There is a Taco Bell in every one of the 50 states. The company’s website lists a total of 6,177 locations in the United States. How many does Vermont have? According to the official store locator, Vermont has the fewest of any state with only 5 locations—in Bennington, Brattleboro, Rutland, St. Albans and St. Johnsbury. There was one in South Burlington but it closed a few years ago. Source: is a small state with a small population but the fact that only one of every 1,235 Taco Bells in the United States is located in the Green Mountain State is way beyond what would be expected when population is factored in. Even, Wyoming, with a smaller population than Vermont, has 15 Taco Bells. Other small population states like Montana (15), Alaska (20), South Dakota (19) and New Hampshire (21) have more than triple Vermont's total. No other state than Vermont has less than 10. California has the most Taco Bells with 964. Texas is second with 590 accordi...