This Time, We ALL Have Dodged a Different Kind of Bullet
So many prayers were answered last Tuesday when Kamala Harris made her first truly independent decision — all her own to make, no script to fall back on — since becoming the 2024 Democrat presidential nominee. She chose Minnesota’s Tim Walz as her vice presidential running mate. It has been a season of miracles: President Trump miraculously turning his head to look at an illegal immigration chart, the shooter with a simple unobstructed rooftop view missing his target, Biden doddering himself into debate immortality live before millions, the very scheduling of that unprecedentedly early debate for the purpose of politically wiping out Trump but instead eviscerating Joe, all the Biden lawfare cases aimed at ruining Trump’s campaign down the homestretch instead falling apart at lightning speed, and overseas Israel knocking off the Hamas No. 4 and then the Hezbollah No. 2 and then the Hamas No. 1 in like a week.
There is no way we can know now what will unfold by the end of Election Day. But if Trump and Vance win, perhaps the greatest miracle of all will be the political bullet we Americans have dodged as Harris, of her own free will, selected Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz as her running mate. Thank G-d.
First, as a Jew, I was hoping against hope that she would demonstrate to all America, especially Jews moving to the right, the growing anti-Semitic influence in the Democrat Party. It is there and rampant. No, I am not happy it is there, but it is there and has exploded out of control. The only thing worse for Jews than Nazism or Communism is when those exist but everyone around them fails to see it. If it must be, then see it, note it, and do something about it before it metastasizes so much that it no longer can be contained. If people had responded timely and promptly to and acted against Stalin, Hitler, Mao, and others of that ilk, hundreds of millions could have been saved. Tragically, instead, people covered their eyes, made excuses, and downplayed the threats — until too late.
Yes, I am a deeply conservative Republican. Still, I care about Jews and about all Americans, so can take no comfort in seeing pure Jew hatred now infiltrating and poisoning the Democrat Party that once welcomed my grandparents’ generation to America. It now is toxic. There is no room any longer on the national stage for Jews who stand proudly as Jews. Yes, in certain localities, some proud Jews still can take their stand, but even they now have to sell out core values to grasp onto a place among Democrats. A quarter-century ago, Joe Lieberman had been the leading voice in the United States Senate to move America’s embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. But when he got his shot on the national stage, selected to run as Al Gore’s 2000 teammate, he had to go on record forcefully opposing moving the embassy “at this time.” (Until President Trump, every time was “at this time.”) Lieberman, knowing full well the ways of the Jewish orthodoxy he had embraced, suddenly told radio interviewers, when asked whether Orthodox Jews promote endogamy — Jews marrying only other Jews — lied. He said no, he’d be fine with his child marrying out of the Jewish faith. (For obvious reasons, Orthodox Jews promote endogamy, so that they can rear their children in homes where the Shabbat is observed properly from Friday sunset to Saturday nightfall, where the kitchen is maintained strictly kosher, and so much more.) To “make it in America” as an acceptable national candidate, Lieberman of blessed memory had to sell out, at least until Gore lost. Then he was back to calling for moving the embassy.
Now you know why two of the most prominent Jewish Democrats in the country remarkably have turned on Israel. Huh? What’s that about? One after another Jewish Democrat like Elliot Engel has been “primaried out” by leftist Jew haters appealing to the Democrats’ exteme-left base during primaries season, when only the most intense activists come out to vote. Sure, they would have been reelected by the larger electorate in November, but they got “cut off at the pass” by the “Squad” types in the spring primaries. Therefore, the few surviving Jewish Democrats in blue cities have had to cut bait. Three decades ago, liberal Democrat Jews comprised fully half the New York City congressional delegation. And then there was one. Believe it or not, Jerrold Nadler, the only member of Congress who attended yeshiva Jewish parochial school when growing up, is New York City’s last Jew standing. He once was an outspoken Israel supporter. He has seen the Democrats and his career prospects change. Watching all the other long-time Jewish New York City Democrats primaried out by the Squad and their ilk, he went into an apocalyptic panic. He now stands as one of the most vicious critics of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. His latest maniacal quote: “[Netanyahu is] the worst leader in Jewish history since the Maccabean king who invited the Romans into Jerusalem over 2,100 years ago.”
That is the price for a Jew to survive in the New Harris–Walz Democrat era: turn against Israel before they accuse you, Jerrold Nadler, of eating all the food meant for Gaza.
And Schumer.
