As a 501(c)(4), the San Francisco Bicycle Coalition* makes political endorsements, helping to ensure San Francisco is a better place to live, work, and bike. Our endorsements process is led by our 15-person board of directors that is directly elected by our membership.
It’s not every election year that a former SFBike Board member steps up to run for public office – so of course we were really proud to see former Board member Danny Sauter launch his campaign for District 3 Supervisor. Danny worked hard to show the strength of his commitment to this movement through his questionnaire, and showed a remarkable knowledge of his district’s bike network gaps, as well as ideas as to how to fix them. Additionally, Danny understands the importance of housing density to ensure the success of bicycle networks while also welcoming reasonable community input.
Danny Sauter is a proven leader in bicycle advocacy, we are proud to give Danny our sole endorsement. We look forward to having an ally in the District 3 office.
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