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For a desperate nobody, Lauryn Goodman is high maintenance – she wants Kyle Walker to give lifestyle she doesn’t deserve


ON top of missing out on winning the Euros and dealing with a furious wife, there is a fresh new hell that has been bubbling away in the ­background for Kyle Walker – The Greed Of Ms Lauryn Goodman.

What has been laid bare this week — from court documents in a dispute about child maintenance paid by Walker to ­Goodman — not only angered but ­infuriated me beyond belief.

‘Model’ Lauryn Goodman poses in swimwear
Lauryn Goodman is certainly not a model woman or mother[/caption]

I’m all for fathers (or any absent parent) paying their dues. But it tends to be a father paying the mother. And in many cases they are pitiful amounts that allow the mum to merely scrape by.

Alternatively, she has to dedicate much of her time to the CSA or Child Maintenance Service, who end up chasing rogue fathers down on her behalf, in pursuit of a small ­percentage of their income.

I have several friends for whom this kind of battle has been ongoing for years; for whom asking for what is reasonably their child’s right becomes a ball and chain — a painful reminder of an antagonistic break-up and enduring bitterness.

£2.4million house

Not so for Lauryn ­Goodman.

Oh, no. She’s a “model” and ­“influencer”.

A model what? Certainly not a model woman or mother.

And if she’s an influencer, I’d say there isn’t much hope for womankind.

Walker is the father of her children, three-year-old Kairo and one-year-old Kinara, both conceived while he was married.

Not only has he bought Goodman a £2.4million house but he has also paid her £8K A MONTH maintenance and more than £180,000 in several lump sums.

She’s demanded cars, a hydro-pool (whatever that is, but I doubt it will make her a better mother), Astro Turf so her year-old daughter might one day become a Lioness, gardeners, cleaners and refurbishments .

I’ve never seen anything like it.

For a desperate “nobody”, this girl ­certainly is high maintenance. She’s insisting on a lifestyle that she in no way deserves or has even earned.

Even the judge said her demands are “disproportionate”.

For which read “outrageous”.

I’m embarrassed for her.

Who on earth does she think she is?

She claims she is merely wanting to “secure her ­children’s futures” — which would be funny if it wasn’t so wrong; so ­insulting; so brash and so greedy.

New cars are just one of the things on Lauryn’s list[/caption]
Eamonn and James Clarke
Kyle Walker with wife Annie, mother of four of his children[/caption]

She says she is bringing up her children “single-handedly” while at the same time making a claim for a nanny earning £67,000 a year. The mind boggles.

Here we are in the middle of a difficult cost-of-living crisis, with many parents forced to choose between heating or eating; who queue at the local food bank and forgo meals themselves so their children do not go without.

And then there’s Lauryn Goodman who insisted on an £8,000 holiday to Mexico and a new £70,000 Mercedes GLE every three years.

Plus a £30,000 motor for her nanny, who apparently cannot yet drive.

The whole Astro Turf demand is as laughable as me having an extra- marital child with Tim Peake and demanding a spacecraft.

The woman has ideas above her station.

It’s not just her laughable, outlandish and ridiculous demands that grind my gears — it’s that she gives other women and single mothers a bad name.

I wasn’t the only one who was appalled by his gall and disrespectful behaviour towards his wife.

Ulrika Jonsson

We’ve fought for generations for the right to work — for the choice NOT to be forced to stay at home with the children should we not want to.

We’ve worked hard for autonomy over our finances, life choices and the right to make sacrifices to work whether we have children or not.

Let’s make no bones about it: the sole person responsible for the public debacle, the disastrous and shameful love triangle that is Lauryn Goodman, Annie Kilner and England player Kyle Walker, is Walker himself.

A married man and father to four young sons by his wife, he made the selfish and foolish decision to play away — not once but twice — and it resulted in him having Kairo and Kinara by Goodman.

I wasn’t the only one who was appalled by his gall and disrespectful behaviour towards his wife.

While many wanted it to become a spat between the two women in his life, I really felt for Annie and laid the responsibility at his door.

Granted, none of us are perfect and to err is human.

Annie and their sons support Kyle at the Euros in Germany from the stands[/caption]
Instagram @lauryngoodman91
Lauryn’s kids watch Kyle in the Euros, wearing England shirts with his number on the back[/caption]

But having been forgiven after the birth of the first extra-marital child, no one could have anticipated Walker would break his wife’s trust AGAIN and go on to father a second.

To father one child in this way may be considered as a misfortune. To father two looks like carelessness.

If truth be told, you couldn’t make it up. It’s been like a long, drawn-out episode of The Jeremy Kyle show.

In an interview with this newspaper, Kyle apologised to Annie, his childhood sweetheart, and said his relationship with Goodman was a “mistake” and he’d made “stupid choices”.

This just added fuel to Goodman’s fire, who hit back saying it was “unimaginably cruel” on her kids.

Greedy Guts

Just as we were digesting the apparent resolve and fortitude of Annie, taking her husband back a second time — presumably for the sake of her children — I felt the utmost empathy and respect for her and the public nightmare she has been forced to endure.

Then along comes Greedy Guts Goodman — a user by any other definition. An abuser of a situation that was brought about by her own making.

And she sets us — and our collective reputation as independent women — back decades.

She’s the living incarnation of a woman who men think is only after one thing: money.

Lauren’s greed is so boundless she had even set up a big-money reality show deal with ITV, which was set to include her children. But it was then called off due to her court battle with Kyle.

She is certainly no stranger to the limelight, which makes it all the more ironic that she felt the need to hide underneath her lawyer’s coat.

Ulrika Jonsson

For her it’s also about the fame and lifestyle. She fancies that because she has mothered children by an England player, she deserves the life of a Wag.

She is certainly no stranger to the limelight, which makes it all the more ironic that she felt the need to hide underneath her lawyer’s coat on the way into court.

For someone who loves the press attention and posing up a storm on social media, she doesn’t seem too keen for us to see her for what she really is. . . and all that while wearing Kyle Walker’s initials on a necklace and putting her kids in “Daddy” England strips during the Euros.

Or supposedly asking people to spy on him for her.

She just needs to get a job

Not to mention being heartless and callous enough to message Walker’s pregnant wife to tell her that he had fathered another child with her.

And embarrassing herself by travelling out to Germany for the Euros — to court the media.

You’d be forgiven for thinking we’re in bunny boiler territory here.

The bottom line is that Walker should absolutely pay maintenance for his children.

But extravagances and a millionaire’s lifestyle are something Goodman can work for for herself — she just needs to get a job like the rest of us.

Walker says she’s treated him like an “open cheque book” and even the judge says he has behaved with “dignity” and “generosity”.

Generosity, yes.

The jury is still out on dignity.

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