Are you on the hunt for a Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher, but don’t know where to start looking? Well, you’ve come to the right place! You may think Section 8 is only a rental assistance program, but the Section 8 Homeownership Program can also help you buy a home and start building equity that can grow in value over time.Let’s take a closer look at Section 8 housing, the requirements to qualify and how the program can help you buy your dream home. What Is Section 8 Housing?Section 8 housing provides vouchers and subsidies to low-income, disabled and elderly individuals so they can have safe places to live outside of public housing developments. In effect, the Section 8 program allows landlords to get the fair market rental value for their properties while low-income tenants get to live in an apartment or home they couldn’t afford otherwise.The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) oversees and funds the program officially known as the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Pr...