On the surface, it was incomprehensible — absolutely impossible to fathom — how the Senate majority leader of the United States would have had the temerity to stand on his podium of American legislative power to deliver a speech calling on the citizens of a foreign country — specifically, a robustly democratic country with regular free elections and peaceful transitions of government, and also one of America’s most reliable strategic allies for all 76 years of its existence — to rise up and overthrow their duly elected head of government. Yet there was Schumer, urging Israelis, as if they had nothing else to deal with, to overthrow Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. How explain? Now it is simple: The media may not see it, but Schumer is desperately fighting now for his political life. If the Democrats lose their Senate majority in three months — with a bunch of turnovers possible from West Virginia to Montana, from Pennsylvania to Maryland, and lots of elsewheres — remember you heard it first here: many Democrats almost surely will try to oust Schumer and replace him with Dick Durbin. They both know it. That’s why Durbin, who first attained national political power 42 years ago by defeating an anti-Israel 22-term Illinois congressman, Paul Findley, by promoting himself in 1982 as an outspoken Zionist, suddenly opted to boycott Netanyahu’s recent speech to Congress. He knows where the New Democrat Party energy lies, with rabidly outspoken Israel haters like Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, and Chris Van Hollen. By contrast, Schumer was stuck. He could not boycott Netanyahu because of his Jewish New York base, so he did the next best: he called for Netanyahu’s overthrow. Crazy? Not if you’re a Jewish Democrat on today’s national stage. “Genocide Chuck?” “Genocide Jerrold”?
It therefore is a blessing, first from a Jewish perspective, for open-minded Jewish Democrats to get a good close look at what has become of their grandparents’ Democrat Party. Believe it or not, polling now shows that more New York Jews will be voting for Trump than for Harris in November. How do you like those matzo balls? Harris’s rejection of Shapiro in the face of unprecedented open Jew hatred in the Democrat Party brings home the bacon that she and Emhoff share. Amazingly, as Shapiro saw the Israel hatred closing in on him — “Genocide Shapiro,” really? — he himself began doing a Liberman and started weakening his support of Israel. He once had written — accurately — that Arafat had proven that the Arabs in Judea and Samaria are not interested in a lasting peace with Israel. Now, suddenly, the poor fellow was reduced to repudiating his own beliefs and mouthing plaudits for a bogus “Two State Solution” that he knows, deep in his soul, is a nonstarter. If there is one thing American Jews do not need is yet another left-wing Democrat — whether he believes it like Soros and Sanders, or simply mouths it to stay in power like Schumer and Nadler — on a national ticket. Thought it would mirror perfectly how Harris will be devoting the next three months to repudiating every vote she ever has cast and every policy she ever has advocated
But the blessing is deeper for all of us Americans. We Americans are desperate — and this may be America’s last chance — to stop the Obama Transformation and save our society at the eleventh hour. Even more than we need Trump, we dare not fall into the hands of Harris, rated by the independent nonpartisan YouGov in 2020 — her last year before joining Biden’s ticket — as the single most extreme left senator among all 100, even more radical than Bernie Sanders. The year before, she was rated second-most extreme, barely behind Sanders. If she gets elected, G-d forbid, we Americans have far more to fear than Israelis do even on a bad day. Our border, our health care, our Medicare, our retirements, our incomes, crime and punishment, fuel and energy to fill our cars and heat our homes, educating our children, even our darned plastic straws.
Pennsylvania is polling very tightly and is a critical electoral vote state. Maybe Trump can win without it, but maybe not. It is critical. If Harris had ignored the Jew haters and acted sensibly, Shapiro very probably could have put her over the top in the Keystone State. By G-d’s miracle, He guided her instead to pick the most extreme-left governor imaginable other than Gavin Newsom. Wait till Americans get to know him. Moreover, she wins Minnesota anyway. If she does not, the election is a walkaway. So Walz helps her win a state that is hers, the state of Keith Ellison and Ilhan Omar, a state that he has opened widely to illegal immigrants and whose budget surplus he squandered. He has made it a sanctuary state for getting mutilating sex-change operations. When his cities went on fire in the George Floyd aftermath, his weird wife — emphasis on weird — opened her bedroom window so she could deeply inhale the sweet smell of the city on fire. Really. Got that? Now you know why Walz comes up with the word “weird” when describing a former president of the United States and a Yale Law School graduate who is a United States senator. When your wife says “Honey, can we leave the bedroom window open tonight so we can smell the city burning down?” the first word out of your mouth is “weird.” The next is: “Hun, would you like a fiddle?”
The November election is hopeful, but not in the bag. Its trajectory will emerge after the Democrat National Convention plays out. Then, after the four-day scripted show and cynical encomia from job seekers, Harris will begin stumbling whenever she talks impromptu, in interviews or off the cuff at airports. Hundreds of millions will be spent to bypass the leftist mainstream media propaganda machine and buy social media and TV and radio advertising to educate Americans, with actual videos of Harris speaking, that Harris is the most radical-left person to seek the presidency since Gus Hall in the 1970s and Bernie Sanders. People will learn her record. And as she tries, more and more desperately to flee from her past and that record, even the atheists among us will thank G-d for inducing her to select Weird Walz over Genocide Josh from Pennsylvania.
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Ranked-Choice Voting by Subterfuge
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