Selections from the Proceedings of the National Academny of Sciences (
Below are URLs of journal articles I find interesting and think might be of interest to some MindBlog readers. Most are open source. Email me if you hit a paywall and would like me to send you a PDF of the complete article.
The health risk of social disadvantage is transplantable into a new host. (relevant to transferring immune-reconstituting cells from a healthy donor to a cancer patient recipient.)
Can names shape facial appearances? (individuals acquire face–name congruency as they mature, suggesting
that characteristics associated with stereotypes are not necessarily innate but may develop through a self-fulfilling prophecy.)
Dissonant music engages early visual processing
It matters what you see: Graphic media images of war and terror may amplify distress
Early-emerging combinatorial thought: Human infants flexibly combine kind and quantity concepts
Callousness, exploitativeness, and tracking of cooperation incentives in the human default network