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Chat log from R21 of 2024: Western Bulldogs vs Melbourne


J.Worrall: Get a long, little doggies
Yelse: bont or flanders for VC
Yelse: d i bring into stewart or strong as final trade
Yelse: serong
OffaStep: I’m with Bont, Yelse. Flanders should tear it up too Either should be safe.
OffaStep: To Sheez or not to Sheez is the question for mine with the Tiger bringing their tagger back.
circle52: I am going with Flanders VC so watch Bont go big with the way my SC is going
Apachecats: Gone Flanders into Sheez.
circle52: Sheezel is my c should Flanders play as well
OffaStep: Hopefully Bont saves me from having to choose between Sheez and Disco.
ReggieOz: Go Dees
ReggieOz: Dogs are called Footscray this week
Swoop35: Treloar VC for me, go dogs!
Noxious: Wow what a great goal that wouldve been
thommoae: “That was glorious, glorious football” … for a behind. BT.
Noxious: I think the Dee’s are cooked
thommoae: Blimey. This is worrying if you’re a Dees fan.
dearviolet: See you next year lol
zadolinnyj: Lads
dearviolet: Inaccuracies might save the day. Copium
Ash777: gawn needs the heart symbol
navy_blues: go bont go
riolisbong: gawn needs a defibrillator
StuL: keep going mighty vc bont
naicosfan: go on C ridley u good thing
blashtroko: extra tackle coming for bont too I think
soup: VC bong I love you
OffaStep: Sorry to say that the Doggies’ inaccuracies are beating your accuracies at the moment, violet. Doesn’t look good.
beerent11: I love bongs too.
OffaStep: Bucket bongs my C.
StuL: I do ĥave Max as a pod. Come on Max
Pavs: We can tell by your posts beer
All Reds: Bongs you beauty
DaMeatloaf: The bong is full ?Scray
Ash777: atleast the dees kicked a goal in the first qtr unlike swans
clay007: Gawn went from 21 to 12. What did he do wrong?
Gotigres: Legal on Phuket now
Kidult: he dropped a sitter in the backline
riolisbong: lol very funny lads
clay007: Thx Kid! Bit harsh!
Wends: Evening all, chat reading like a scene out of Up in Smoke tonight lol
OffaStep: Dave’s not here, Wends.
gazza39: Been to wary of the taggers this year eg not picking Bont tonight, reality is it hardly happens…
Wends: Who?
Ash777: dees dont do tags tho?
OffaStep: Was worried about Sheez tomorrow, gazza but VC Bont easing that concern.
bhg26: This “Bont” bloke goes alright at footy
gazza39: Surely Melb have someone that could close him down
Number 8: Someone was watching over me when I reversed the trade into Richards. What a trap.
slydon: what a nice little happy accident
slydon: left my c and vc unchanged from last week and its bont
naicosfan: far out that is not 50
clay007: May got 1 pt for a contested mark with the Bong steaming into him.
Ash777: Gawn looked after
Apachecats: mystery 50 metre penalty there.
Kidult: fair call but 50 should be 20 metres for that
clay007: English clipped the beard in the marking contest. Beard tax pretty high these days.
OffaStep: Definite dissent against Max’s face there.
clay007: They have taken Max straight off. Beard bruising. One for the MRO to look into
navy_blues: ok now for the 2nd ton bont!
OffaStep: Gawn to the rooms for a BIA.
Wends: Pick it up English…
clay007: Lol offa. A H/T hungy is pretty good by the bont.
All Reds: Yewwww bont
Yelse: might as well put joe richards as C now on ya bont
Wends: Don’t jinx it yelse
Gotigres: Don’t tempt fate please Yelse
thommoae: Callin g Ed Richards, come in Ed. Ed, are you reading me?
upweydons: Bont score sums up my Sc this year , pulled the wrong rein again , changed Bont from C at last minute.
