being referred to by white conservatives as a “DEI hire,” but only to justify the use of that demonstrably racist language, citing the fact that President Joe Biden declared his intent to choose a woman of color as his running mate, which still ignores the glaring fact that vice president is not a position that is attached to any DEI policy. More to the point, like many white conservatives, Jacques is pretending the GOP doesn’t play the same game in order to make itself look less like the “old white party.”

Why exactly do these people think Trump selected Ben Carson as his Secretary of Housing and Urban Development? Did Carson have any notable experience in housing or urban development? Carson had been a respected heart surgeon for God’s sake!

His appointment was a transparent effort by Trump to diversify his cabinet (think: Clarence Thomas being chosen by George Bush 1. Fake-diversity news). Just because he didn’t explicitly say he wanted a Black guy for the job doesn’t mean that isn’t the reason Carson was chosen.

Source: Jessica McGowan / Getty

And how exactly did Herschel Walker become white Republicans’ great Black hope during his failed run for the U.S. Senate? Did Herschel have any experience in politics or legislating? Nope. Did he, at any point during his campaign, come off like an informed person who is qualified to propose or advance legislation? Nope.

Walker was an “observably stupid” person who had no clear understanding of major political issues, and he lied on his resume almost as egregiously as former GOP congressman George Santos. Walker was a Black man, and that was demonstrably the only quality he had that the GOP was interested in.

Similarly, during the first night of the Republican National Convention last month, Black Trump supporters were paraded around on stage for almost the sole purpose of declaring that Trump is not racist and that he’s the best orangey-white savior Black Americans can hope for. This is also the main message Black Republican congressmen Tim Scott and Byron Donalds are tasked with spreading on their many media tours and campaign stops to Black establishments like Black churches and barbershops. It’s not by accident that their existence on Trump’s campaign trail has been tied to their identities as Black conservatives, it’s by design for the same exact reason Biden chose Harris. If she’s a “DEI hire,” then so are all of the aforementioned Blackey-lackeys for Trump.

Are the “White Dudes for Harris” and “White Women for Harris” groups examples of white liberal pandering to Black America? Sure, they are—but it’s not like they exist for no reason. These groups are direct responses to the racist and sexist attacks on Harris that have gotten so bad in the MAGA world that Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson felt compelled to convene a closed-door meeting to warn his fellow GOP legislators to stop shooting themselves in the foot by continuing that line of attacks.

But please, tell us more about how the Democratic party is uniquely race-obsessed.


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The post ‘White Dudes For Harris’ Is Being Called Racist By Racist Conservatives. Shut Up. appeared first on NewsOne.

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