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We’re left to freeze in England’s coldest town as winter fuel allowance is scrapped… while train drivers enjoy pay hike


PENSIONERS living in England’s coldest town are bracing themselves for a freezing winter after Sir Keir Starmer’s government scrapped their winter fuel allowance.

Many of the elderly in Newport, Shropshire, say the cruel cut will leave them having to choose between “food or fuel” this winter.

Nigel Iskander
Retired nurse Eleme Te with her hot water bottle[/caption]
Nigel Iskander
Joyce Rigeway is feeling the cold already[/caption]
Nigel Iskander
Newport in Shropshire is historically the coldest town in England[/caption]
Children walked to school through snow drifts in 1982

Weather scientists believe the town – where a record low temperature of -26.1C was recorded on January 10, 1982 – gets so chilly because it is land-locked and therefore does not benefit from the relatively warm sea air.

So news of Labour’s decision to reduce the number of people who can receive the much-needed winter fuel allowance has left the town’s 3,353 OAPs feeling out in the cold.

One local, Eleme Te, was just three months into her retirement from a life spent in nursing when the bombshell dropped – and now wishes she still had the extra income her job provided.

The 68-year-old, who graduated as a nurse in 1981 and since 2001 worked in a Shropshire nursing home before retiring in April this year, fumed: “I didn’t realise that the Government was not going to pay out the winter fuel allowance when I gave up my job.

“If only I’d known. It’s a terrible decision and it is going to make things extremely difficult for me.

“I’m already obsessed with watching my electric and gas bills every month because I’m worried about costs – and that’s during the summer months.

“It’s not been too bad at the moment, around £30 a month, but I know worse is ahead.

“As a nurse, I’ve seen what happens when people get too cold. They can become hypothermic very quickly and when that happens, it’s incredibly dangerous. If they get too cold, it’s very scary.

“I’m actually dreading the winter, especially if we have a cold one, which is likely because of where we live.

“If it gets even slightly cold, I’m literally going to have to choose between food or fuel some days.

“There’s no way I’m going to be able to afford both.”

One piece of advice she offers to other pensioners is to always sleep with a hot water bottle.

“Even though it’s September, I’m already using one,” she said. “I hate getting cold.

“I have three kids who will come and help if I get stuck, but they don’t live nearby – one’s in Liverpool, another’s in London and the other lives in New Zealand.”

New low

No place in England has recorded a temperature lower than the minus 26.1 seen in Newport, Shropshire.

The second lowest on record was in 1981 just 14 miles away in Shawbury, Shropshire, at minus 25.2.

In January and February, the average low temperature in Newport is two degrees, so the heating has to be on in the evening.

Another local resident, Nora Bates, 89, said: “I’m absolutely speechless that a working class party can do this to OAPs.

As a nurse, I’ve seen what happens when people get too cold

Eleme Te

“Pensioners aren’t in the position of being able to go out and earn a bit of extra money, we are entirely dependent on what the Government hands out.

“I try to put away a bit every month towards heating bills but it’s a worry.

“We can’t afford to get old because we feel every nuance of the weather.”

Frozen out

Nigel Iskander
Ray Knight lost his leg and is worried about friends losing their support[/caption]
Heavy snow in country lanes in Shropshire taken on January 10, 1982, when temperatures dropped below -26c.[/caption]

When Shropshire suffered its record freeze in 1982, there were 10ft high snow drifts blocking the roads.

It was so bad that even fire crews ended up trapped in the cab of their engine for eight hours.

Locals will be praying there is no repeat this winter.

Newport resident Joseph Clayton, who is 93 and a retired carpenter and joiner, said: “Politicians – it’s promises, promises, promises, but they don’t keep their promises do they.

“It’s a very nasty thing to do to pensioners.

“They blame the last government for a big black hole, but if I had my way, I’d put them all in a big black hole for all the use they are.

“They take it off us because we can’t fight back. It’s outrageous.

“How can they pay those enormous rises to the train drivers and leave us old folk literally out in the cold?

“It’s just not right. We need to be able to stay warm in the winter, not looking over our shoulder to see if we can pay the bills.”

It’s a very nasty thing to do to pensioners

Joseph Clayton

Joyce Rigeway, 88, has been living in her present house in Newport for the last 16 years and used to work at Chad Valley toy factory making teddy bears.

She questions why well-off enough people were given the winter fuel allowance under the previous government.

She said: “I’m not sure it should have been introduced in the first place.

“People can be so greedy and want everything put in their lap and I’m not sure the country can afford that.

“I’m all in favour of helping out those who can’t help themselves but not willy-nilly.

“But I did notice it’s getting colder because the heating came on yesterday afternoon.

“I’ve had to make do ever since my husband died in 1999. He was a painter and decorator and I do my best to look after myself.

“But I do have the luxury of having two wonderful sons who always keep an eye on me.”

Lost allowance by £2

But others are worried about how they will cope.

Retired cleaner Molly, in her late 60s, said: “One of the ladies I clean for found she was £2 over the limit to get pension credit.

“She was very upset, it’s just not fair.

“It’s heartbreaking to see what some old folk go through.

“Why can’t this Labour government be more compassionate?”

Ray Knight, 81, is an ex parish councillor. He was in Newport High Street on his mobility scooter when we caught up with him.

He said: “If they slashed the overseas aid budget by half, they would have solved their so called black hole .. problem solved.

How much is the winter fuel payment?

PAYMENTS last year were worth between £300 and £600, depending on your specific circumstances.

This is because the amount included a “Pensioner Cost of Living Payment” – between £150 and £300. 

This year, it will be worth £200 for eligible households or £300 for eligible households with someone aged over 80.

That means you could receive up to £300 in free cash, depending on your circumstances.

Most payments are made automatically in November or December.

You’ll get a letter telling you:

  • How much you’ll get
  • Which bank account it will be paid into

If you do not get a letter or the money has not been paid into your account by January 29, 2025, you must contact the Winter Fuel Payment Centre on 0800 731 0160.

“But no, this is typical Labour tactics taking money from those who can’t fight back.

“I lost my leg due to a medical condition in 1981. This means I do get pension credit, but I’ve had to lose a leg to get it. 

“I’m very cross that this decision to stop the winter fuel payment is going to affect so many of my pensioner friends and colleagues.

“It’s going to be a long cold winter and I can see the hospitals that are already under pressure being full of old folks who will get ill as a result of this callous government action.

“Trouble is the politicians don’t care about old folk. They’d rather give money to train drivers and the like who are already on a big wage than look after OAPs who have worked all their lives and contributed to this country every day.

“Now this government feels they can ignore their needs but not the powerful unions.”

They’d rather give money to train drivers

Ray Knight

Some help is on hand for the worse off pensioners in the town.

A helper at Newport Cottage Care Centre, who did not want to be identified, said: “This place is a lifesaver for lots of OAPs who come here to keep warm and get a fantastic three-course dinner.

“Scraping the winter fuel allowance is going to impact so many of the people who come here.

“If they couldn’t come here, I dread to think how some of them would cope now.

“I can’t believe that the Labour government has made this their priority in the first few months of being in office.”

Nigel Iskander
Retired carpenter Joseph Clayton calls the cut “nasty”[/caption]
Nigel Iskander
OAPs visit this centre to get fed and keep warm[/caption]

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