LuvIt74: Give Bont the 3 votes already
Wends: English rivers underwhelming
UncleSniff: There will be some upset people who avoided the obvious VC Bont
soup: Stop resting Bont up forward bevo you lesbian
clay007: Sniff…my oppo went Flanders into sheezel. He had Bont and I have flanders. Was nervous, not now
beerent11: That?s me sniff. Vc stupid sexy.
thommoae: Keep it classy soup. Fps.
navy_blues: dogs keeping dees in it
beerent11: You may be playing me clay.
UncleSniff: Sucks to miss it, will be very tough to catch up if he keeps tracking.
clay007: What is wrong with May? Was looking okay to me!
clay007: Flnaders in good form Beer, so understand why you did it.
beerent11: Only soup gets shirty with a 125 before ht.
ballbag: relax. im sure we all packed bongs tonight
Wends: Mellow here ballbag, lol
ballbag: *picked bonts
upweydons: Langdon for a holiday and no free
Kidult: next lockout in 5. check your teams
UncleSniff: May looked very ginger to me Clay, like he was crook or stiff back?
beerent11: Right the first time bb
pcaman2003: Geez! English ripped off by CD last 5 mins. Went backwards .
ballbag: @wends high there, indeed. did you VC bont
Wends: High-de-high ballbag Nope, went Xerri VC, missed a trick there possibly. And you?
Hadouken: got jamarra down for 2 goals tonight….
loc1477: love to see Jamara’s score breakdown. gotta slot em. 7 touches at 28% eff
bhg26: same here hadouken
ballbag: possibly. i went Xerri C, bont as VC
OffaStep: Richards looking very ginger too. Not injured, just very ginger.
Wends: Don’t want to speak too soon, but slight possibility you mightn’t need X
beerent11: Ah gingers. The last fair game minority.
ballbag: true. X formerly known as Captain
Raspel31: Already rewgretting the Nont VC- wHen will I get things right?
clay007: You were right Sniff, sore ribs. I did not notice that. Hope he comes back on.
OffaStep: “Nont” – lol. Well put, Rasp.
Hazza09: ffs English, hardest watch
navy_blues: flanders in rooms king down in other game
Wends: English score moving, just the wrong way
beerent11: Flanders all good
OffaStep: If he keeps going, anyone who didn’t take the Bont VC, will forever remember this as the Nont Catastrophe of 2024.
navy_blues: yes looks taped up and coming back on
beerent11: You?re hilarious rasp. How do you do it?
Wends: We’ll be telling our grandkids about the great bong heist of ’24…
Gotigres: During the week beer, Raspel spends dozens of hours thinking about what he’s going to say.
pcaman2003: Well, Bont has made thev weekend a little easier. Go Bont!
OffaStep: Bong sesh so good we didn’t even need cheezel.
dearviolet: I guess I’ll be taking bonts vc score this week.
elvundir: i last minute switched vc from bont to flanders
naicosfan: cmon giraffe
beerent11: They?ll come in handy offa
beerent11: Later
Wends: Agreed naicos.
OffaStep: Filled up on Bong, beer. No room for cheezel.
Wends: Bong and X contra-indicated
Noxious: Reckon bont will ton up this game?
bhg26: Needs to get going noxious, been quiet so far
ballbag: no doubt bonts has been smoking tonight. on fire. def lit it up and blown the rest away. just dont stop
Noxious: Such a painful watch bhg
bhg26: Cant believe i am the only person in supercoach who vice captained bont. Love going for the point of difference
Social: I feel ill
clay007: Can the Bont get to 200?
ausgooner: might finally get the bonk into my team next week
LuvIt74: @bhg to funny…lmao
circle52: bhg I thought I was going a POD with Flanders wrong by the look of things
gazza39: Hindsight hero chat lol
Social: same circle
KangaBanga: Why is they not put player on the Bontempelli?
OffaStep: Flanders “got his face busted open” in the other game… Still on though by the looks.
DANGERous: no vc bont really hurts tonight
Hazza09: Never again English, never again!
Ash777: lol wtf was that paulter
Social: the Waterman is a solid unit
gazza39: Really hope the Weagles get English , Pea heart
soup: TMac rivalling frampton as worst premiership player in recent years
pcaman2003: English giving me heart burn again. Why this week?
