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These five core drivers explain why we shop. Here’s how to harness them


Retail is inherently human, and there are essential drives in consumer behaviour that brands need to understand to build lasting relationships with their customers. 

In Paul Lawrence’s book Drive, human actions are driven by five fundamental motivations: to acquire, bond, learn, defend and feel. 

These drives have deep evolutionary roots, formed as humans adapted to survive and thrive over countless generations. Each drive reflects a core aspect of human motivation, influencing our decisions, relationships and interactions with the world.

When brands align their strategies with these fundamental drives, they can better meet customer needs and foster deeper loyalty. By understanding these underlying motivations, brands can craft more targeted marketing campaigns, offer relevant products, and create meaningful customer experiences. 

Here, we delve into each of these drives and their origins, and provide examples of brands that successfully engage with them. Additionally, we’ll discuss strategies retailers can adopt to harness these drives, creating compelling value propositions that resonate with consumers on a profound level. 

This comprehensive approach not only attracts new customers but also strengthens bonds with existing ones, ensuring long-term success in an ever-changing market.

Drive to acquire

The drive to acquire revolves around the desire for material goods, status, credibility among peers, and experiences. Consumers motivated by this need seek products that symbolise success and personal achievement.

Origins: This drive stems from the basic survival need to gather resources. In early human societies, acquiring food, shelter and other essentials was crucial. Over time, this drive expanded to include status symbols and luxuries that elevate one’s social standing. 

Accumulating resources often equated to higher social status and greater influence within a community. This drive is deeply ingrained in our psychology as a means of ensuring survival and enhancing social status.

A brand like French luxury fashion maker Louis Vuitton exemplifies this drive with its luxury fashion items, which symbolise wealth and success. Retailers can tap into the drive to acquire by offering exclusive, premium products and emphasising their quality and status. Making limited-edition releases, personalising services, and highlighting craftsmanship and heritage can attract consumers looking to enhance their status through purchases. Marketing messages that emphasise success and prestige can also be highly effective.

Drive to bond

This drive is about forming social connections and relationships. It motivates people to seek companionship and a sense of belonging.

Origins: The drive to bond is deeply rooted in our social nature. Forming strong social bonds was essential for early humans, as co-operation and group cohesion provided protection, shared resources, and collective problem-solving. Today, this drive influences our desire for relationships, community and social acceptance. It is fundamental for emotional wellbeing and social stability.

Canadian-American athletic wear retailer Lululemon excels in creating a sense of community through yoga classes, fitness events, and a community-focused retail experience. Retailers can foster this drive by creating community-centric experiences. Hosting in-store events, building online communities, and promoting social interactions through loyalty programs can help customers feel connected to the brand and one another. Creating spaces where customers can interact, share experiences, and form meaningful connections is key. Building brand communities through social media, customer clubs, and events strengthens these bonds.

Drive to learn

The drive to learn emphasises the human desire to understand the world and gain new knowledge. It motivates curiosity and exploration.

Origins: Curiosity and the drive to learn are linked to the need for understanding and adapting to the environment. Early humans needed to learn about their surroundings, find solutions to problems, and pass on knowledge to ensure community survival. This drive encourages exploration, innovation, and continuous improvement. Today, it is evident in the pursuit of education, skill development, and personal growth. It is crucial for intellectual development and problem-solving abilities.

American outdoor apparel retailer Patagonia appeals to the drive to learn by educating consumers about environmental issues and sustainable practices. Retailers can engage this drive by offering educational content and experiences. Workshops, informative blog posts, transparency about product sourcing, and sustainability initiatives attract consumers who seek to make informed and responsible purchasing decisions. Detailed product information, engaging storytelling, and educational campaigns can satisfy this drive. Encouraging curiosity through innovative product displays and interactive experiences also appeals to this drive.

Drive to defend

This drive involves protecting oneself and one’s resources. It includes the instinct to guard against threats and ensure safety and security. 

Origins: The drive to defend originates from the fundamental need for self-preservation and resource protection. Early humans faced numerous threats, including predators and rivals. This drive ensures actions are taken to protect oneself, loved ones and possessions. In modern contexts, it can also encompass the protection of one’s beliefs, values and identity. It is essential for ensuring physical safety and psychological security.

US-based outdoor gear retailer The North Face targets this drive by offering high-performance outdoor gear designed to protect consumers in harsh environments. Retailers can appeal to this drive by emphasising the durability and reliability of their products. Offering guarantees, detailed product performance information, and excellent customer service can reassure customers that their purchases will protect and serve them well. Highlighting safety features and creating a reputation for reliability caters to this drive. 

Drive to feel

The drive to feel pertains to the pursuit of emotional experiences, including pleasure, excitement and satisfaction.

Origins: This drive is linked to the pursuit of emotional experiences that enhance wellbeing and quality of life. Emotions like joy, excitement and satisfaction play roles in driving behaviour. This drive encourages individuals to seek positive experiences and avoid negative ones, contributing to overall psychological health. It encompasses the desire for sensory and emotional stimulation, from aesthetic pleasure to thrilling experiences. Emotional experiences are integral to personal happiness and fulfilment.

Swedish homewares giant Ikea leverages this drive by creating products and store environments that evoke feelings of comfort, creativity and inspiration. The brand focuses on a unique shopping experience that appeals to the senses. Retailers with a physical presence can enhance this drive by creating immersive and emotionally engaging shopping experiences. Attention to store aesthetics, personalised customer service, and sensory elements like lighting and scent can help customers feel connected to the brand emotionally. Creating visually appealing displays and interactive spaces curates a pleasant shopping environment, and engaging customers’ senses can fulfil this drive. Encouraging positive emotional responses through thoughtful design and interactive elements also appeals to this drive.


By understanding and strategically identifying the fundamental human drives and aligning them with the drivers of your target market, brands and retailers can create more authentically meaningful connections. Whether through exclusive products, community-building, educational content, reliable services, or emotionally engaging experiences, tapping into these drives can enhance customer loyalty and brand success. Retailers that effectively address these underlying motivations will not only attract but also retain devoted customers in an ever-evolving market. This holistic approach ensures that brands remain relevant and resonant, fostering long-term relationships with their audience.

The post These five core drivers explain why we shop. Here’s how to harness them appeared first on Inside Retail Australia.

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