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UNDERDOG REPORT: David Clements Uncancelled – Make Your Vote Be Counted


Guest post by Joe Hoft at JoeHoft.com – republished with permission

David Clements Uncancelled

Make Your Vote Be Counted

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Last week the UnderDog Report interviewed Scott Tips, President of the National Health Federation, and the proposed Medical Freedom Amendment.

The Underdog Report Moved to Rumble!!!!!

Report #47 – The UnderDog Says:

Make Your Vote Be Counted – David Clements


David Clements is an attorney and a former prosecutor and University Professor. In his interview he speaks about voter integrity and the coming 2024 Election. He encourages all Americans to increase their awareness and involvement in the election process and to hold local officials accountable. We cannot “export our advocacy to other people.” Each individual American needs to take responsibility. The election system is flawed, it is manipulated, and substantial changes are needed to restore trust back to the American People. Political issues are intertwined with deeper spiritual battles between good and evil, between God and His enemies.

Give it up to God and Listen to God’s Still Small Voice.

You can find David on his website at TheProfessorsRecord.com


Below is an interview with David Clements.

  • 00:00 Introduction
  • 01:23 TheProfessorsRecord.com
  • 01:49 Election Integrity
  • 05:40 Voter ID Systems
  • 08:17 What is Different Now
  • 11:49 An American Awakening
  • 14:37 Give It Up to God
  • 15:49 The Possession of the Left
  • 17:49 What Can You Do?
  • 20:54 Watch “Let My People Go”
  • 21:44 Follow God’s Still Small Voice


David Clement says this issue is rudimentary. It’s not a person showing up with more than one ballot and casting it. Our election fraud is systemic. It presents a nation state vulnerability as important as protecting our nuclear weapons, and we are wide open. One of the misnomers we should be worried about is people hacking our elections. It’s far worse than even that. They don’t have to hack anything. They don’t have to hack the machines they already have access to. There are people behind precinct and county firewalls that can monitor all our election data, real time, and by extension they can modify any election data, real time.


David believes that 2020 was the first time the Left was clicking on all cylinders, but like any good cheat, they will migrate to different manifestations. In 2016, you had the software in the rigged machines. The problem for them was they didn’t have the mail-in ballot paper trail to match what took place in the machines, and so they had to cut their losses. They didn’t have the ability to manufacture a fake ballot to match what was needed in the machines. They were stuck with Trump.

Forward to 2020, we had the pandemic, and they use COVID as the pretext to get everyone trained up psychologically, prepared to vote from home. The system architecture was integrated with the mail in ballots at the time they could create a paper trail. Even then, most people with common sense knew something was off. There’s no way you can be up hundreds of thousands of votes in Wisconsin when you go to sleep. And suddenly, you wake up the next morning, and there’s a switch, and you could see it in the in the records.

There is the F curve we saw that in all swing States, even though the popularity of Trump was so much more impressive than Biden’s. No one was buying it, but this was the first time we were exposed to just how great the fraud was.

Forward to 2024, the mail-in ballot system is still in place. There’s always a scare of the latest iteration of COVID, whether it’s monkey pox or something else. They’re deploying lawfare to keep investigators from getting to the truth, scaring people. But the elegance of how to subvert an election from a digital standpoint is leaps and bounds ahead of where it was in 2020. Just like any technology, it got better. In this case, it’s worse for us, because we have deep state actors tied into the intelligence apparatus of our country that basically can change anything they want.


David went on to tell us to do what the Lord tells us to do. We should always be ready to receive God’s Still Small Voice. It could be just a whisper, so we need to listen carefully. But when we listen, we also need to listen in obedience to Him.

Do what you’re commanded to do. Don’t make up excuses to not follow God’s small voice. That’s just the beginning, and every day the good Lord will give you a task, and if you take it and perform it, he’ll give you a bigger task tomorrow, and a bigger task the next day. So, it’s as simple as just listening what the Lord wants for you in your life and then carrying it out. Pray for this country, pray for our leadership, pray for the American people.


