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DS Interview: Catching up with Motoblot founder Lawrence Fletcher


Lawrence Fletcher founded Motoblot, the motorcycle rally and music fest in Chicago. The three-day festival melds music, motorcycles, and a nod to the 1950s. Professionally, Fletcher works in Marketing and Events for Royal Enfield. Royal Enfield began production in 1901in Redditch, England, and is the oldest continuously manufactured global motorcycle company.

I caught up with Fletcher during and after the festival as he reflected on how his passion for motorcycles and love of punk converged to create Motoblot.

Mer Gold: Let’s start with the basics. Where are you from if not from Chicago? When did you come to the city?

Lawrence Fletcher: I am from Germantown, Wisconsin, just North of Milwaukee. I moved to Chicago in 1984.

How did you get into motorcycles and what do they do for you?

I rode motorcycles growing up in Wisconsin. I started on Mini Bikes and Dirt Bikes on trails around my house in Germantown. “On Any Sunday” came out in the Summer of “71” and was definitely a big influence on me.

I know it is a cliche, but it has always about freedom, when I was young, and it still gives me that feeling today.

(Pictured: Lawrence Fletcher, L, and Kevin Dunworth, Motoblot MC)

How and when did you decide to start Motoblot?

Motoblot basically evolved from an event called Mods vs Rockers Chicago which started in 2005 on Lincoln Avenue in front of Delilah’s. It began as a Motorcycle and Scooter show where like-minded enthusiasts gathered to salute the rival youth cultures of early 60’s England. The event steadily grew over the years and we basically outgrew being a renegade street party. In 2014 we rebranded as MOTOBLOT to be more inclusive of all things Moto and I teamed up with the legendary Sean McKeough and brought the fest to Fulton Street and Cobra Lounge. This year’s MOTOBLOT was the 20th anniversary of the first Mods vs Rockers Chicago.

Where does the name of the festival come from? 

BLOT” is a Norse/Pagan word which loosely translated means “a Gathering with Sacrifice”. I borrowed Blot from my friends in the Ton Up Club London who host a WINTERBLOT every January.

What was your original vision for it and has it changed since the first festival? 

The early years, we were just hosting your basic Motorcycle and Hot Rod Show and we slowly added more vendors and bands and it really evolved into a lifestyle event where the music and fashion are as big a part of the festivities as the machines.

Was Miss Motoblot and a nod to the 50’s always part of it?

Yes, the Pin-Up contest has always been a nod to the 40’s & 50’s… and we also consciously knew we needed to reach a wider audience and attract more female attendees. The Pin-Up contest has always brought a bit of color and glamour to the festival. It wouldn’t be MOTOBLOT without it!

(This year’s crowned Miss Motoblot is Carla Panico.)

Music-related, many punk and punk sub-genre bands are always on the schedule. Does that reflect your own musical tastes? 

Punk is in my DNA. I was a teenager when Punk broke in the mid seventies and it was the soundtrack of my High School years. I always strive to book the best Punk, Psychobilly, Country Punk and other sub-genre bands that I think our moto-community will enjoy.

(Dozer also won the Valhalla Custom Motorcycle Show. As a trophy, Dozer was awarded the GUNGNIR (The spear of Odin) forged by Marcin Matlakowski.)

Why do you think punk music and motorcycles go so well together? 

Punk music and motorcycles are both inherently rebellious, Punk rockers, hot rodders and bikers share similar tastes in music, fashion and attitude. It is what makes Motoblot a unique festival.

Dream bands to play Motoblot?

Social Distortion has always been on my mind.

This year, Rick Dozer, an extra in the acclaimed film The Bikeriders was at Motoblot. How cool was that?  Another cool coincidence was that the movie about a Chicago motorcycle club opened the weekend of Motoblot.

It was an awesome coincidence. The Bikeriders book has always been highly regarded in the motorcycle community. The photojournalist/author, Danny Lyon is legend, and his book perfectly captured a unique moment in motorcycle culture.

Funny story, When I first heard that the movie was opening Motoblot weekend, I originally contacted the Music Box Theater to try and set up a screening. I was speaking to Rebecca, a very nice woman who works in events and programming at the theater.

We were having a conversation about a potential Bikeriders screening and she drops “Danny Lyon” is my Dad”… I said “WHAT!” I was blown away that I was talking directly to his daughter. The Bikeriders screening didn’t work out with The Music Box so we set up the “Quadrophenia” screening in honor of the 20th Anniversary of Mods vs Rockers Chicago. Later, I was contacted by the studio behind The Bikeriders and I was also able to work with them on a Chicago screening of the film during Motoblot week. It made for a fantastic kick-start to the festivities!

(Pictured L- R: Builder Josh Longfellow/Gashawk Customs, Kevin Dunworth (Motoblot MC and Valhalla Coordinator) Rick Dozer (Valhalla Winner), Lawrence Fletcher, Brett Conway of Torc Helmets (Valhalla co-sponsor), and Marcin Matlakowski.)

Back to your love of riding motocycles. Your favorite rides and destinations? 

I am very lucky that I am able to ride motorcycles for a living. My job with Royal Enfield takes me all over North America doing demo events and marketing rides. Every corner of the country has great and unique riding opportunities. From California’s Pacific Coast Highway to the Blue Ridge Parkway in North Carolina / Virginia and everywhere in between.

Do you prefer riding solo or in groups? How do they differ and what does each do for you?

Nothing is better than riding in a group with your friends, that feeling is actually very well depicted in a scene in The Bikeriders.

Were you ever part or are you a part of a motorcycle club? 

I started a Chicago chapter of the Ton Up Club back in 2005 with a few of my friends and it has grown to 30 plus members. The Ton Up Club is an international enthusiast club inspired by the Rocker era of 1960s England and the motorcycles of that era.

What bikes do you own and how often do you ride?

Like most of my friends, I have a garage full of motorcycles and projects. My favorite bike is a 1960’s era Triton, a London-built custom cafe racer that features a Triumph 650 motor in a Norton frame. It is considered a Unicorn in Rocker culture.

You have family in the Motobot biz as well correct? Your daughter?

Motoblot is definitely a family business. I couldn’t do it without the help and support of my wife [Marya Fletcher] and daughter [Tenley Fletcher]… and they put up with me and my obsession to host a great fest and the 365 days I spend planning for next year.

Finally, Other than The Bikeriders, what do you believe are some of the best films, about motorcycle riders/culture?

The obvious classics are The Wild Ones, Easy Rider, and On Any Sunday. The Wild One, in particular, inspired all of motorcycle culture that came after it. One gem that has always been below the radar is The Loveless (1981) directed by Katherine Bigelow and starring Willem Dafoe. Check it out if you can find it.

The annual Motoblot weekend is not the only motorcycle and music-related event Fletcher organizes. He also organizes Motorcycle Mondays, a monthly event, at O’Donovan’s; Pints & Pistons, a monthly event, at Montrose Saloon… and Hexe Moto, once a month at Hexe Coffee. He also is working on a Motoblot Holiday Party on December 13th at Cobra Lounge. Bands have not been announced but he has confirmed Hillbilly Casino and The Rumours. You can find the schedule of upcoming events here.

Thanks Lawrence! We’ll see you at Motoblot 2025. Cheers!

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