The property located in the 12500 block of Paseo Flores in Saratoga was sold on July 17, 2024 for $3,000,000, or $1,587 per square foot. The house, built in 1950, has an interior space of 1,890 square feet. This single-story house offers a spacious layout with four bedrooms and two baths. Inside, there is a fireplace. Additionally, the house features a two-car garage, providing ample room for vehicles and storage needs. The lot size of the property measures an impressive 0.3-acre.
These nearby houses have also recently been sold:
A 2,704-square-foot home on the 12500 block of Paseo Cerro in Saratoga sold in December 2023, for $3,710,000, a price per square foot of $1,372. The home has 4 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms.
On Saratoga Avenue, Saratoga, in May 2023, a 1,260-square-foot home was sold for $3,222,000, a price per square foot of $2,557. The home has 5 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms.
In August 2023, a 1,500-square-foot home on Paseo Cerro in Saratoga sold for $2,600,000, a price per square foot of $1,733. The home has 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms.
This article was generated by the Bay Area Home Report Bot, software that analyzes home sales or other data and creates an article based on a template created by humans. Our real estate data comes from public records that have been registered and digitized by local county offices. You can report errors or bugs to
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