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‘Enough is enough’
may strike a chord
but is it nonsense? What Metro readers think

They have had enough – but are rioters getting angry at the wrong people? (Picture: Getty)

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But why has it resonated?

I hold no brief whatsoever for rioting or violence of any kind, the likes of which have been seen in towns and cities across Britain since the fatal knife attack in Southport. However, it does seem to me that the protestors’ slogan ‘enough is enough’ does strike a chord with many members of the public.

The high level of immigration in 2022 of about 1.3million – with 532,000 emigrating, according to the Office for National Statistics – is unprecedented and a major factor in driving levels of demand for housing to levels that cannot be satisfied, sending prices up to the stars.

Anecdotally, in London suburbs everyone on buses and trains seems to 
be speaking one foreign language or another, suggesting they have not been here for long – and leaving those who were born here feeling like strangers in their own land.

Unless the new government succeeds in quickly getting a grip on the situation, faith in democracy will continue to fall and frustration will rise.

When threatening rioters with dire penalties, politicians would do well to acknowledge this frustration, too.

Until the immigration tap is turned off, pressure will keep rising. Brian Wilson, via email


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People clean up debris outside a Holiday Inn Express whose walls bear graffiti reading “Get Out England” on August 5 in Tamworth, Staffordshire (Picture: Dan Kitwood/Getty Images)

It’s not the immigrants who caused this chaos

My sister is severely disabled, unable 
to stand, walk or do anything for herself, and is cared for with kindness and professionalism by a team that includes people from various African countries, India and the UK.

They are of all faiths. Meanwhile, right-wing terrorists and people who are stupid enough to believe anything they read online are smashing up homes occupied by ‘non-white people’, dragging people out of a car while chanting ‘kill them’, attacking mosques, trying to 
burn asylum seekers alive, burning community buildings and terrorising 
local communities.

All of which has been fuelled by the likes of Stephen Yaxley-Lennon (aka Tommy Robinson) who seems to spend all of his time spreading hate and lazing around on sunbeds; and by Nigel Farage, Suella Braverman and others who seek to blame poverty, poor housing and the destruction of public services on those who are least responsible.

It is not Muslims, immigrants and asylum seekers who crashed the economy, sold off our railways and water services to profit-mongering overseas companies, failed to build houses, decided to bail out banks, imposed ‘austerity’, slashed all our essential public services, cut benefits to disabled people, paid their mates millions for Covid equipment that was useless etc. Those spreading hateful misinformation are doing so for their own selfish
ends and have done nothing useful
in their lives. Heather Rutledge, Birmingham

‘Enough Is Enough’ Rally In Sunderland (Picture: Drik/Getty Images)

Misinformation and the reason for the riots

Obviously, there have been a few hotheads filmed throwing things and shouting abuse – the sort of things we don’t generally see here but are more common in France and other countries.

But I think it’s important to state that,
in the main, people are protesting because of the murders in Southport.

We’re told the alleged killer is British-born and obviously there was a story circulating that he was an illegal immigrant from Syria.

This, as we’re now informed, isn’t correct, but I think it’s important to point out that at the time of the original disturbances people believed it to be true.

But calling every protester a member
of ‘the far right’ is nonsense. There’s
no organisation called the
far right. In the main, it’s decent people protesting about these murders and all the other murders and attacks that are happening with alarming regularity on our streets. The government doesn’t appear to understand this and needs to get a grip on the situation, instead of demonising the citizens of this country. G Hall, London

The mobs that are out throwing anything they can lay their hands on to injure police officers, burning public buildings and storming hotels that might host asylum seekers are degrading and disrespecting their own patriotism and damaging the reputation of this country.

You cannot be violent racist thugs and then take the moral high ground. Henry Page, Greenwich

The difference between yobs and protesters is protesters carry banners and yobs can’t spell ‘banner’ and it’s difficult to make a good one with crayons. Davey, Sunderland

Priti’s place in the chaos

A reader has a message for former home secretary Priti Patel (Picture: Carl Court/Getty Images)

Thank you, Priti Patel, for creating this rioting chaos when you were home secretary, by stopping the processing of visa applications – which prevented people from being deported or made to work – purely for political gain and for blowing the Channel crossing out of 
all proportion.

A big gain for Nigel Farage and Tommy Robinson (he’s even ashamed of his own name). And certainly not for the Conservative Party. Mick, West Midlands

Terror enablers

It is absolutely disgusting how the terrorism inflicted by racists on our streets has been justified and explained away by those who speak for these vile people and support them and agree with their sickening ideology.

Those media and political leaders are enablers of these terrorists and all those who support them. They too must pay the price as enemies of the state and join Islamist terror preacher Anjum Choudary – their brother in arms – in jail.

The government must deal with this as a war on racism and terrorism. No excuses, no explanations, no narratives of justification for racism and terrorism. Saif Deen, Luton

Riot police stand in front of windows broken by anti-migration protesters during riots in Rotherham, on 4 August (Picture: Christopher Furlong/Getty Images)

If the mindless scum vandalising so many of our towns and cities are so against immigrants, why are they destroying the property of British people, such as their homes, cars and businesses?

Locking them up for a few weeks will not deter them, either. They should be hit where it hurts – in their pockets – and if they receive benefits, they should be stopped immediately for at least a year. Peter Robson, Sunderland

We are not all Einsteins but how stupid is anyone who sees an anonymous message online and rushes off to town XYZ to join strangers in the street to supposedly change government policy on some ethnic issue?

If they have seen the news, they 
should know that parts of the instant 
mob will launch into serious crime, such as attacking police officers, buildings 
and vehicles.

They would have to be ultra-dense if they didn’t realise that. Some offenders now in court are clearly incredibly stupid and inadequate but must be punished for their crimes.

Their actions in the street do nothing to solve any real concerns but just make everything worse for everyone in the UK. They should all stay at home instead. Dan, Solihull

Unfair advantages only some of the time and paying attention to your surroundings

Irish boxer Amy Broadhurst beat Imane Khelif in 2022 (Picture:David Fitzgerald/Sportsfile via Getty Images)

Al Charlton (MetroTalk, Mon) says Algerian boxer Imane Khelif should not have been allowed to compete in the women’s Olympics because, although female, she has XY chromosomes, usually found only in men.

That and the fact she has high testosterone levels gave her ‘an unfair advantage’, he says. No one claimed she had a biological advantage when beaten by Irish boxer Amy Broadhurst and at least eight other women. J Lee, Brixton

It was great to read about Novak Djokovic completing his golden slam of medals, winning all four grand slams and Olympic gold (Metro, Mon). I would like to mention my favourite player, Sara Errani of Italy, who did the same in the women’s doubles on the same day. Forza Sara! Gary Oliver, Hornchurch

Good to see Carcass mentioned in your entertainment section last week – more, please! Sarah Sutherland (Old Metaller), Walsall

Dr Wada Hosny (MetroTalk, Mon) suggests that people should attach mirrors to their mobile phones to see thieves approaching. A better idea – keep your phone out of sight so you can pay attention to what’s going on. Patricia Sorenti, Feltham

What are your thoughts? Have your say in the comments belowComment Now

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