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Gardening enthusiasts swear by simple and FREE hack that will kill ‘invasive’ ivy – and it couldn’t be easier


IF English ivy has taken over your home and garden, then fear not, we’ve got just the thing for you.

English Ivy, also known as common ivy, is a plant that often grows on fences, walls and trees and it can be found in most gardens up and down the UK

Gardening enthusiasts have sworn by a super simple hack that will kill ‘invasive’ ivy[/caption]
And don’t worry, you won’t need to go out and bye pricey products, as this hack is totally free[/caption]
According to Facebook users, simply cutting ivy from the root will get rid of it for good[/caption]

Whilst the plant can add charm and personality to a space, the aerial roots can grow into cracks or joints in buildings which can potentially cause structural damage.

As a result, if you’re looking to get rid of your ivy for good, then you’ve come to the right place.

And don’t worry, if you’re on a tight budget and can’t afford to splash the cash on pricey products, fear not.

Thanks to gardening enthusiasts, the trick to get rid of ivy is totally free – yes, you heard that correctly.

Ivy is known to be particularly difficult to kill because it has waxy leaves and a very extensive root system which makes it resistant to some weed killers.

But despite this, gardening fans have revealed how a simple cutting technique could kill the invasive plant, for good. 

It comes after one gardener who was struggling to get rid of ivy in their garden took to social media to ask for advice.

Posting on Gardening UK – Hints, tips & advice, a private Facebook group with 158,400 members, the user asked: “Any ideas on how to get rid of ivy?”

The person then continued: “It was here when we bought the house. Just a side note. I don’t hate the ivy, it’s just a lot to maintain. 

“Also it’s very thin, no birds in there. They nest in the bushes and trees on the other side of the garden. I see them flying in and out all of the time.”

The post was inundated with responses from fellow gardeners with many claiming they had experienced their own problems with the plant.

And if you’re struggling to get rid of your ivy, you’ll be pleased to know that many suggested simply cutting it at the root. 

What is English Ivy?

English Ivy, scientifically known as Hedera helix, is a versatile and hardy evergreen vine commonly found in gardens, landscapes, and indoor settings.

Originating from Europe and Western Asia, it is widely appreciated for its lush, green foliage and ability to cover walls, trellises, and ground surfaces.

Key Characteristics:

  • Foliage: English Ivy has glossy, dark green leaves that can be lobed or unlobed, depending on the variety and maturity of the plant.
  • Growth Habit: This plant is a vigorous climber, using aerial rootlets to attach itself to surfaces. It can also spread along the ground, creating dense mats of foliage.
  • Flowers and Fruits: Although not commonly noticed, English Ivy produces small, greenish-yellow flowers in late summer to early fall. These are followed by black or dark purple berries, which are toxic to humans but provide food for birds.


  • Ground Cover: Ideal for preventing soil erosion and covering large areas with minimal maintenance.
  • Climbing Vine: Perfect for adding greenery to walls, fences, and trellises, providing both aesthetic appeal and privacy.
  • Indoor Plant: Popular as a houseplant due to its adaptability to low light conditions and ease of care.

Care Tips:

  • Light: Thrives in partial to full shade but can tolerate some sun, especially in cooler climates.
  • Water: Prefers moist, well-drained soil but is relatively drought-tolerant once established.
  • Pruning: Regular pruning helps control its growth and prevents it from becoming invasive.
  • Soil: Adaptable to a variety of soil types, though it prefers slightly alkaline to neutral pH levels.


  • Invasiveness: In some regions, English Ivy is considered invasive due to its aggressive growth habit. It can outcompete native plants and damage structures if not properly managed.
  • Toxicity: All parts of the plant contain compounds that can be toxic if ingested by humans and pets. Handling the plant may cause skin irritation in sensitive individuals.

One gardening guru suggested: “Cut it at the root. It will die off and pull off easily.”

A second wrote: “If you really want to get rid of it, you need to cut it right from the bottom and tug it off in bits.

“You then need to dig all the roots out which takes forever. If a fence is behind, the ivy will be supporting it so could be pretty rotten and will need replacing.

“We had ivy on a fence for years and had to take it down when we had an extension built so I have experience of the above.

“Personally, if you can live with it I would tidy it up and leave it for the wildlife as someone has already said.”

Gardening mistakes that could get you fined

Gardening experts over at Toolstation have revealed the garden laws you need to be aware of not breaking.

While some of these laws could land you with a fine of up to £20,000 in extreme cases, a friendly chat with your neighbours can usually resolve any issues.

Tree removal and pruning: If you have a tree in your garden you want to get rid of you better think twice and do your research.

