Drug-dealing crook dodges deportation to Somalia by claiming it would worsen his addiction
A DRUG-dealing crook with a 32-year criminal record has dodged deportation to Somalia by claiming it would make his own addiction worse.
The serial offender, named only as AF, entered as a visitor in 1989 and claimed asylum.
The Home Office has twice tried to deport the 54-year-old — citing crimes including robbery, burglary and supplying cocaine and heroin.
Last year, he was convicted for a third time and jailed for 28 months.
In a London tribunal hearing this month, the addict said he had tried to get clean but could “find access to drugs” if he was sent back to Somalia and was scared of his home country.
Judge Rebecca Owens allowed his appeal on human rights grounds.
She said: “He is drug dependent and would immediately start to withdraw without access to methadone which is said not to be available.
“This will cause him distress and to behave erratically. He will not be thinking rationally.
“He speaks broken Somali and is westernised… he will not be able to secure a livelihood which would allow him to rent himself some accommodation after his initial money runs out, support himself and prevent himself from falling into destitution.”