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By Ron Signore

Betting on sports is a fun hobby for me. While it is likely classified as an addiction, I really enjoy the science behind it. That is to say, there really aren’t any random bets. While 50/50 odds to win or lose is realistic to view an outcome, there are many factors to take into account to make the best educated guess on a certain play. There are also certain unknown variables that can totally go against expectations. When you really dive deep and think about it, this upcoming election in November, is a gamble. Sure, one can place a wager on who they think will win based on the odds bookmakers provide. However, this goes well beyond that. The gamble is on our future as a country.

The science in this instance is designed very similarly to sports betting. We have to take in all sorts of information catalysts, bias/beliefs, and try and fight for a desirable outcome. Information in both arenas is imperfect due to so many unknown variables and constant updated information from multiple sources that force a need to learn and understand so many different angles and points of view.

In the political world, it is beyond absurd how many sources of information there are. We have made our greatest asset in life of information so accessible that it comes with a bit of a curse. The curse is misinformation created by those who have an opinion based on an interpretation of something that may have heard and potentially drew illogical dots to connect cause and effect. While that is bad, we have people who blatantly spread disinformation in efforts to sway people to see the world they see, er the drive the world they want. There is no argument that I fall in the former scenario. I am not sitting next to Kamala Harris or any of her circle getting firsthand information, and I draw my conclusions to cause and effect. In fact, I can only hope that my education and due diligence is correctly interpreted in the big picture and is supported by facts or examples that are as real as I believe them to be.

There is one topic in this election that I am gambling with as a catalyst for what I believe is the right step for our future. I am gambling on Project 2025, or Agenda 47, or whatever branded nonsense they have all come up with due to the Project 2025 blowback the GOP has deflected from, being real. I view it’s content as presenting a clear and present danger to the future of our country. I am not willing to bet that the GOP is truthfully denouncing the agenda playbook put forth by The Heritage Foundation. The Heritage Foundation is a primary supporter for the GOP and Agent Orange, derived from multiple staff members from his term in office.

The playbook starts out by outlining that it is a “Conservative Promise.” The 922-page document outlines everything in detail to the reshaping of our country in a retro paradox that is reality. Everything from the structure of government, to battling minorities (guised as illegals), to putting forth a Christian based, white male, dominated society that implodes sanctities like gay marriage acknowledgement, women’s rights, all the way down to IVF treatments for those looking to start a family. The document mentions Cheeto Boy hundreds of times, pinpointing him as the leader to drive this agenda.

Yet, the Orange Turd has publicly denied knowledge of Project 2025 and has found ways to deflect its reality in the world. Now, as much as I believe Cheeto Boy has never read the document, there is a snowballs chance in hell I believe he knows nothing about it. That small microcosm of a chance he is telling the truth lines solely with his conman, narcissistic, and power-hungry characteristics in the idea that he is fine with taking their money but not fine on following through with delivering on a promise.

But even that microcosm scenario seems unrealistic after you connect all the dots. Between the 140 advisors of his that are tied to the playbook for the conservative wish list, the policies he has openly supported, the simple fact that a known liar denies knowing anything about it despite who is behind it and he is a central figure in the drive to execute it, the most damning account came in a secretly recorded interview with co-author Russell Vought. Vought was caught with his pants down, for lack of a better analogy, claiming that when Diaper Donny speaks of denouncing, or ignorance, of Project 2025, that is all show. For all intents and purposes, he knows exactly what it is and his role in the fascist movement.

Don Von Shitzenpants cares about one thing: himself. If others benefit from his success and kiss the ring to be unconditionally loyal to him, that is what is acceptable for him. I do not believe his end game is over exaggerated. I really believe his goal is to be the sole authoritarian leader of this country. I believe him when he tells people to just vote this time, they will never have to vote again. For that to happen there are a couple of routes that can put us on that path. One is not voting blue. If it continues to become a Republican dominated congress beginning in the House, along with a conservative and corrupt Supreme Court like we have, the roadblocks are less for this outcome. The other is step two in driving this agenda. With no guardrails, America as we know it will truly be gone.

Don Snoreleone will follow through on mass deportations. He will follow through and support curtailing reproductive freedoms and protections. He will kill the education system. Changes in Medicare, and income possibilities in some of the new OSHA standards would be detrimental to millions. The likelihood of him following through on the remainder of the items outlined throughout the manifesto from The Heritage Foundation are likely avenues. Whether day 1 or throughout the years, we will be trending to that Ultra Conservative Utopia.
Citing Jamie Raskin in his book, “Unthinkable”, like him, I am a proud progressive. It is simple, the core of that word is progress. I am a proud liberal for that exact same principle. The core word is liberty. We are a country that was founded on freedoms for our people. I am not willing to gamble that Project 2025 is just a pipe dream of the Reich-wing. The risks are too high for too many.

Let’s say we are all wrong and Project 2025 is exactly that, a known pipe dream. What is the downside? Other than a potential four more years of Bunker Boy and what that could potentially entail results wise, the country pretty much stays the same socially. Economically, we will have our challenges with another Diaper Don presidency, and too many people are too stupid to understand that. They have been indoctrinated that financially, we are better with a conservative presidency, correlating taxes souly as the evil rooted in a Democrat led nation. Nevermind the greatest growth to our national debt being in the acts of Chump.

They associate the struggles we are all enduring now as the result of him not winning the Presidency in 2020. They ignore his Ag policies that constrained the Ag supply chain at its roots. They blame gas costs on Biden, yet they fail to comprehend the role Chump played in his OPEC, Iran, and Saudi Arabia oil deals. They fail to realize the cause and effect of his abysmal handling of a pandemic that drove us on the brink of a recession. They blame inflation on Biden, when the reality for anyone with an understanding of economics should realize the battle Biden had and has to keep inflation lower than much of the world. They simply do not realize the mess he made, the efforts needed to clean it up, and where the blame should lie. This continues to ignore the facts that has allowed inflation to ease to under 3% from the 9% +/- it got up too early in Biden’s Presidency, which in its simplest form ties to jobs creation and student debt relief which put money back into the economy.

Those who truly understand the very basic concepts of what a patriot is, what a leader is, what it has taken to prevent us from another Great Depression, understand the risks of another Agent Orange Turd term without Project 2025 being a possibility. As a voter, those natural risks are enough for me to vote Blue. Throw a potential conservative manifesto on top of it, as a father of daughters, a father of a special needs child, a son who loves his parents and their ability to prosper enough to retire at a respectable age, it simply is not worth the risk of gambling on the reality of its possibility to be put into play. Vote Blue in November as if your life and your country depend on it. It many way, that is the sad reality we are faced with.

Click Here to Order Boxing Interviews Of A Lifetime By “Bad” Brad Berkwitt

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