I caught my cheating boyfriend messaging 39 other women- I got the ultimate payback to scare him off doing it again
A WOMAN has revealed that she for the ultimate revenge on her husband, after she caught him messaging 39 other women.
Dominique revealed that she had discovered her husband, Christopher’s deception, after he asked her to help him locate his missing phone.
She said that a “woman’s intuition” pushed her to open it, and what she found shook her to her core.
After discovering that her partner, who is 11 years her senior had been texting 39 other women, she wrote their names and numbers down, and began to text them, searching for answers.
To her horror, she found out that he had been discussing their relationship with the other women, whilst taking them out to dinner.
Dominique attempted to confront Christopher, but said that while he admitted to taking a woman out to dinner, he denied discussing their relationship.
She added that she also found a video on Christopher’s phone, of his hands stroking the body of a woman.
In a fit of rage, a desperate Dominique dragged Christopher onto the Karamo show to expose him to the whole nation.
On the show, Christopher admitted that he had been texting other women, but said that this was only after the couple were going through “financial and trust issues”.
He added that he had begun to seek companionship from other women after discovering that she had been texting another man just two months into their relationship.
He said: “She be on her phone a lot.
“She carries that phone everywhere… to the bathroom.”
Dominique had colluded with the producers of the show to find out whether Christopher had any secrets buried within his phone.
The results found that Christopher had four separate phone cleaning apps which wiped his phone of any suspicious content.
Dominique hit the roof, but Christopher assured her that the apps were installed to counter viruses.
Karamo said: “‘So I’ll be honest with you, when I saw that you had four cleaning apps I told my producers to reach out to the 39 women.”
15 Relationship red flags to look out for
Red flags are warning signs that indicate unhealthy or manipulative behaviour. When you encounter relationship red flags, it’s a good time to pause and reflect on the dynamic you really share with that person.
- Overly controlling behaviour
- Lack of trust
- Feeling low self-esteem
- Physical, emotional, or mental abuse
- Substance abuse
- Narcissism
- Anger management issues
- Codependency
- Inability to resolve conflict
- Constant jealousy
- Gaslighting
- Lack of emotional intelligence
- Negatively affecting your relationship with family and friends
- Inability to communicate openly
- Lack of social connection or friends
For more advice and support, Relate is available: “Whether it’s your relationship with a partner, a child, a family member or anyone else – we help everyone to build better relationships.”
Christopher began to sweat profusely, as he learned that Karamo had invited the woman he went for dinner with to the studio.
However, he claimed that he had nothing to fear, as communication had ceased with all of the women a long time ago.
Karamo then revealed that this was just a ruse to catch Christopher out, admitting that there was no such guest on the show.
“I was just being a little messy”, he said.
“At the end of the day communication and transparency in this relationship is broken.
“By you having apps on your phone, you having apps that delete stuff, you not giving her your password… all it does is re-trigger the issues that you’re having.”
Christopher then turned to Dominique to say: “I love you… this is a special day for us because it’s our anniversary…. I’m going to give you my password.”
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