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From why your hair gets greasy to how to avoid thinning – experts answer 9 hair questions you’ve always wanted to ask


WE all want to ensure we maintain a healthy head of hair.

But sometimes our locks and scalp just don’t want to play ball. 

Have a hair question you’ve always wanted to ask? Experts answer nine common ones below[/caption]

From thinning tresses to excess grease and dandruff, hair troubles can be a real nightmare.

But they don’t have to be. Here, experts share their insights into the most common complaints to ensure you give your locks the love they deserve.

1. Why is my scalp so itchy? 

Can’t stop scratching? An itchy scalp can be incredibly hard to ignore.

However, finding the root cause of the itch will ensure you can treat it properly. 

Kieran Tudor, a celebrity hairdresser and co-founder of CENTRED, says that stress could trigger an itchy scalp, leading to skin conditions such as eczema and contact dermatitis.

He recommends avoiding inflammatory, highly-processed foods – such as crisps, pastries, protein bars and processed meats – and excess sugar, as these can cause inflammation which can trigger itching.

Your itchy scalp could also be down to the hair dye you’re using, especially if it contains an ingredient called paraphenylenediamine, or PPDA, according to Dr Thomy Kouremada Zioga, a hair surgeon and expert for Vidal Sassoon. 

Stop using any products that may cause a reaction and seek help from a medical expert if needed, she adds.

Head lice – which are often visible, despite being very small – can also trigger itchiness.

Dr Zioga recommends over-the-counter treatments to kill the critters.

If your itching is accompanied by a red rash, it may be down to the fungal infection, scalp ringworm.

Visit your GP who can make a diagnosis and recommend treatment.

More seriously, an itch on your scalp could be caused by skin cancer and even diabetes

“It’s important to have a board-certified dermatologist examine your scalp as these doctors specialise in diagnosing skin cancer and can determine if you need to be tested for skin cancer or if something else may be causing the itch,” Dr Zioga says.

2. Why is my hair thinning? 

The volume of your hair can change over the course of a lifetime, with ageing and genetics playing a huge role. 

GP Dr Chandni Rajani says: “The most common reason is genetic predisposition, often referred to as androgenetic alopecia or male/female pattern baldness.

“Other reasons are hormonal changes like pregnancy or menopause, nutritional deficiencies, chronic stress, certain medical conditions, and medications.”

Kieran adds: “A diet lacking in essential nutrients such as vitamins like B, C, D, and minerals such as zinc and iron, can lead to increased hair loss.”

A multivitamin can help to safeguard your intake of essential nutrients, however a food-first approach is always best.

Enjoy foods such as oily fish, colourful fruits and vegetables, eggs, whole grains, chicken and dried fruits. 

Concerned about thinning hair? Book an appointment with your GP, who can advise on the best next steps.

Experts recommend you wash your hair every two to three days[/caption]

3. Why does my hair get so greasy so quickly?

Does your hair look and feel like an oil slick, even though you only recently washed it?

If you’re washing daily, it might be best to cut down. 

Siobhan Haug, co-founder of Haug London Haus and award-winning colour technician, recommends using a gentle, pH-balancing shampoo and cleansing your hair every two to three days. 

“Too much shampooing triggers the over production of natural oils and too little will allow it to build up in the hair making it look greasy,” she adds.

A diet filled with processed foods, sugars, and unhealthy fats, such as those found in crisps and fried foods, can also lead to increased inflammation in the scalp, triggering the sebaceous glands to produce more oil, resulting in grease.

“Incorporating foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as oily fish and flaxseeds, along with plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can help reduce inflammation and regulate oil production,” says Kieran.

“Hormonal changes during puberty, pregnancy, or stress can lead to an increase in sebum production, resulting in oilier hair,” adds Dr Zioga.

4. Why is my hair suddenly getting thicker and growing? 

Just like leaves on trees, your hair has seasons of growth and shedding. But, thicker, healthier hair is no bad thing. 

Dr Rajani explains that it could be caused by hormonal changes due to certain medications like oral contraceptives and also improved diet and nutrition.

Rising oestrogen levels during pregnancy can also cause hair to feel fuller and look shiny, she adds.

5. Why is my scalp flaking?

White flakes in your hair and nestled around your parting can really stand out, especially in darker locks.

“One common cause is the shedding of dead skin cells, known as dandruff,” says Dr Zioga.

“This happens when dead skin cells shed at a faster-than-normal rate.

“Dandruff can peak in the teen years. Flakes also run in families and you’re more likely to get them if you’re male, overweight, or have oily skin.

