Don't expect anything Jessica Tarlov said to sink in with the lemmings that watch Fox, but she's right about whether Trump and Vance should go there when it comes to attacking Tim Walz's military record.
Democrats have got lots of ammo to hit back at them with, and I'm quite sure they intend to use every bit of it.
Here's some of the imbecilic conversation from this Wednesday's The Five, with the usual suspects doing their best to talk over and drown out Tarlov for daring to criticize Dear Leader and inject a bit of truth into the conversation, which isn't generally allowed on their propaganda network.
GUTFELD: ll right, Jessica, what I love is that the people who hate everything about old white guys now embrace everything about an old white guy.
Oh, look, he owns a gun. Isn't that great? Oh, he goes hunting. He was in the military. He's in a position of authority. Now he's cuddly, cozy, and wonderful.
Before, he would have been a member of a white supremacist movement, right? He would have been a reek of white privilege and toxic masculinity and evil patriarchy.
Now he's like a comfortable sweater. What say you, Jessica?
TARLOV: I say that if he was an old white guy that sexually harassed someone, I would hate him. Or if he was an old white guy that shot up a school, I would hate him.
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