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Links to Other UnderDog Report Blogs X.com/UnderDogReportr (Twitter)

  1. Abortion & Immigration – Immigration Part 1
  2. Mass Immigration – Immigration Part 2
  3. Scariest Halloween Decoration EVER!
  4. Who Are “They” Really – Immigration Part 3
  5. What’s Missing From Conservative Media?
  6. Should We Obey God or Man? – Obey God Part 1
  7. ¡Adios America! – Immigration Part 4
  8. Christmas Is Not The Day Of Vengeance
  9. Weapon of Warfare – Obey God Part 2
  10. Freedom of Preach – Obey God Part 3
  11. Getting The Word Out – Bruce MacDonald – Obey God Part 4
  12. Epstein’s Victims – Sexual Abuse Part 1
  13. Epstein’s Victims – Sexual Abuse Part 2
  14. Epstein’s Victims – Sexual Abuse Part 3
  15. What Happened To Your Third Place? – Your 3rd Place Part 1
  16. What Happened To Your Third Place? – Your 3rd Place Part 2
  17. Super Bowl Color Commentary
  18. The Daytona 500 – The Great American Race
  19. Who Is Saving America?
  20. The UnderDog Interviews Joe Hoft
  21. Modern Law and the Bible – Personal Property 1
  22. Modern Law and the Bible – Unlawful Seizure 2
  23. Modern Law and the Bible – Building Codes 3
  24. Modern Law and the Bible – Slavery 4
  25. Modern Law and the Bible – Murder & Death 5
  26. The End Of The World, Almost? Eclipses And Bad Predictions
  27. TIKTOK…Boom!!!!! In Defense of TIKTOK
  28. The Jesus Gospel Word-For-Word Harmony of the Gospels
  29. MAGA-Make America Godly Again
  30. Russell Brand’s Joy – On Earth and In Heaven
  31. Don’t Read the Bible (If you Don’t Want the Truth)
  32. Stop Looking, Start Finding, Be Thankful
  33. Inflation Nation Agitation – The Shrinking Dollar
  34. Offended By Christ? A Surprising Mistake
  35. Charming to Death
  36. Who Is Your Enemy when You Are A Friend of the World?
  37. The Desires that Battle Within Us
  38. It’s Time to Sacrifice
  39. It’s All About Blood – Not Yours
  40. The Higher They Get, the Further YOU Fall
  41. Biblical Results Of Failed Assassination Attempts
  42. Unfair Lawfare – The Tainted Golden Rule
  43. The Awakening of a Hollywood Liberal
  44. What is a Woman Boxer? – Cara Castronuova
  45. Being Normal in Abnormal Arizona – Rachel Alexander
  46. The Medical Freedom Amendment

The Underdog Report produces content on current events from a Biblical perspective to provide a positive Godly point of view as an alternative to today’s Media, and to encourage people to be followers of Christ. Follow us on Twitter: x.com/UnderDogReportr

The Underdog Report produces content on current events from a Biblical perspective. This is done to provide a positive Godly point of view as an alternative to today’s “anti-Christian” Media, and to encourage people to be followers of Christ. Gary Scarano is the UnderDog Report.

Follow us on Twitter: x.com/UnderDogReportr

Gary Scarano is the author of the book “The Jesus Gospel” (JesusGospel.com). Not since the New Testament of the Bible was written, has anyone combined the 4-Gospels ‘Word-For-Word’ into a continuous chronological timeline. Read the 4-Gospels, the record of Jesus Christ’s life, blended into a single COMPLETE story.

Gary also ran with the Olympic Torch in the Los Angeles Olympics and was a National Senior Product Manager for Verizon and was interviewed by Lou Dobbs on CNN and the NY Times for a product launch he led.

Gary teaches a Bible study every Thursday, 630PM NY Time on zoom. Join when you can.



Note: All information, content, and materials available or contained in UnderDog Report blogs hosted on JoeHoft.com is for general information purposes ONLY. Information provided is the opinion of the author and may not be the most recent available. The UnderDog Report contains links to other third-party websites whose content may conflict with other third-party sites. These links are for the convenience of the ready, user, or browser. The UnderDog Report, Gary Scarano, and Joe Hoft do not recommend or endorse the content of these third-party sites.

The post UNDERDOG REPORT: David Clements Uncancelled – Make Your Vote Be Counted appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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