In sectors like banking when a regulatory rejig takes place, every player has to follow a new set of rules. It is not possible for any entity to escape the regulatory regime. This leads to a situation where entities which are large or are already following best practices are able to make transition to a new regime in a short span of time and are the first one to get rewarded on the street. Others who take time to the follow which normally are smaller or mid sized players tend to get attention later. There is a set of quasi private sector banks which have taken time to change but now that they have changed it is getting reflected in their numbers. Check out Stock Reports Plus, powered by Refinitiv, for price targets of over 4,000 listed stocks along with detailed company analysis focusing on five key components - earnings, fundamentals, relative valuation, risk and price momentum to generate standardized scores. SR+ Reports is a complimentary offering to ETPrime members.