“Some conditions, like Parkinson’s disease, can also cause dandruff.”

Dr Zioga suggests using an anti-dandruff shampoo with ingredients like selenium sulphide, zinc pyrithione, or salicylic acid.

“Use it daily at first, and then every other time you wash your hair as the flakes improve,” she adds.

“Lather twice and let it sit for five minutes to improve its effectiveness.”

Sun Health's favourite hair products

STROLLING the aisles in Boots and Superdrug can be overwhelming.

With so many hair products on offer, it can be difficult to know which to buy – especially when they all claim to do wonders for your tresses.

Well, these are our favourites.

Vanessa Chalmers, Health Features Editor

Shea Moisture Superfruit Complex 10-in-1 Multi-Benefit Hair Masque

“I wouldn’t use any other hair mask. As someone with ringlet curls, it’s necessary to keep them hydrated to stop them from knotting. I only use it once a fortnight or so – otherwise I’ll use the Curl & Shine conditioner. I can tell the difference straight away – the curls are very soft and silky. This brand is best for people with more coarse hair as it provides a lot of moisture but fewer protein-building ingredients.”

Alice Fuller, Senior Health Reporter

The Original Tangle Teezer

“I’ve been using it for about 15 years and I don’t want to try anything else. It glides through wet and dry hair so easily, and doesn’t make it fall out.”

Isabel Shaw, Health Reporter

OGX Renewing+ Argan Oil of Morocco Extra Penetrating Oil

“I like to apply this to the ends of my hair when it looks particularly dry and wispy. It helps make my hair look healthier, less damaged, and a bit thicker, plus it smells really good.”

Sam Blanchard, Health Correspondent

got2b Glued Hairspray

“I have fine and unruly hair and this will hold it in any style easily. I’ve tried a lot of hairsprays since I was a teenager and found this has the best combination of strong hold, easy to brush or wash out, and it doesn’t stink like a lot of others.”

Eliza Loukou, Health Reporter

Bumble and bumble Surf Spray

“I’ve used this since I was a teenager. I spritz this into my roots for some extra texture and it smells pleasantly salty and sandy, like the beach. Plus, it doesn’t break me out in the back of my neck or hairline like other texturising products I’ve used in the past.”

6. Why is my hair so dull? 

Hair looking a little lifeless? It could be down to your choice of products.

“Products which are heavily perfumed and packed full of heavy cosmetic conditioning agents start to layer themselves up on your hair creating a film that only a good clarifying shampoo and a change in wash routine will fix,” says Siobhan.

Pollution in the air can also cause dull hair. Siobhan suggests double shampooing to thoroughly remove the film that’s preventing your shine.

Alongside pollution, limescale and mineral buildup from hard water can make your hair dull, explains Kieran. 

Try a shower head filter to soften the water. 

An apple cider vinegar rinse can also help remove a build up on hair, he adds.

Simply fill a jug with water and add a cup of apple cider vinegar before mixing and working it through your hair and scalp.

7. Is there a reason why some days my hair is so knotty?

A tough knot in your hair can be a nightmare to brush out.

Siobhan says: “Hair should be gently de-tangled when damp, combing from the ends first and then working up towards the root area.

“Try a leave-in conditioner after washing.”

Avoid rough-drying with a towel too as this can cause hair to tangle and make sure hair is dry before going to bed. 

Stress and emotional or physical shock can speed up the greying process, experts say[/caption]

8. What are the white dots along my hairline? 

Small white nodules around the hair shaft, along with brittle and gritty hair and pain or itching, could be down to white piedra, which is a rare type of infection caused by a yeast-like fungus found in soil or dirty water.

“Risk factors include living in humid climates and being a young male, but the condition can occur in anyone,” explains Dr Zioga.

“It‘s not usually contagious and can be effectively treated with antifungal medications, shaving off infected hair, and maintaining good hygiene.

“In most cases, people recover fully without any lasting health consequences.”

9. Why am I suddenly getting white hairs and white tufts?

Dr Zioga explains that genetics, smoking and a vitamin B12 deficiency can be factors behind white hair.

“The body needs vitamin B12 for healthy red blood cells, which carry oxygen to cells, including hair cells,” the expert says.

“A deficiency can affect melanin production, the pigment which gives hair its colour.”

The best food sources of vitamin B12 include meat, fish, milk, cheese and eggs.

Dr Rajani adds: “Stress and significant emotional or physical shock can speed up the greying process; a phenomenon known as telogen effluvium.”

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