The gardening experts reveal: “If one neighbour wishes to remove or heavily prune a tree that the other neighbour values, disputes can arise over the impact on the view, shade, or privacy. “

While it might cause a row, if it is in your property boundary it is ultimately your choice, unless it has a Tree Protection Order on it.

“But, some trees may be protected by a Tree Protection Order which makes it an offence to uproot, top or destroy them, the experts warn.

The maximum fine for breaking this law is £20,000, so make sure you double check if it does have a TPO.

You can find out by contacting your local council for a map that shows this information. Alternatively, you can ask to speak with your local tree officer.

Property boundaries and fences: One of the main causes of neighbours falling out is through arguing over property boundaries and fencing.

To avoid this situation, the gardening pros recommend checking the deeds of your property to determine the correct boundaries

“Most of the time, it’s easy to determine who owns the fence as the fence posts will usually be on the owners side,” they add.

“Additionally, the height of fences or hedges can cause disputes between neighbours if one party feels the height has exceeded the two metre guidance.

“Hedges and fences should be no more than two metres high, and you could be asked by the council to take them down if a neighbour complains about the height.

“Luckily, standard fence sizes are less than two metres tall so you shouldn’t have a problem.”

Garden structures and additions: A pergola is the perfect addition to a garden if you want somewhere to relax in the shade.

But if it obstructs your neighbour’s view or violates local building regulations it could cause a dispute, as can sheds and other garden structures.

“If you’re not sure, have a chat with your neighbours to let them know what you’re planning and, if there’s an issue, get in touch with your local council who can give you more guidance,” advise the gardening experts.

Overhanging branches and plants: “When branches, vines, or roots from one neighbour’s tree or plant extend into the neighbouring property, it can lead to disagreements over potential damage to structures, blocked views, or the burden of maintenance,” reveal the pros.

However, it’s important to note you can only trim overhanging branches up to the boundary of your property otherwise, it could be seen as trespassing.

You can climb into the tree to carry out the work if needed, but only on your property and make sure to stay on your side of the fence if you don’t have permission to enter your neighbours garden.

A third advised: “Cut it from the bottom then it will die. Dig out what you can. It will take a while. I’ve done it several times.”

Whilst someone else recommended: “Find the main stem and cut it through. Let the ivy die down naturally.”

August gardening jobs

The Sun's Gardening Editor, Veronica Lorraine, has shared the 10 gardening jobs to take on during the last month of summer - and the all important ones to remember if you're going on holiday.

1. Watering plants on holiday

Think about how you’re going to water your plants if you’re going away. Irrigation systems are stupidly expensive – so ask a friend or neighbour to pop over. 

2. Remember your houseplants!

For houseplants use the upside down bottle trick – where you fill a wine bottle and then tip it upside down, spout down, and stick it into the pot – the water should seep out slowly. For smaller plants you can use a thick piece of cord running from a glass of water, into the soil – so it slowly takes it up over time. Be sensible with your watering – vistit www.mains2rains.co.uk for some tips on how to conserve water in August. But use as much grey water – ie washing up water – as you can to save such a valuable resource. 

3. Dig for potatoes

Second early potatoes should be ready to dig up. 

4. Carry on deadheading

Use either secateurs or just pinch off the blooms with your finger and thumb. With roses, make sure you’re dead heading back to a set of five leaves, giving you the best chance of more blooms. 

5. Plant strawberries

You can actually plant strawberries in late august – which will be ready next year. For the ones you already have – if they’ve got runners springing off them – try and pot them up to make more strawberries for free. 

6. Prune lavenders

In late August once they’ve finished flowering cut back your lavender – always prune them back to the woody stems – but make sure you can still see some little buds. 

7. Collect seeds

A lot of plants will start going to seed now – so it’s the perfect time to walk around collecting them to get free plants for next year – just make sure you label the envelopes. 

8. Sow hardy annuals

Towards the end of the month, sow hardy annuals in order for them to flower next year. Try and choose sheltered spots for them.

9. Cut back roses

Prune back rambling roses and make sure they are all tied in. And in late August give your roses their last feed. 

10. Keep on top of watering hanging baskets

It’s really important to keep hanging baskets hydrated – they are the first and the worst for drying out. 

However, at the same time, one gardening enthusiast claimed that using a weed killer worked for her to effectively eradicate the plant.

The gardening fan explained: “Firstly, it’s a good idea to wear gloves when dealing with ivy as the hairs on the stem can cause skin irritation in some people.

“I’d leave some as it’s a great haven for wildlife and the berries (which come on older shoots) are great winter food for birds. 

“The easiest way to get rid of the rest is to cut through the stem low down and let the top die off naturally, then it’s much easier to pull away and you can see what you’re dealing with.

“You will need to get the roots out though, or cut a whole slice out so you can get to the cut section and paint it with a strong weed killer if you’re happy to use it.”

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