Ash777: TMac is cooked now.
Zutroyz: keep going Mr Darcy. Liking the work
Hazza09: piss off English
soup: the accountants on the list for me as well now hazza
clay007: I was gonna bring in Richards this week, but went with Day. Richards on the stink
Gotigres: Stay down English you dog
Ash777: Richards has been good until this game
fruity: surely Bont goes 200+ unless Bevo decides to rest him..
Wends: Bit haaarsh gotiges… Also Rivers you fabulous mans
clay007: He is a good player Ash, but I am glad I did not trade him in. It is finals time in SC
Gotigres: Dog as in bulldogs Wends
ballbag: if bont doesnt get 220 its gonna feel like a rip off
Wends: Ahh, he’d take that as a compliment then
OffaStep: Bev preparing to sub Bont.
Gotigres: I don’t think he will get to 200 ballbag
clay007: I agree Ballbag. I am happy with his score, but he has kind of stopped
TheOnyas: Onya Gawny
Gotigres: First in my team next year will be Oliver. Could be under 500k
Ash777: Libba subbed out
soup: libba subbed
slydon: 160+ bont come on
Ash777: That’s if Oliver has a full preseason
slydon: 35 possies
Kidult: First for me will be Sheezel
Yelse: i hate bevo i had libra for 20 disposals just ruined my multi
Gotigres: Yes Ash
OffaStep: But not too full, if you know what I mean.
Wends: Rivers bit long on the bench?
Gotigres: Oh yes, Offa
Gotigres: 130 please Dale
soup: english you pelican
LuvIt74: Oliver wont be over $450 next year
pcaman2003: FGS English you twat.Stop the clangers.
OffaStep: Woewodin has the pedigree to win an unexpected/undeserved brownlow one day.
Social: not as handsome as his dad offa
DaMeatloaf: Would have been too funny if VC the Bong got to 210
OffaStep: Yeah, too bad they didn’t have the revolving platform at the 2000 Brownlows.
OffaStep: Lol Meatloaf. Blazin, indeed.
Social: with some bee gees playing
thommoae: Woey had one good season, only one. But it was a belter – I think everyone forgets because it was a one timer.
OffaStep: Shane would’ve been an NSYNC man, I reckon Social.
Ash777: that goal ump needs to go
ballbag: this why sc scoring sucks. players can go from 60 to 110 in last qtr but players cant go from 130 to 180.
clay007: Who knows how many pts Bont has got this half?
Social: He could slot right in to NSYNC no doubt
soup: clay, 59
soup: he was on 115 at half
_Wang_: Clay 50ish
OffaStep: Bring back the goal ump hecklers “how big’s ya d*ck?” Gets two fingers widely spaced every time.
clay007: Oh well, can’t complain then. That is a reasonable 2nd half.
Social: Can dogs carry this form into finals? They’ve been on for a month now…
beerent11: Play dt
pcaman2003: Bont has been fantastic, but English may not even ton up. Sigh!
Stu7: English is always going to ton up
pcaman2003: And then he goals as I post. Lol!!
Wends: Lifty lifty English and Rivers
soup: thank you very much pca
LuvIt74: I might actually consider taking Bonts VC score but so tempted to go Sheezel…. ;o)
clay007: Gawn getting back to form. He used to be a lock as a vc or c choice each game.
navy_blues: looks like bont in cotton wool
pcaman2003: No worries soup. Seems to work most times
Stu7: Back on navy that?s what I thought
navy_blues: now back on lol
clay007: Bont being shadowed by Sparrow.
bhg26: Just in time clay
Stu7: There you go pca
Wends: Rivers’ low ToG a killer
runners47: Get out there for a few more points, Ed
beerent11: It?s only English clay.
navy_blues: TMac loving life lol
OffaStep: That was the 200 shot, Bont.
clay007: True Beer, but good to see some form returning.
beerent11: 200?s are hard
beerent11: Amen clay
bhg26: Guess ill be boring and take bonts vc
DaMeatloaf: ?Hits from the Bont? starts playing
Wends: lol meatloaf

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