Lunar Occultation of Pleiades Cluster
Photographer: Pruthu VanaraSummary Author: Pruthu Vanara Shown above is the lunar occultation of the Pleiades star cluster (also known as the Seven Sisters and Messier 45) as observed from my home in Gandhinagar, India during the evening of April 11, 2024. I witnessed this lunar occultation (Moon was in waxing crescent phase) just moments before the disappearance of the star Merope, one of the Seven Sisters. Note that it's the unlit portion of the Moon occulting Merope.
Photo Details: Sony Alphin camera; Sony A7c lens; single shot.
Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India Coordinates: 23.239806, 72.661833
Related Links:Moon Occultation of Mars2024 Sky Event AlmanacPruthu's Website