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The Paris 2024 “Woke-Lympics” – A Descent into Perversion, Blasphemy and Abuse of Women


Via Joe Hoft at JoeHoft.com – republished with permission


The Paris 2024 “Woke-Lympics” – A Descent into Perversion, Blasphemy and Abuse of Women

Reprinted with permission from The Truth About Cancer.

The Paris 2024 Olympics’ opening ceremony has ignited a firestorm of controversy, lambasted as a grotesque display of woke extremism, degeneracy, and satanic overtones. Far from a celebration of athletic prowess and unity, this event has been widely criticized as a blasphemous, perverse spectacle that mocked Christianity and celebrated the macabre. It smacked of cannibalism, ritualistic Satanism, and all sorts of disgusting themes, epitomizing evil debauchery.

Let’s dive into the sordid details, shall we?

The most egregious offense was the ceremony’s grotesque and perverted depiction of Leonardo da Vinci’s “The Last Supper.” Imagine a 400-pound woman, greasy and mocking Christ, surrounded by a circus of sleazy freaks including several trans-weirdos and pedophilic groomers, all gathered around a weird blue Smurf figure (yes, we know this was a pathetic portrayal of Dionysus) with exposed genitalia.

This nightmare featured 17 performers, including three familiar faces from “Drag Race France,” in varying stages of undress. This wasn’t just poor taste; it was a full-on blasphemy against God. What, pray tell, does this have to do with the Olympics? And as if that wasn’t enough, the ceremony bizarrely celebrated cardiac events and myocarditis, with performers enacting scenes straight out of a “Hunger Games” dystopia. And then there was the techno-pale horse, ridden by a figure symbolizing death, which brought the Book of Revelation to life, adding an apocalyptic tone to the opening ceremony.

Revelations 6:8 states, “And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat upon him was Death, and Hell followed with him.” Quite fitting, given the hellish spectacle that unfolded. Adding to this sacrilegious display was a reenactment of Marie Antoinette’s decapitation and a dance routine laden with demonic imagery.

These performances, which were nothing short of satanic, painted a grotesque picture of humanity’s moral decay. Just when you thought it couldn’t get worse, enter the blonde-bearded drag queen, writhing around like a deranged sexual beast and crawling on all fours.

And let’s not forget the millions of children watching this display. Because what could be more appropriate for a global sporting event than indoctrinating young minds with images straight out of a hellish nightmare? This isn’t entertainment; it’s a twisted showcase of society’s plunge into debauchery. One particularly alarming segment involved an animation of a hot air balloon flying over the Statue of Liberty, which was depicted with demonic horns instead of its iconic crown.

This disturbing image of Lady Liberty, complete with scorch marks and battle wounds, seemed to foreshadow global conflict and chaos as if preparing us for an inevitable descent into war. This was nothing short of predictive programming, eerily reminiscent of the 2012 London Olympics’ uncanny premonition of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The day after the ceremony, Paris was struck by a massive power outage. Divine intervention, anyone? The blackout left the entire city in darkness, except for the Sacré-Cœur Basilica—a potent symbol of Christianity—standing illuminated and untouched. Coincidence? Hardly. This incident only fueled further speculation about the malevolent undertones of the opening ceremony and the possibility of divine retribution for the blatant blasphemy on display.

The Roman poet Juvenal coined the phrase “bread and circuses” (panem et circenses), which describes how emperors kept the masses docile with free food and entertainment, diverting attention from societal issues. The Paris 2024 Olympics have taken this tactic to grotesque extremes. Rather than addressing global concerns, the organizers chose shock value and spectacle, normalizing perverse and harmful behaviors, especially for impressionable young viewers.

Below is a “mishmash” of the Opening Ceremony Satanic Ritual:

And it’s not just the opening ceremony. In a horrifically twisted turn of events, a man beat a woman in public—and was cheered for it! Yes, you read that right. Adding insult to injury, the Olympics allowed a man to compete against a woman in boxing. Italian boxer Angela Carini’s bout against Algeria’s Imane Khelif ended just 46 seconds in after Khelif, who had failed gender eligibility tests at the 2023 World Championships, was inexplicably allowed to fight.

South Park has become reality!

