In this tutorial, we’re going to talk about how to create and customize PowerApps views and forms.Views and forms are both important in any model-driven app. The views control what the end user sees, which is helpful in narrowing down item lists especially if you have a lot of data loaded into the app. Forms, on the other hand, allow users to add information, making the database more complete and updated.Table of Contents Creating Custom PowerApps ViewsCreating Custom PowerApps FormsConclusionCreating Custom PowerApps ViewsPowerApps views gives us different ways to see the underlying data.Below, you can see all the items included in our table under the Data tab. As you can see, it has every single column and record from our data source.This could be overwhelming, especially if the user only needs to access a few columns. This is where views come in. We can create and customize views to show only the fields that we need.Let’s go to the Views tab and click “Add view”.We’ll call this MyVi...
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