Below is the entire 3 minute clip of South Park’s “Strong Woman” episode:

Could a photo be any clearer? The smirk of a man playing “dress up” as a woman, protected by a misogynistic Olympic committee, while shattering a woman’s dreams and honoring her deceased father by punching her in the face—it’s beyond disgusting. It’s a sick parody of the new “confused men’s rights” movement.

Former British PM Liz Truss lamented, “When will this madness stop? Men cannot become women. Why is the British Government not objecting to this?” JK Rowling, author of “Harry Potter,” asked, “What will it take to end this insanity? A female boxer left with life-altering injuries? A female boxer killed?” Swimmer Riley Gaines posted on X: “Call me crazy, but it’s almost as if women don’t want to be punched in the face by a male as the world watches and applauds. This is glorified male violence against women.”

This blatant display of misogyny and disregard for female athletes’ safety and dignity is nothing short of appalling. Carini, who trained tirelessly and fought to honor her deceased father, wept in the ring. This isn’t just a disgrace to sports; it’s a testament to the moral decay that the Olympics have come to represent. It’s so disturbing on so many levels that we, and many others, refuse to watch this woke clown show. It’s heartbreaking to see a dedicated young woman forced to walk away from her dream, while a man walks out the “winner,” cheered on by a complicit audience. This isn’t just disgraceful; it’s a tragic indictment of our times.


Below is a video of Angela sharing from her heart about how she participated in the games in the memory of her father who is no longer alive. Get your tissues out, this one might make you cry, too.

If you’re okay with this, then you are part of the problem. Period. Why not just make it an official Olympic sport called “Men Beating Women Violently“? The Olympic committee could invite domestic abusers and wife-beaters to compete. What we witnessed wasn’t the Olympics; it was a real-life “Hunger Games” and highlights the cultural and spiritual battle we are facing today. The Olympic committee is anti-women, anti-Christ, and anti-humanity, making it a shameful embarrassment to the human race. They have forfeited any right to represent humanity in any capacity.

One has to wonder if Sodom and Gomorrah looked much different from this spectacle. And then they wonder why things are going to hell in a handbasket. Don’t mock God. He will not be mocked. Galatians 6:1 warns, “If anyone thinks he is something when he is nothing, he deceives himself. For each one should carry his own load. Anyone who receives instruction in the word must share all good things with his instructor. Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked.

Speaking of mockery, Vice President Kamala Harris and her Democratic allies are now targeting Republicans with a new line of criticism, calling Trump’s VP candidate, Ohio Senator JD Vance, “weird.”

Really, Kamala? Vance is weird? Right….

Oh, and speaking of “weirdness,” let’s talk about the spectacle at Kamala’s campaign rally in Atlanta. Hip-hop “star” (and we use that term as loosely as her morals) Megan Thee Stallion was there, pumping up the crowd with her hit song “Savage” – you know, the one featuring offensive X-rated lyrics like “that b*tch” and “p*ssy like water” and “break a n*gga into pieces” – because nothing says “vote for me” like sharing a stage with someone whose lyrical content is more suited to a strip club than a political rally.

Real classy Kamala. Real classy.

Before some of you sanctimonious readers start criticizing us for dipping our toes into the murky waters of politics, consider the words of our friend Brett Ward: “Everything is political in our society. Politics play roles in health, the practice of medicine, government/employer medical mandates, food, etc.; therefore, it is absolutely essential to be informed and participate in politics, including bringing awareness to political candidates of all levels of government. Unfortunately, many people don’t see the overlapping of politics in all of those areas of life. You and Mrs. Bollinger are doing awesome!

Thanks, Brett!

Remember these famous words, “One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors.” And isn’t that exactly what’s happening here? So next time you’re tempted to suggest that we stay out of the political discourse, think about who you’re leaving in charge.

Also, let us not forget that one of the main ways the controllers of this madness keep the needle moving forward and successfully taking away our freedoms while destroying all the goodness in our society is by convincing us that there are things we can say and things we cannot say … making us believe we need to “stay in our lane” and only talk about what they say is okay for us to talk about. So if everyone is afraid to say anything “off topic” or “offensive” then no one says anything to expose them while they continue taking away our freedoms and destroying all that is good and decent. It’s a game and if we don’t say anything, they win. But they will not win, not on our watch. We’ll continue to speak out, tell the truth, and stand between them and your freedoms. Let’s GOOO!

The post The Paris 2024 “Woke-Lympics” – A Descent into Perversion, Blasphemy and Abuse of Women appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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